PROOF that GOD Exists......


Well-Known Member's one of those situations where a word takes on an unintended tone. Staunch, to me, is how I am toward my belief in God. The intent of my post to afrawfraw was a humorous one. Nothing to do with how I perceive him, or atheism :) I don't come from a tainted view of 'them', imagine if none of us had made any formal declaration of opinions - would we know the difference? (here, in the forum)

Yes, we would.


Well-Known Member
So I read thru like half of this.. its ridiculous how eventually every thread having to do with something that goes beyond what modern science can explain some atheists, or trolls, come and start making personal attacks. I have one message for atheists. You dont believe? Ok. You dont think theres enough proof? Thats fine. But you nor any other human being cannot come out and say "if science cant prove it its not real". Do you know how much shit there is on this planet that human minds cant comprehend, or computers? Do you know how much shit there is in the entire universe?? Science has probably explained maybe 1% of anything. You cannot sit there and tell somebody that just because you are ignorant and dont believe things that cant be proved, that it cant exist. And the funny thing is that science has only proved most things in religion to be true. The bible has almost been proved to completely true because advancements in science. If you were really so smart, you would realize that science and religion are the same thing. (almost). The problem is not too many ppl put 2 and 2 together. This is a weed forum, pot smokers are supposed to be open minded and tolerant of others ideas, especially since we want everyone to be tolerant and open minded to our pot smoking. Stop being stubborn. If I could mail this to you it wud be on a piece of paper that I wiped my ass with.


Well-Known Member
So I read thru like half of this.. its ridiculous how eventually every thread having to do with something that goes beyond what modern science can explain some atheists, or trolls, come and start making personal attacks. I have one message for atheists. You dont believe? Ok. You dont think theres enough proof? Thats fine. But you nor any other human being cannot come out and say "if science cant prove it its not real". Do you know how much shit there is on this planet that human minds cant comprehend, or computers? Do you know how much shit there is in the entire universe?? Science has probably explained maybe 1% of anything. You cannot sit there and tell somebody that just because you are ignorant and dont believe things that cant be proved, that it cant exist. And the funny thing is that science has only proved most things in religion to be true. The bible has almost been proved to completely true because advancements in science. If you were really so smart, you would realize that science and religion are the same thing. (almost). The problem is not too many ppl put 2 and 2 together. This is a weed forum, pot smokers are supposed to be open minded and tolerant of others ideas, especially since we want everyone to be tolerant and open minded to our pot smoking. Stop being stubborn. If I could mail this to you it wud be on a piece of paper that I wiped my ass with.
Careful Kaendar, you admitted to only reading half the thread so you're about to get flamed by a bunch of people. also, I find it interesting that this was your take on the thread. Quite literally, I find it interesting. If you finish the thread please comment on whether you maintain your position. My interest lies with the fact that you seem to be ok with atheism in itself, but it would appear that your reading of their posts understands them as quite hostile and stubborn. While I agree with the tenor of your post above, it may do well to temper your statement. If you'll notice, you've somewhat allied yourself with the non-atheist "camp" (for lack of better terminology) and will be subject to the criticism that your reading of the atheists posts is colored by your own subjective position. Also, that this forum is ostensibly for people who enjoy cannabis, this should not be taken to mean anything about the proclivities, politics or attitudes of the people here. Every kind of person loves kind so you don't have to be a specific kind of person to be here; it takes all kinds.
be easy


