Blueberry grow......what to do next? when to flower?

I planted 3 germinated BB fem seeds almost 7 weeks ago...So they've been in veg for I'm guessing about 5 weeks or so. I'm pretty sure they have the pre flowering leaves or whatever (the ones that look like little V's at the middle main cola) and 2 days ago I fed them 2 teaspoons of FoxFarms Grow Big in 1 gallon of water. They are in 5 gal buckets (and while i'm on topic I don't believe I'm giving them enough water sooooif someone can tell me how much water is effecient for 3 plants in 5 gals and also 5 plants in 5 gal buckets since that will be my next grow i'd appreciate that alot) I also have Fox Farms Tiger Bloom and Big what should I do next? They're about 10-12 in tall. Should I keep feeding them the grow big then flower in a week or so? If so then what about the Tiger and Big Bloom once I begin flowering? I need alot of help lol. Any advice would be great!


Ursus marijanus
I cannot give much more advice. Does each plant have its own 5-gallon bucket?
Under what lights are you running, and with how much space?
Soil? What kind? Did you admix dolomite in the recommended proportion?
Do you have the capacity to measure ppm/EC of your water before and after blending nutrient? What sort of water?
Many other questions.
As for smell, that will become much stronger as they head into flower. Assuming that you have females, which with fem. seeds is likely but not guaranteed.

What is your source for instructions on how to do this? Which grow guides have you read? If "none', that's a priority project imo.
Sorry i could not help more. cn