My First Attempt (help, suggestions much appreciated!) (pics)


Well-Known Member
ya i have pics, but my camera has to many pixels and RIU cant take pics of tht size and i cant make them smaller without microsoft pic viewer but my windows edition doesnt have that program it was just a free trial and now it expired....she is about 9-10 in. put her into flowering early due to available space and i want to have some bud by the beginning of june


Well-Known Member
there are programs u can download for free to program the pic so it can go on the net... i cant remember the name but they are easy


Well-Known Member
About the problem I have with the brown tips, because of the nutes, I gave just water today until there was water running from the bottom of the pot. Now I'm waiting to see if there's any improvement or not. If I notice anything I'll post photos immediately.


Well-Known Member
So, here is the update of my nute problem.
I'm starting to worry, because the lower fan leaves are wilting too much, and all of their tips are burned and brown. All the upper leaves are fine. Yesterday I gave just water. I didn't flush, I just watered till there was water running from the bottom of the pot. Please tell me if you think it's serious and what should I do.

I also noticed a couple of insects flyin around the box and sitting on the leaves or underneath the leaves. Please tell me if it's something I should worry about as well. I took a close pic of it so you can see what I'm talking about. Tomorrow I'm building a new box, so I'll try to make it cleaner and keep them outside.

I'm waiting for your heeeelp!!!



Well-Known Member
Yo dude, i just totally caught up on ur thread, btw ur plants are looking very nice, looks like we started around the same time, mine popped up around the 25th of march, Anyway ya those LIL flying fuckers!! i just noticed them recently too. managed to kill all the ones i saw, only found about 3 n smashed them all!! lol Anyway i'm scribed :P be waiting for more updates, n hopefully we can bud together


Well-Known Member
Yo dude, i just totally caught up on ur thread, btw ur plants are looking very nice, looks like we started around the same time, mine popped up around the 25th of march, Anyway ya those LIL flying fuckers!! i just noticed them recently too. managed to kill all the ones i saw, only found about 3 n smashed them all!! lol Anyway i'm scribed :P be waiting for more updates, n hopefully we can bud together
thanks for the support mmclean3!!
Mine popped bout a week earlier, but more or less we're on the same stage. Now I'm building a new box and I'll try to not let any of the flying fuckers in the new one! Going now to read your journal...


Well-Known Member
If they become a problem I've read on some threads about a bug fogger or spray thats safe for ur plants if you use it while they are in there. I just dont remember what its called, if i see more of them I will for sure find out but I havent seen any since i killed them all off! Ha!


Well-Known Member
Here are the first pics of the new box I'm building. I haven't finished it yet but you'll get the idea. The fan that you see is intake, exhaust I'll put it high on the other side.
I'm thinking also, of placing a screen and turning my grow into scrog. There is also a pic of the plant so you can see the size, and tell me if scrog is a good idea.
Anyway, tell me what you think, and any suggestions for making this better.



Well-Known Member
Hi everybody!!!

I just fimmed for the first time. I hope I didn't do anything I wasn't supposed to. I followed the instructions of the related threads. I took some before and after pics, so you can see and tell me what you think. Let me know if you believe I did it right!!


PS-New pics will come up as soos as I finish the construction of my new box. That will be sometime today or early tomorrow. I'm thinking of putting a screen and turning to scrog. I'm gonna need your help...



Well-Known Member
Nice man, hey where did you get all that material.. im thinking about just a ply wood box but your way may be cheaper??


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody!!!

I just fimmed for the first time. I hope I didn't do anything I wasn't supposed to. I followed the instructions of the related threads. I took some before and after pics, so you can see and tell me what you think. Let me know if you believe I did it right!!


PS-New pics will come up as soos as I finish the construction of my new box. That will be sometime today or early tomorrow. I'm thinking of putting a screen and turning to scrog. I'm gonna need your help...
dude just did the same to mine, looks exactly the same


Well-Known Member
dude just did the same to mine, looks exactly the same
that's a small relief. I'm still waiting to see something popping up from there. It's been a day since the cut. I think by tomorrow I should be able to see something.

I'll post a pic soon of how it looks today ( one day after the cut )


Well-Known Member
that's a small relief. I'm still waiting to see something popping up from there. It's been a day since the cut. I think by tomorrow I should be able to see something.

I'll post a pic soon of how it looks today ( one day after the cut )
its been 2 days or 3 for me. So far i've noticed side growth, growth from the nodes before where i cut, but as for where i cut, nothing really i noticed . Its dark now, i'll check it out tomorrow n post a pic for ya buddy

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Hey Markj - that's how it's suppose to look at first - kinda funky, but give it a few more days and BAMM!!! Re-read the tutorial if you are feeling antsy... But dude there is no way to mess this up - cause if you go too far, well you have just topped your plant and that's all good too!
