I planted 3 germinated BB fem seeds almost 7 weeks ago...So they've been in veg for I'm guessing about 5 weeks or so. I'm pretty sure they have the pre flowering leaves or whatever (the ones that look like little V's at the middle main cola) and 2 days ago I fed them 2 teaspoons of FoxFarms Grow Big in 1 gallon of water. They are in 5 gal buckets (and while i'm on topic I don't believe I'm giving them enough water sooooif someone can tell me how much water is effecient for 3 plants in 5 gals and also 5 plants in 5 gal buckets since that will be my next grow i'd appreciate that alot) I also have Fox Farms Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom...so what should I do next? They're about 10-12 in tall. Should I keep feeding them the grow big then flower in a week or so? If so then what about the Tiger and Big Bloom once I begin flowering? I need alot of help lol. Any advice would be great!