Will I be clean for Drug test?


Hey guys I"m sure you see people asking these questions all the time, but I just want your input to ease my mind. I use to be a daily smoker, but I stopped smoking pot March 20th. I was looking for a new job and didn't want to risk failing a drug test. Well two weeks ago I received a very nice job offer, which I'm very excited for. The following day my mom wanted me to take a drug test b/c she didn't believe I stopped smoking. I took it and passed Negative as I didn't smoke since March 20th. I signed my contract and everything, and thought I was good to go, so Friday the 8th of June I took Just 1 hit of a blunt thinking that I was clear to go of any drug tests, but didn't want to take more then one hit just in case something weird popped up. Anyway today the HR calls me and says that they are going to send me my screening information for new employees (GULP). Now I took that 1 hit of blunt exactly 10 days ago. I drink lots of water, don't have much body fat and run about 2.5 miles 3-4 times a week. There's not date set for the drug test so I will defiantly be a few more days, but do you guys think I will be fine for passing the test?



I haven't received any information yet about the test, so probably by the time I take the test I will be 16+ days clean of that 1 small hit. Before that 1 hit I was 100% clean. Last Thursday (the 14th) I had a THC drug test strip and both lines were visible which means (Negative) I'm just worried b/c this test came out of no where and its a life changing job. I've read that people took the strips and passed, but then failed the lab test. Little worried.


Well-Known Member
Drink plenty of beer, water, and gatorade. And I mean PLENTY. You want to piss like 15 times a day.


Active Member
A single hit won't be detected after 2 weeks, heck most likely not even a joint!

Chill out lol


Well-Known Member
well i actually just made a similar post about 3-4 weeks ago and i was clean for exactly 21 days from constant smoking and i failed at like 47ng so i would have passed a normal test but for some reason they sent my sample through the mass spec which the test cutoff is 15ng for that....so first i have to say DUMMY you were clean so long why did you smoke before you knew the process was over :wall: lol .....now second is the helpful part, ya you will be clean no problem in 2 weeks or however long you said BUT you do not want your sample to get scrutinized as mine did you need to make sure you cease drinking water a day before the test if it looks diluted or has low amounts of creatime then you will get mass spectraumatized and have a higher possibility of failing....so eat a high meat diet to keep up the creatine levels and stop drinking excesive amounts of water at least a day before the test and you will be fine for sure.....and honestly should be fine anyway


Well-Known Member
what does that even mean look into certo lol...is that a retension drink?? hes gonna be fine why would he go and waste 50 bucks and risk failing with a tampered specimen...dont listen to that retard

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
If it was only one puff and not a long sustained drag chances are you'll be alright...

And so what if his urine is thinned out a little... he could just be on one of those water overdose detox things women go on all the time...


It was a little drag.. not a big hit at all. Like I said I just took a drug test 5 days ago, 6 days after I took that drag and it came back as negative. I'll head to CVS to purchase another one to second check myself. My buddy said he bought a little black pill at GNC for $80 and he smokes everyday and passed after 2. I took a little drag over 11 days ago. I feel I should be alright, but don't want to take any chances.


Well-Known Member
your fine man no worries....unless your a fattie ;) lol....seriously though almost no matter what the circumstances are you are fine


well i actually just made a similar post about 3-4 weeks ago and i was clean for exactly 21 days from constant smoking and i failed at like 47ng so i would have passed a normal test but for some reason they sent my sample through the mass spec which the test cutoff is 15ng for that....so first i have to say DUMMY you were clean so long why did you smoke before you knew the process was over :wall: lol .....now second is the helpful part, ya you will be clean no problem in 2 weeks or however long you said BUT you do not want your sample to get scrutinized as mine did you need to make sure you cease drinking water a day before the test if it looks diluted or has low amounts of creatime then you will get mass spectraumatized and have a higher possibility of failing....so eat a high meat diet to keep up the creatine levels and stop drinking excesive amounts of water at least a day before the test and you will be fine for sure.....and honestly should be fine anyway

You also need to remember you were consistently smoking and stopped for 21 days, I've been clean for over 2 months before that 1 small puff. I also run 2.5-3 miles a day and eat healthy.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Even if you do come up positive on the test you buy you can't exactly say to them that you want them to move the date of the test, they wont wait for you... It would in my opinion just be a waste of money to buy an other test mate...


Well-Known Member
well let us know if you pass... i think you should be fine... just don't dab again until you are free and clear of any other testing. good luck. stay high


You also said you were consistently smoking before stopping for 21 days. I've been clean for over 2 months before the 1 little puff. I think I will be fine, just nervous :P


Even if you do come up positive on the test you buy you can't exactly say to them that you want them to move the date of the test, they wont wait for you... It would in my opinion just be a waste of money to buy an other test mate...
Well if it comes back negative it will put my mind for the next few days at much ease.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Do what you gotta do... Stress is a killer... If that'll help you out then by all means don't let a pot head from Australia sway your decisions...