payday tomorrow nitro rc.


Well-Known Member
1/5th scale is way more fun IMO. I was and still am a well known engine builder/porter for 1/5th scales like the hpi baja and acouple other 2 stroke based industrys.

They are a lot more beefy than the nitros iv owned and they are so much more fun to really smash in


Active Member
not really worried though. as long as it is not a hair test i will be fine. :D

better start "worring" about spelling though. "drung" "mangement"


Well-Known Member
It's addicting.... first it's a truck, then a buggy.... then hop -up parts like ball bearings and titanium shit.... then bigger engine,... some have two engines!.... it's fun stuff though. A 1/8 th scale buggy can do 80 mph in the dirt..... cars are even faster.... it is sick!