question for anyone who has ever failed a drug test!!


Well-Known Member
I don't know what it is like in cali but in colorado good luck. It's all pretty tight knit and of course everyone and their mother wants a job like that.
if i did that id come with a large amount of money to invest in my own business and enough weed to start it up :D different strains than whats usually available i bet...anyway you obviously live in colorado then so im wondering, on tv all the bud at the wellness centers and whatnot look kinda airy and amateurish..its selling for like 240 a it not top shelf shit??....and i havent decided between cali or colorado but i know in cali their is no law binding the clubs to grow most of their own meds so you have the ability to sell to the clubs, they are just the middle man, and also thats why i think the meds look bad on tv in colorado because a bunch of business savvy ppl are being forced to learn the art of growing whereas in cali the shops only take stuff from the best growers....


Well-Known Member
the current NY MMJ bill that's pending has employment protections, which really amazed me
supposed to be patterned on the RI bill which passed(i think) a little while ago
maybe this could be a new trend

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
if i did that id come with a large amount of money to invest in my own business and enough weed to start it up :D different strains than whats usually available i bet...anyway you obviously live in colorado then so im wondering, on tv all the bud at the wellness centers and whatnot look kinda airy and amateurish..its selling for like 240 a it not top shelf shit??....and i havent decided between cali or colorado but i know in cali their is no law binding the clubs to grow most of their own meds so you have the ability to sell to the clubs, they are just the middle man, and also thats why i think the meds look bad on tv in colorado because a bunch of business savvy ppl are being forced to learn the art of growing whereas in cali the shops only take stuff from the best growers....
You hit the nail on the head with that one. All the business owners to have do have to cultivate most of their own and I would mods def not call most of it top notch. That's why the black market is actually doing fairly well around here again. There was the initial boom of dispensaries and everybody lunged for it but now things have slowly died off due to developing regulations from state to county to town. All the good growers are going back to their hustle roots and all the smart customers are following. BUT don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean that there isn't at least one dispensary for every town. And, Denver does hold it's own as far as qaulity, you just have to know what you're looking for.

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
the current NY MMJ bill that's pending has employment protections, which really amazed me
supposed to be patterned on the RI bill which passed(i think) a little while ago
maybe this could be a new trend
I doubt it man. The biggest issue with this is injuring yourself on the job and companies being able to insure that type of thing. When you can't really tell if someone was high or not when the injury occurred it causes a huge liability issue and issuance companies and corporations don't like that. And guess who runs the show . . .


Well-Known Member
I doubt it man. The biggest issue with this is injuring yourself on the job and companies being able to insure that type of thing. When you can't really tell if someone was high or not when the injury occurred it causes a huge liability issue and issuance companies and corporations don't like that. And guess who runs the show . . .
i know what you mean, and i'm sure that's true, no medicating on the job
but the protection is spelled out in the bill, but it's MMJ for severe conditions
however, i could see some grey areas

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
I didn't know that about the NY initiative though and with what I just said it probably just means that theres has a greater risk of failing. Hopefully not but that is a huge risk to take.

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
i know what you mean, and i'm sure that's true, no medicating on the job
but the protection is spelled out in the bill, but it's MMJ for severe conditions
however, i could see some grey areas
That's how it always starts out is with grey areas then they leave it up to state and county government to regulate it. IE fuck it up


Well-Known Member
I didn't know that about the NY initiative though and with what I just said it probably just means that theres has a greater risk of failing. Hopefully not but that is a huge risk to take.
the bill is DOA, we've been through a number of failed bills
but these clauses normally persist from bill to bill, we'll have to see if NY ever passes MMJ

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
One thing that I forgot to mention though is that state legalization of marijuana is on the ballot in november so keep your fingers crossed for that. Then we don't have to worry about jack shit as long as your 21+ : o


Active Member
2008 I took a piss test for The 99 Cent Store @ The 99 Cent Store and was told I failed before I even left the building, literally.
2009 I took a piss test for United Natural Foods Inc via 3rd party hospital. They called me 8 days later to tell me I passed.
2011 I took a piss test for Walmart via 3rd party hospital and they called me later that day to tell me I passed.

