When do you get a soul??


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in souls, when you die, you're dead. Your brain is dead, you can't think..... Just dead, simply put out of existence.... Sleeping forever with no dreams. Just my opinion though. Which is why i get so depressed when i think about it :(. Life is a precious thing.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Or we could not argue, except the fact that nobody actually has concrete evidence for either side and get on with our lives without being complete dickheads...

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Lol - as opposed to those (for example) christians who back up all their arguments with concrete fact!
Both atheists and christians are right and wrong. Christians blindly follow the teachings of their book word for word, and take everything literally when theres a lot of metaphorical truth, Im not talking about the majority of the book that obviously came out of mans imagination... Things that are true like "Know thy self and you shall know god... God is light" are the most notable ones.


Well-Known Member
Not at this time. What I do believe is that we have a quirk of neural wiring that strongly predisposes humans to believe in soul and God and magic. Witness the tremendous staying power of, say, astrology. So for me, it reduces to an interesting property of matter. Unless, of course, I am shown a real reason to change this opinion. My big complaint with alleged phenomena of spirit is their fitfulness, irreproducibility. cn
Are you an atheist?


Well-Known Member
Everything has a soul, I believe (hate using the word "believe") in reincarnation and that human beings are the final step in physical consciousness and learning. If you havent learned the right things by the time you die then you get sent back to be a human again until you get a sense of what reality is. Not that you have to learn a certain criteria of knowledge, just basically be a good person and love a lot, as long as you acknowledge spirit and love then your good to go.
Where do you think the soul goes when all the "reincarnating" is done?


Ursus marijanus
Are you an atheist?
I am a Recursive Agnostic.
I have not found any sound evidence for an engaged, consequential deity.
However saying "I believe there is none" is stronger than my actual [dis]belief.
Agnosticism in its strict sense states that the question of "can God even be known" is answered No. Since my answer to the question is "I don't know", I classify myself as a recursive agnostic.

In re questions of spirit: I note that humans are very gullible and also have this tremendous hunger for the idea and effect of spirit as a source of both power and guidance. So I am a very, very careful shopper in this aisle, to CWE's mild irritation. cn

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Where do you think the soul goes when all the "reincarnating" is done?
To the spirit world I guess. If we really exist for eternity then technically we are inexperienced gods, we have eternity to learn and evolve and discover , eternity of opportunity. So eventually we'd reach god status and be masters of love and creation.


Well-Known Member
Asking for proof of a soul is also asking for proof of god. Look in the mirror. You are living proof of god, created in his image. After god finished creating everything in his "7" days (billions of years human time) he "breathed" life into humans.. meaning he gave us souls, seperating us from all other living things. Besides that tho, if you dont believe in any type of spirits, how do you explain demons? How do you explain miracles? I know plenty of people that have seen demons.. they reveal themselves more than angels do. You ppl ask for concrete proof believing there is none just because you havent experienced anything first hand. There are PLENTY of ppl that have experiences with the spiritual world. There is more than enough concrete proof.


Ursus marijanus
Asking for proof of a soul is also asking for proof of god. Look in the mirror. You are living proof of god, created in his image. After god finished creating everything in his "7" days (billions of years human time) he "breathed" life into humans.. meaning he gave us souls, seperating us from all other living things. Besides that tho, if you dont believe in any type of spirits, how do you explain demons? How do you explain miracles? I know plenty of people that have seen demons.. they reveal themselves more than angels do. You ppl ask for concrete proof believing there is none just because you havent experienced anything first hand. There are PLENTY of ppl that have experiences with the spiritual world. There is more than enough concrete proof.
I don't know of one single instance of demon or miracle that has stood the tests of careful investigation. The burden to explain them is not on me but on those who accept these things as real.
And testimony is never proof. It's too easily manipulated. cn


Well-Known Member
Asking for proof of a soul is also asking for proof of god. Look in the mirror. You are living proof of god, created in his image. After god finished creating everything in his "7" days (billions of years human time) he "breathed" life into humans.. meaning he gave us souls, seperating us from all other living things. Besides that tho, if you dont believe in any type of spirits, how do you explain demons? How do you explain miracles? I know plenty of people that have seen demons.. they reveal themselves more than angels do. You ppl ask for concrete proof believing there is none just because you havent experienced anything first hand. There are PLENTY of ppl that have experiences with the spiritual world. There is more than enough concrete proof.
If there is more than enough concrete proof, why is there still a debate about it?

Please, provide any proof of a 'spiritual world'. What is the most convincing piece of evidence you've seen?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
So you believe that you are a god..?
I believe the creator of this universe views us as his/her equals. I believe everyone is an inexperienced god, with an eternity of learning and evolving, who says we cant eventually learn enough to create our own universe?... Yes, I know how far fetched it sounds to someone who doesnt believe in souls lol.