Well-Known Member
So I read thru like half of this.. its ridiculous how eventually every thread having to do with something that goes beyond what modern science can explain some atheists, or trolls, come and start making personal attacks. I have one message for atheists. You dont believe? Ok. You dont think theres enough proof? Thats fine. But you nor any other human being cannot come out and say "if science cant prove it its not real". Do you know how much shit there is on this planet that human minds cant comprehend, or computers? Do you know how much shit there is in the entire universe?? Science has probably explained maybe 1% of anything. You cannot sit there and tell somebody that just because you are ignorant and dont believe things that cant be proved, that it cant exist. And the funny thing is that science has only proved most things in religion to be true. The bible has almost been proved to completely true because advancements in science. If you were really so smart, you would realize that science and religion are the same thing. (almost). The problem is not too many ppl put 2 and 2 together. This is a weed forum, pot smokers are supposed to be open minded and tolerant of others ideas, especially since we want everyone to be tolerant and open minded to our pot smoking. Stop being stubborn. If I could mail this to you it wud be on a piece of paper that I wiped my ass with.
Religion and science are the same thing (Almost)= “Every human culture has a set of creation myths, but they’re in the realm of mythology or religion or folklore and of course they’re all mutually inconsistent." - Carl Sagan

“In science it often happens that scientists say, 'You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they would actually change their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. They really do it. It doesn't happen as often as it should, because scientists are human and change is sometimes painful. But it happens every day. I cannot recall the last time something like that happened in politics or religion.”
Carl Sagan

This is why religion and science are never going to be similar. You ask for tolerance and open minds, and then push the BIBLE!? I'm just too ignorant to condone slavery, abuse, murder, genocide, rape, and suggesting that females are substandard. I'm too ignorant to go from "?" to "A cosmic Jewish zombie walked the earth after being stapled to a couple 2X4's, turned water into wine, bread into fish, and had a virgin mother. Who the fuck believes that!? If I did witness Jesus' return, I'd give him a "Double Tap", a fitting response to any Zombie. I apologize for my ignorant understanding of the bible. I had no idea millions of animals could fit on a crudely build freighter. Just too damn ignorant to understand that if GOD wants you to be aware of him, he uses doctrine like any other religion, and makes no appearances. Oh, while your talking shit about Atheists, uh, you're worshiping one. To say that "If science can't prove it it's not real." Shows you have no understanding of science, or how it is revered by people who study it. If science can't even observe it, I don't say "It doesn't exist." I'd say, "Hmmm, looks like we need more information." If I saw a "Miracle", I wouldn't freak out and start thanking shiva, or Allah, or any magical creature. I would ask for an observation using instruments not susceptible to delusion. Just because it looks real and feels real, doesn't mean it's real. I'm sorry to have bothered you with this ignorant posting. - An ignorant skeptic.


Well-Known Member
So I read thru like half of this.. its ridiculous how eventually every thread having to do with something that goes beyond what modern science can explain some atheists, or trolls, come and start making personal attacks. I have one message for atheists. You dont believe? Ok. You dont think theres enough proof? Thats fine. But you nor any other human being cannot come out and say "if science cant prove it its not real". Do you know how much shit there is on this planet that human minds cant comprehend, or computers? Do you know how much shit there is in the entire universe?? Science has probably explained maybe 1% of anything. You cannot sit there and tell somebody that just because you are ignorant and dont believe things that cant be proved, that it cant exist. And the funny thing is that science has only proved most things in religion to be true. The bible has almost been proved to completely true because advancements in science. If you were really so smart, you would realize that science and religion are the same thing. (almost). The problem is not too many ppl put 2 and 2 together. This is a weed forum, pot smokers are supposed to be open minded and tolerant of others ideas, especially since we want everyone to be tolerant and open minded to our pot smoking. Stop being stubborn. If I could mail this to you it wud be on a piece of paper that I wiped my ass with.
The reason this is offensive is because you are searching for flaws in the opposition without first searching for flaws in your own opinion and knowledge. Why do you suppose you are entitled to speak critically about a subject you have not explored? You only bring to the table your own flaws and subject us to your cognitive failures. This does not seem to be very responsible or conscientious, in fact it seems very pigheaded and shortsighted.