The longer you have to wait, the better. Seems to me you passed the drug test and they are just weighing out other options and things in whether to hire you or not.


Well-Known Member
You hit the nail on the head with that one. All the business owners to have do have to cultivate most of their own and I would mods def not call most of it top notch. That's why the black market is actually doing fairly well around here again. There was the initial boom of dispensaries and everybody lunged for it but now things have slowly died off due to developing regulations from state to county to town. All the good growers are going back to their hustle roots and all the smart customers are following. BUT don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean that there isn't at least one dispensary for every town. And, Denver does hold it's own as far as qaulity, you just have to know what you're looking for.
ahhh i kinda figured that was why the herb didnt look as good as mine :twisted: ....i could totally benefit anyone who owns one of those shops i would walk in tell him his buds are crap, but dont worry my man im here to save the day lmaojk ....seriously though hoping to make a decent amount of money within the next year, ill either head to cali and see what happens while i grow and make cash that way and sit on my money, or go to colorado and likely be forced to open my own business instead...choices choices lol

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
ahhh i kinda figured that was why the herb didnt look as good as mine :twisted: ....i could totally benefit anyone who owns one of those shops i would walk in tell him his buds are crap, but dont worry my man im here to save the day lmaojk ....seriously though hoping to make a decent amount of money within the next year, ill either head to cali and see what happens while i grow and make cash that way and sit on my money, or go to colorado and likely be forced to open my own business instead...choices choices lol
If you decide to come to colorado, I can mos def get you a foot in the door as long as you got the fire and are willing to drop p's for about 21-25 depending. Living cost in cali and colorado are about the same. In CO you get a lil' nicer of housing though. I'm just ready for some coastline . . . i'm growing to get out lol


Well-Known Member
i like the idea of the nice weather but at the same time im afraid to grow in cali lol almost everyone is always complaining of spider mites and fungus and this and that, i realize that can happen everywhere but marijuana plants are so prolific in cali it seems that so are the problems associated with growing!...but i guess i cant have the best of both worlds lol


ahhh no i failed....i got robbed though one thing is for sure THEY WILL CALL YOU IF YOU FAIL FOR ANYONE EVER WORRIED IN THE FUTURE.....they were like oh we found cannabis in your sample and i was like well thats not possible and she goes well its im like ok at what amount and she says 48ng...i was like well wtf whats the cutoff level? and she tells me its 15 so they ran me through the mass spec and idk why they did that because i should have passed the 50ng test, the sample was yellow enough (in my book) so idfk what happened but i got screwed!!

Exactly how many business days was it before the MRO contacted you, and at what time during the day did they call?
Also, did you do anything "special" before taking the test, like a detox drink, or extra water or anything?


New Member
i took a drug test a week ago, I have not heard from anyone. labCorp took the test. No one from the MRO has called me. At the time I was 130 days clean, do I need to worry??

Dillon Yahn

New Member
I was wondering if I could get some help. I took a drug test for Kroger last Wednesday but I smoked a very small amount of weed that morning and I haven't heard anything. Am I safe?


New Member
I can't fill you with false hopes and promises; let the scumbag politicians fill that role. I would have to say that you are not out of the clear just yet; the people who perform these tests don't take it lightly, and tend to be consummate professionals who want to ensure they obtain the correct results the first time. If you were completely clean for 21 days, you are most likely good to go but that isn't exactly a guarantee now, is it?? Have a good dinner, rent a good movie, and see what tomorrow brings.
Why would you pee in the floor of the bathroom? What a dick move. A lot of people who work in a hospital are chill and smoke weed. They had nothing to do with you choosing to smoke weed, the laws or the policies at your work place. As a healthcare worker who would have had to clean up your urine instead of spending time with actually sick people and fellow toker I'm disappointed in you and am no longer sympathetic to your cause.