When do you get a soul??

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Yeah, many organized religious followers are very kind people. There's plenty of god buildings here where I live that help young pregnant moms, feed starving people, help send people in the right direction for gov assistance, and some members are actually kind and will give you helpful advice.. Not that they couldn't do any of those things without their religion.

But sadly, religion has caused more harm than help.
You can't know that for sure... that is like saying if Hitler had of died as a baby the world would be a better place, it is pure speculation as to the true harm done as apposed to the supposed good that may have flourished in the absence of his presence in the world as an adult... You can't say that the world would have been better without him because if not him perhaps someone worse would have gotten in to power, or worse still the world kept chuggin along until there were many more millions of people and then World war 2 happens and kills many more untold millions of people...

You're purely speculating that everything that people have done in the name of god has caused more harm to the world than if it had not happened in the first place...


Well-Known Member
I'm not knowledgeable in thermodynamics at all, I have never studied it in my life and probably never will...

I believe that the universe will probably collapses back in on itself to start over again... a re shuffle of the deck so to speak...
Thats what we were told at school ..... Current thinking postulates an ever expanding universe, where all the sub atomic particles occupy an infinite distance apart.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I haven't read anything on the universe really since Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I would agree. I believe the corruption on religion is what leads to conflict. Religion is corrupted for the control of resources. It happened in the beginning and it happens today.

Religion is essential for our psyche as human beings. Its the ideas that religions ask that make us humans. Wishing away Religion is like wishing away philosophy. You may not agree with a philosophical idea but does that mean we shouldn't have any Philosophy. The idea is preposterous.
Remove the words (Philosophy) and replace them with (Theology) and i would agree. The latter sentence though i beg to differ.


Well-Known Member
I haven't read anything on the universe really since Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension
Ive not read anything since "brief history of time" . I watch all the BBC programs and have spent hours listening to tapes of the greats like Richard Feynmen, Sagan etc.


New Member
yah you guys are so far from getting anywhere its hilarious. keep looking for answers outside of yourselves and your just keeping the confusion going. when you realize that the answer isnt even anything you could ever put into words, its somthing you have 2 know in your SOUL. haha keep reading deeper and deeper into the bible its easy 2 mold the words into anything you want them 2 mean. when you find your own answers in your heart you wont feel the need 2 push your beliefs onto others in a aggresive "have 2 be right" attitude.


New Member
You can't know that for sure... that is like saying if Hitler had of died as a baby the world would be a better place, it is pure speculation as to the true harm done as apposed to the supposed good that may have flourished in the absence of his presence in the world as an adult... You can't say that the world would have been better without him because if not him perhaps someone worse would have gotten in to power, or worse still the world kept chuggin along until there were many more millions of people and then World war 2 happens and kills many more untold millions of people...

You're purely speculating that everything that people have done in the name of god has caused more harm to the world than if it had not happened in the first place...
thats the stupidest shit ive ever heard, so your telling me if i take a gun and shoot you in the face i cant say that if that gun had not been made your brains wouldnt be splattered on the wall at the exact moment. that sounds like somthing OJ Simpson could have used in his defence, ignorant bureucratic Zionistic defence shit


Well-Known Member
All human civilization is based on religion. The Egyptians built an empire and created what would become our alphabet because of religion. Its these ideas that have through history lead to our current scientific methodologies. Everything from astronomy to the concept of 'zero' owe there origin to religion.

Seems a bit churlish to deny its importance now.
I didn't say religion isn't important. I strongly believe that religion was the first form of science. Yeah they thought up pretty crazy explanations, but at least they were intelligent enough to think.. And their thoughts brought us to where we are today.

I'm just saying that they carried it a little too far IMO. I can back that up if you want. :)


Well-Known Member
You can't know that for sure... that is like saying if Hitler had of died as a baby the world would be a better place, it is pure speculation as to the true harm done as apposed to the supposed good that may have flourished in the absence of his presence in the world as an adult... You can't say that the world would have been better without him because if not him perhaps someone worse would have gotten in to power, or worse still the world kept chuggin along until there were many more millions of people and then World war 2 happens and kills many more untold millions of people...

You're purely speculating that everything that people have done in the name of god has caused more harm to the world than if it had not happened in the first place...
Ok, you put alot more thought into my post than I did myself.

I was just saying that in the name of religion, more people have died than pregnant women have been helped or starving people fed.


Ursus marijanus
yah you guys are so far from getting anywhere its hilarious. keep looking for answers outside of yourselves and your just keeping the confusion going. when you realize that the answer isnt even anything you could ever put into words, its somthing you have 2 know in your SOUL. haha keep reading deeper and deeper into the bible its easy 2 mold the words into anything you want them 2 mean. when you find your own answers in your heart you wont feel the need 2 push your beliefs onto others in a aggresive "have 2 be right" attitude.
In other words ... irreducibly subjective. cn


New Member
I didn't say religion isn't important. I strongly believe that religion was the first form of science. Yeah they thought up pretty crazy explanations, but at least they were intelligent enough to think.. And their thoughts brought us to where we are today.

I'm just saying that they carried it a little too far IMO. I can back that up if you want. :)
and the Egyptians didnt found those things on religion, their religion was formed upon those things, theirs a big difference, the Astronomy came before the religion that makes a big fucking difference than the religion coming before the astronomy, and before you say how does that matter, how does "what came 1st the chicken or the egg matter?" is what your asking


New Member
In other words ... irreducibly subjective. cn
please explain, its really annoying when people try 2 word things in ways that make seem more intelligent. it takes more intelligence 2 explain things in a understandable manner than 2 just sling big, rarely used words around.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Thats what we were told at school ..... Current thinking postulates an ever expanding universe, where all the sub atomic particles occupy an infinite distance apart.
I wonder if it would be possible for human existence to survive in this universe forever. Through technology such as traveling through worm holes, half biological and mechanical bodies with nano machines that have our cells never degenerate. Who really knows where technology will bring us.

I just watched that new Tron movie, the main characters father describes time passing in the digital world as seconds are to years... maybe we will put our brains into a matrix type reality where time passes slower, that way we would increase our time of existence in the real world substantially...maybe we've already done it? Hehehe, i am so baked right now.:eyesmoke:

Edit: Dude, i watched this stephen hawking show about time, where it says time will pass slower if we can get a shit into orbit really close to a black hole... we could combine that with the matrix idea for ultimate time!


Well-Known Member
I didn't say religion isn't important. I strongly believe that religion was the first form of science. Yeah they thought up pretty crazy explanations, but at least they were intelligent enough to think.. And their thoughts brought us to where we are today.

I'm just saying that they carried it a little too far IMO. I can back that up if you want. :)
Well, I thought you were denying its importance with the post below.

Not that they couldn't do any of those things without their religion.

But sadly, religion has caused more harm than help.


Well-Known Member
please explain, its really annoying when people try 2 word things in ways that make seem more intelligent. it takes more intelligence 2 explain things in a understandable manner than 2 just sling big, rarely used words around.
If everybdoy had a good sense of vocabulary like neer does, we would be able to understand each other more. We would be able to make our writings and posts more "in-depth".


New Member
If everybdoy had a good sense of vocabulary like neer does, we would be able to understand each other more. We would be able to make our writings and posts more "in-depth".
except for the fact that what he said doesnt make any fucking sense....go look up "irreducibly" hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Well, I thought you were denying its importance with the post below.
If anything, that post helps give religion a good name.
I still stick by what I said though (assuming you're talking about the "not that they couldn't do any of those things without their religion". We could be where we are today and maybe be even more advanced without religion. Science has always been there.