Well-Known Member
So I read thru like half of this.. its ridiculous how eventually every thread having to do with something that goes beyond what modern science can explain some atheists, or trolls, come and start making personal attacks. I have one message for atheists. You dont believe? Ok. You dont think theres enough proof? Thats fine. But you nor any other human being cannot come out and say "if science cant prove it its not real". Do you know how much shit there is on this planet that human minds cant comprehend, or computers? Do you know how much shit there is in the entire universe?? Science has probably explained maybe 1% of anything. You cannot sit there and tell somebody that just because you are ignorant and dont believe things that cant be proved, that it cant exist. And the funny thing is that science has only proved most things in religion to be true. The bible has almost been proved to completely true because advancements in science. If you were really so smart, you would realize that science and religion are the same thing. (almost). The problem is not too many ppl put 2 and 2 together. This is a weed forum, pot smokers are supposed to be open minded and tolerant of others ideas, especially since we want everyone to be tolerant and open minded to our pot smoking. Stop being stubborn. If I could mail this to you it wud be on a piece of paper that I wiped my ass with.
so many things wrong with everything just posted... where to begin?

science is nowhere near the same thing as religion, religion is basically folk lore to get people to submit to the church(most religions that is), science is knowledge acquired through experimentation and observation. religion is nowhere near the same thing as science, that was incredibly ignorant to say, not to mention religion was created to answer questions that science(which was not yet advanced enough) should have answered, though there is still some things we cant answer we shouldnt go off making establishments that support these ideas(note i said idea, not theory, not proof, but an idea, theres no proof behind an idea). better yet we shouldnt tell people if they deny these ideas theyre gonna burn in hell or some sort of eternal suffering.

your trying to defend a guy who tried saying dreams(basically what an NDE is) is solid evidence of the existence of god while its just the release of chemicals in your brain, similar to the chemicals you release when dreaming, but he denied the fact that this gland that releases said chemicals(the pinneal gland, and dimethyltryptamine) exists at all(probably like how he denies dinosaurs, after all the worlds just a couple thousand years old right?), revealing his ignorance to something that has been proved, not by a book that has been changed for ages, but through science, something that isnt baseless like religion. he even tried calling one of the respected people in our community stupid, my advice is if you try to recruit people to your pointless religion, go door to door so we have the option of shutting the door on your face, this type of bullshit doesnt belong on a weed forum, especially from someone who gets all their info from a biased source like youtube. now please, dont mail your fecal matter on paper, thats fucking disgusting.


Well-Known Member
So I read thru like half of this.. its ridiculous how eventually every thread having to do with something that goes beyond what modern science can explain some atheists, or trolls, come and start making personal attacks. I have one message for atheists. You dont believe? Ok. You dont think theres enough proof? Thats fine. But you nor any other human being cannot come out and say "if science cant prove it its not real". Do you know how much shit there is on this planet that human minds cant comprehend, or computers? Do you know how much shit there is in the entire universe?? Science has probably explained maybe 1% of anything. You cannot sit there and tell somebody that just because you are ignorant and dont believe things that cant be proved, that it cant exist. And the funny thing is that science has only proved most things in religion to be true. The bible has almost been proved to completely true because advancements in science. If you were really so smart, you would realize that science and religion are the same thing. (almost). The problem is not too many ppl put 2 and 2 together. This is a weed forum, pot smokers are supposed to be open minded and tolerant of others ideas, especially since we want everyone to be tolerant and open minded to our pot smoking. Stop being stubborn. If I could mail this to you it wud be on a piece of paper that I wiped my ass with.
Ignoring the rest of it, because it's been covered by other posters before me. How do you maintain an air of seriousness about your post when it starts with complaints about the hostile attitude of atheists, then closes with "If I could mail this to you it wud be on a piece of paper that I wiped my ass with." seem a bit hypocritical? While you're mulling that over, I have another bone to pick. Are you aware that not all atheists are the same? I know it may come as a shock, but there's alot of very nice ones in the world. You making a blanket statement about atheists is no different than me saying "All christians are child molesters.", or "All black people steal.". Do you see why profiling is bad? Honestly, most religious people are okay. Having an invisible sky friend is harmless, until he begins condoning misogyny, human sacrifice, slavery, and death for wearing poly/cotton blend clothing. That's what gets people nervous.


