I feel the same way.interesting question... i would say it couldnt possibly be before they have developed a sense of morality (or not) - or are emotionally capable. Maybe its when your brain chemestry develops to give you an identity (at fetus level). Its a slippery slope, all this abstract 'wondering', dont get me started on the conceptual problem of infinity - caused me many restless nights lol
If you set all science aside cn, and really think about the things humans are capable of spiritually and emotionally, you will see we have a soul. I think humans havings souls is the one and only thing that every religion agrees on. Without a soul we would just be organisms that live to die.Why posit a soul at all? As near as i can tell, there is zero evidence for "soul" being a useful and characterizable quantity.
If you set all science aside cn, and really think about the things humans are capable of spiritually and emotionally, you will see we have a soul. I think humans having souls is the one and only thing that every religion agrees on. Without a soul we would just be organisms that live to die.
do you believe in any kind of spirits or spirituality?I have meditated intensely upon the question. If you can show me in a consequent manner how I too can conclude that soul is
a) real
b) of consequence,
i will listen.
However most or all of the attributes I've seen ascribed to Soul can be taken over, without injury, by the utterly unmagical properties of Mind. As a result, I don't consider the term "spirit" or "spiritual" to have value. So yes, I am sympathetic to the view that we are animals like others, with just as much no-soul. I believe we do live to die, and to ideally have offspring who can carry the bloodline and culture forward.
These discussions typically end badly, since neither side can effectively prove its claims or disprove those of the opponent's. When a standard of intellectual andor philosophical rigor is not shared, effective discussion becomes difficult. My opinion. cn
Nah, when our physical bodies die our souls continue to live.I believe in god and in the fact that we are pretty much just organisms that live and die, not live to die, everything that is living is food for something else, life is supposed to spread and create more life or as it is put in the bible to go forth and procreate...
Why dont you believe it?I don't believe that K, but it would be cool if it is true...
do you believe in any kind of spirits or spirituality?
Everything has a soul, I believe (hate using the word "believe") in reincarnation and that human beings are the final step in physical consciousness and learning. If you haven't learned the right things by the time you die then you get sent back to be a human again until you get a sense of what reality is. Not that you have to learn a certain criteria of knowledge, just basically be a good person and love a lot, as long as you acknowledge spirit and love then your good to go.
And here come the militant atheists that finish arguments that go nowhere...
Why dont you believe it?