I need help choosing Nutrients!


Hey everyone,

Newbie grower here looking for experts advice on nutrients...

Dinafem Moby Dick
Dinafem Blue Widow
Dinafem Fruit (Auto)
G13 Pineapple Express

Doing an outdoor grow planted in just potting soil (told ya I'm a noob). Anyway, I'm using Advanced Nutrients 2 part "Jungle Juice", and the plants are looking healthy. My question is what nutrients to use in conjunction with this. Now, AN has a lineup of nutes from the "Hobbyist Package" to the "Grand Master" level, however they can be pricey and I don't know if I need all of them. If you were to use AN, which would you use?


I've also been looking at the Fox Farm stuff (grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom, cha ching, open sesame, beastie bloomz). Is that a good package for the whole cycle? and would it be okay to use since I've already started with AN's Jungle Juice?


There is also the General Hydroponics "Essentials" including, Flora Nova Grow, Flora Nova Bloom, Floralicious Plus and Kool Bloom. Anyone use this in an outdoor soiless grow?

My other concern is pH, as I do not have a tester. My previous grows have had good results without testing pH, but I was using AN and they claim the pH wont fluctuate when using (used bud candy, big bud, bud factor x, final phase). I know I should test pH, as it makes for optimal growing. I'll order one today... any good brands for people on budgets ??

Any help would be much appreciated!


Ursus marijanus
In soil, outdoors? Just use home-store box blends. Ions are ions.

You'll have zero pH worries if you blend some powdered dolomite lime into the soil. Buffers pH and adds magnesium.

For an indoor soil grow, i used GH three-part original because I had it around and could formulate for veg and bloom. GH is a little light on Mg, and I didn't admix dolomite. So when i needed it i added a pinch of epsom to the mix. Being cheap works. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
id go with something more simple than AN... to me its just a ripoff anyways there is no possible way my plant needs 20 some odd products, but thats just my opinion. i use age old grow for veg and bill's perfect fertilizer for bloom. i also use spray-n-grow(micronutrients) throughout the entire cycle. coco wet is mixed with all of them since i foliar feed, but if u dont spray feed no need for a wetting agent. www.ageoldorganics.com www.spray-n-growgardening.com both are highly recommended by myself.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
dont waste your money on AN additives.

You can use 30-10-20 from a regular garden store for grow, and a 10-30-20 for flower. If you use them right, they'll do the same job as any nutrients in your hydro store


Thanks for all the suggestions.

When would I switch from grow nutes to flowering nutes in an outdoor grow? As soon as I see it's female?


Well-Known Member
im using maxsea on the outdoor this year....used jack's duo last year....
inside i use dyna-gro...(costs like $3-$8 a grow)

but nutes are like kids....everyone thinks they got the best....

Jack's 20-20-20 works great through the whole grow.
that's too much nitrogen...you will have leafy buds...if you use the blossom booster(10-30-20) in flower you with end with a better product...


Well-Known Member
My advice would be to use what you've got. The Jungle Juice is a good product and it will do the job quite well.

For your first grow... probably best not to add more stuff to the mix. The less complicated it is the harder it is to screw up, and the better chance you have of getting good buds to harvest.
Stay away from the cheap box store nutes. Sure, if you flush the ever-loving crap out of your plants they won't completely be nasty to smoke but it's just not going to be awesome no matter what anyone tells you.

If you really want to get some bloom boosters and whatnot, the Hobbyist bundle is a good investment IMHO. Moreso for hydro than soil, since it helps improve the performance of the pH Perfect technology they use and that's designed for hydroponics rather than soil.

I'd say you'll be happy either way.


My advice would be to use what you've got. The Jungle Juice is a good product and it will do the job quite well.

For your first grow... probably best not to add more stuff to the mix. The less complicated it is the harder it is to screw up, and the better chance you have of getting good buds to harvest.
Stay away from the cheap box store nutes. Sure, if you flush the ever-loving crap out of your plants they won't completely be nasty to smoke but it's just not going to be awesome no matter what anyone tells you.

If you really want to get some bloom boosters and whatnot, the Hobbyist bundle is a good investment IMHO. Moreso for hydro than soil, since it helps improve the performance of the pH Perfect technology they use and that's designed for hydroponics rather than soil.

I'd say you'll be happy either way.
Thanks for the advice! I've recently switched from Grow to Bloom Jungle Juice and the plants seem to like it. I may get some bud candy to add, any thoughts?


Well, things are looking great! I used the jungle juice until it ran out, then switched to Sensi A+B.
Blue Widow and Pineapple Express approx. 4 weeks into flowering, using: Sensi a+b, carboload, and just started using overdrive. (used pk 13-14 during first sign of bud for about 2 weeks)
Moby Dick is a little behind, approx. 2 1/2 weeks into flower, using: Sensi a+b, carboload.

camera fucked, pics soon hopefully...