Well-Known Member
so many things wrong with everything just posted... where to begin?

science is nowhere near the same thing as religion, religion is basically folk lore to get people to submit to the church(most religions that is), science is knowledge acquired through experimentation and observation. religion is nowhere near the same thing as science, that was incredibly ignorant to say, not to mention religion was created to answer questions that science(which was not yet advanced enough) should have answered, though there is still some things we cant answer we shouldnt go off making establishments that support these ideas(note i said idea, not theory, not proof, but an idea, theres no proof behind an idea). better yet we shouldnt tell people if they deny these ideas theyre gonna burn in hell or some sort of eternal suffering.

your trying to defend a guy who tried saying dreams(basically what an NDE is) is solid evidence of the existence of god while its just the release of chemicals in your brain, similar to the chemicals you release when dreaming, but he denied the fact that this gland that releases said chemicals(the pinneal gland, and dimethyltryptamine) exists at all(probably like how he denies dinosaurs, after all the worlds just a couple thousand years old right?), revealing his ignorance to something that has been proved, not by a book that has been changed for ages, but through science, something that isnt baseless like religion. he even tried calling one of the respected people in our community stupid, my advice is if you try to recruit people to your pointless religion, go door to door so we have the option of shutting the door on your face, this type of bullshit doesnt belong on a weed forum, especially from someone who gets all their info from a biased source like youtube. now please, dont mail your fecal matter on paper, thats fucking disgusting.
Your very wrong in many ways. Some of the most renowned scientist have compared science and religion, noting that they started the same way and answer the same questions, science explains how, and religion may explain why if you choose to believe. You are the type of person that refuses to even consider what someone else has to say. In an intelligent discussion, one side presents their their theory/ideas or watever and also listens to what the other side has to say as well. You just wanna listen to you. AND your looking like a raging lunatic in the process, I read thru like 20 pages and saw you mention DMT way too much. I dont understand why you couldnt just say what you have to say and move on. Why do you have to go on threads and bash ppls beliefs? Maybe you could be wrong. Ever think about that?

Also, dont generalize and assume that anybody that believes in god is christian or belongs to a religion. Most people on this planet believe in god or gods and we sure arent all in the same "pointless religion". I personally dont believe in organized religion. Too much of it is for the will of man and not the will of god, take the Catholic church for example. Im one of those people that says some of the bible is metaphorical but still very serious. Did god create the universe in 7 days? Not 7 human days, in human time it took billions of years, but god is beyond knowledge, he is omnipotent so 7 years to him is billions of years to us. Do animals evolve to adapt to their surroundings? Yes. Did dinosaurs exist? Of course. I admit that not everything is right about religion, and even if I didnt believe it that still wouldnt give me the right to disrespect everyone else because they do. I understand where you skepticism or disbelief might stem from, but I challenge you to take the time and wonder what if. What if your wrong. What if we are all wrong and just some part of an alien expirement. Either way you need to think about the fact that in the near infinite spans of this universe, our intelligence and our science doesnt mean shit. Theres so much to ponder about that we wont even scratch the surface before we become extinct. Its ridiculous that some ppl think that they have the answers to the universe.


Well-Known Member
Ignoring the rest of it, because it's been covered by other posters before me. How do you maintain an air of seriousness about your post when it starts with complaints about the hostile attitude of atheists, then closes with "If I could mail this to you it wud be on a piece of paper that I wiped my ass with." seem a bit hypocritical? While you're mulling that over, I have another bone to pick. Are you aware that not all atheists are the same? I know it may come as a shock, but there's alot of very nice ones in the world. You making a blanket statement about atheists is no different than me saying "All christians are child molesters.", or "All black people steal.". Do you see why profiling is bad? Honestly, most religious people are okay. Having an invisible sky friend is harmless, until he begins condoning misogyny, human sacrifice, slavery, and death for wearing poly/cotton blend clothing. That's what gets people nervous.
As far as the child molestation, I think your getting catholicism and christianity mixed up. Catholic priests molest little boys and tell the masses to worship dead people, not christians.


