Is this a deficiency? Help quick - pics


I read the deficiency guide....this looks like it could be calcium? IDK....its my first plant and has done good up to now and I don't want it to kick the bucket.

Happy Frog soil
Last watering was last wed or thursday
Unknown bagseed...looks indica though

Sorry to say I can't PH my water at the moment, don't have a kit but I let it sit out for 3 days. Also early last week I added 1/2 teaspoon of FF grow big to that gallon of water. Plant seemed to like it but sunday I woke up to this...Looks like I see a trip to the hydro store in near future to get something to fix this. ThanQs for the help



Ursus marijanus
It's the opposite of a deficiency. That's fairly advanced nute burn. Replant at once in fresh Happy Frog and omit any other nutes. cn


Well-Known Member
Try to remember that tiny plants have tiny roots systems and would take ages to use up the food in the soil. As a general rule, you wouldn't feed in the first few weeks. I just use a weak Rhizotonic initially and then start with 1/4 strength veg nutes.


Done and done. I flushed the root mass with the unfert'd water I had. I put as much fresh soil as I could below, sides, and top of the cup without disturbing the root mass. The plant was starting its 3rd node and I've read nutes are powerful but sheesh...thought it wouldn't hurt.

How long should I wait this time before adding grow big 1/2 teaspoon? Is it determined by plant height or the number of nodes?


Ursus marijanus
I would wait until the plant tells you. A well-fed plant looks it. When my Happy Frog became depleted, I noticed yellowing, esp. of lower leaves (nitrogen) and some faint interveinal striping (perhaps magnesium). I began gently fertilizing at that point. More info in my sig link, if you're bored and like to read. cn


Well-Known Member
Now that you've added fresh soil that will have nutes in it. Read the above most again and wait for the plant to show yellowing.


Well-Known Member
I would wait until the plant tells you. A well-fed plant looks it. When my Happy Frog became depleted, I noticed yellowing, esp. of lower leaves (nitrogen) and some faint interveinal striping (perhaps magnesium). I began gently fertilizing at that point. More info in my sig link, if you're bored and like to read. cn
Listen to this guy, this is the exact same advice I gave out earlier, wait until your plant tells you it used all it has. You dont need to feed a new plant.