So fucking mad


Well-Known Member
was suppposed to stay the night at a friends, been hanging out all day, and leave early tomorrow.
Not once during this night do i get any forewarning, I smoke them out, and then we go back to her place.
30 minutes later that 1:30 she tells me she doesnt want me to stay anymore so that she can "get some sleep"
Who sends their friends home walking at 1:30 in the morning in only pjs?
thank god her ex was bullied into walking me home, but still, im so mad, why invite me over and not let me know all night that you didnt want me to stay, when the plan was for me to stay! Like seriously, dont rescind your invitation when its 2 am and im half asleep


Well-Known Member
Call 1_800_weed_now.

Did they know you had weed BEFORE you arrived?
no i went over there to han out around 2, then she said stay tonight, im like ok, so then im like i wanna smoke lets get some weed, at like 10. we smoked and yeah.


Well-Known Member
Urca I`ve seen you smoke people out and complain like 3 times now. Seriously, the path to getting hurt is by being nice to people. Keep going, I`ve stopped playing that game. I found that I got pissed off, because I felt like I was being kind. Fuck it I said, nobody lives this life for the trip maan, everyone lives for goodies maan :D


Well-Known Member
How far a walk? to the end of the block? across town?

Why not just say "hay its too late ill just crash on your couch
and leave in the morn?"


Well-Known Member
Like half a mile.
and that was the plan but she was adamant that i leave right then