Well-Known Member
As far as the child molestation, I think your getting catholicism and christianity mixed up. Catholic priests molest little boys and tell the masses to worship dead people, not christians.
You seem to be confused about the things that come out of your mouth. Sometimes it helps to think things through rather than allow your brain to vomit.


Well-Known Member
Your very wrong in many ways. Some of the most renowned scientist have compared science and religion, noting that they started the same way and answer the same questions, science explains how, and religion may explain why if you choose to believe. You are the type of person that refuses to even consider what someone else has to say. In an intelligent discussion, one side presents their their theory/ideas or watever and also listens to what the other side has to say as well. You just wanna listen to you. AND your looking like a raging lunatic in the process, I read thru like 20 pages and saw you mention DMT way too much. I dont understand why you couldnt just say what you have to say and move on. Why do you have to go on threads and bash ppls beliefs? Maybe you could be wrong. Ever think about that?
how are you gonna guess the type of person i am with 0 knowledge of who i am? the post before this one makes almost as much sense as this one. what scientist compared religion to science? did said scientists have a mental disorder? i heard his point, like 5 times, even posted it on one of my threads, sorry if i cant stand hearing misinformation spread like a disease, the bibles already done it enough. and yeah, this guy denied the fact the DMT exists in your mind, as well as almost every other living creature, then changed his view once like 20 other people told him it was true. and yes, im so very wrong about this, i guess studies on the human brain have no value, guess NDEs are just god trying to talk to you :lol: give me a break dude, your delirious.

Also, dont generalize and assume that anybody that believes in god is christian or belongs to a religion. Most people on this planet believe in god or gods and we sure arent all in the same "pointless religion". I personally dont believe in organized religion. Too much of it is for the will of man and not the will of god, take the Catholic church for example. Im one of those people that says some of the bible is metaphorical but still very serious. Did god create the universe in 7 days? Not 7 human days, in human time it took billions of years, but god is beyond knowledge, he is omnipotent so 7 years to him is billions of years to us. Do animals evolve to adapt to their surroundings? Yes. Did dinosaurs exist? Of course. I admit that not everything is right about religion, and even if I didnt believe it that still wouldnt give me the right to disrespect everyone else because they do. I understand where you skepticism or disbelief might stem from, but I challenge you to take the time and wonder what if. What if your wrong. What if we are all wrong and just some part of an alien expirement. Either way you need to think about the fact that in the near infinite spans of this universe, our intelligence and our science doesnt mean shit. Theres so much to ponder about that we wont even scratch the surface before we become extinct. Its ridiculous that some ppl think that they have the answers to the universe.
and all religions, including christianity, is just a branch off another, they're all basically the same, names are changed, maybe a few events, but really thats about it, more eastern religions i have no problem with, buddhism never tried to involve themselves with the government or kill people for proving them wrong. where did i say i had the answers to the universe? please point this out. i clearly said that we cant base knowledge of something ancient texts that have been altered so much, though they may vaguely be interpreted to resemble current events theres no proof behind them, what if the only things we can find true can only be proven through science and something that yields actual evidence rather than made up folklore about some guy(s) controlling everything that happens, ever wonder that? you act like science doesnt prove shit, when someone walks off a cliff do they float? nope, thanks science.


Well-Known Member
As far as the child molestation, I think your getting catholicism and christianity mixed up. Catholic priests molest little boys and tell the masses to worship dead people, not christians.
yeah im pretty sure all priests have potential to be child rapists/molesters. just my opinion though.


Well-Known Member
As far as the child molestation, I think your getting catholicism and christianity mixed up. Catholic priests molest little boys and tell the masses to worship dead people, not christians.
Catholics believe in christ, and are the original"Christians". Either way though, that isn't really addressing the message of my reply.


Well-Known Member
Yea thanks for repeating me. Priests are catholic. Whens the last time you went to a christian church that had a priest?
i was about 8 years old, positive i saw a priest or some sort of preacher, honestly i could give a fuck less about what you wanna call rapists.