Free seed pre harvest pics

You already posted the first 4 pics here yesterday. Now you're posting them here again. Great, I guess. Not really sure why you need my approval.

I just have to ask, how much have you spent on this so far? Seriously. How much has this cost you? You previously mentioned something to the tune of ~$19K. Noting your errr success and the time it took, I'll make you the same offer as I did a couple of months ago: If you make me feel comfortable, I'll just sell you the bud and save you the money, the time, the aggravation and the embarrassment. Let me know.


i'm not sure why you think the plants are "so little"? seems to me like some of my vegging plants are bigger than the ones you posted earlier in this thread. plus those flower shots don't look so small to me. oh well. your thread and you are entitled to your opinion.

why would i buy bud from you? that would seem illegal and very weird. plus, i'm in a different country than you and it sure looks like i'm growing some quality stuff on my own.

as far as costs goes...i would say $19k probably is close to it. a lot of that is $5k for the chiller and another $3000 to ship the pallets down here. then you've got growlab tents, lumatek ballasts, hortilux & digilux bulbs, co2 generator, fans, filters, ice boxes, nutes, soil, pots, etc... a lot of stuff i order in bulk cause i don't want to be ordering nutes 4 times a year. plus i have to order extra of a lot of things (bulbs, ballasts, etc...) just in case something breaks. it's not that easy where i live. there are no hydro stores down here.

as for the each their own. how i choose to spend the money in my bank account shouldn't really rile your feathers. i mean some people drive pickup trucks and others drive ferrari's. i don't hate on guys who spend crazy money on their cars or clothes. to each their own and as long as you aren't starving your family you earned that money so how you spend it is up to you.
as far as costs goes...i would say $19k probably is close to it. a lot of that is $5k for the chiller and another $3000 to ship the pallets down here. then you've got growlab tents, lumatek ballasts, hortilux & digilux bulbs, co2 generator, fans, filters, ice boxes, nutes, soil, pots, etc... a lot of stuff i order in bulk cause i don't want to be ordering nutes 4 times a year. plus i have to order extra of a lot of things (bulbs, ballasts, etc...) just in case something breaks. it's not that easy where i live. there are no hydro stores down here.

Looking at all the pics you posted (including the "experimental SOG" in a kitchen cabinet. I included the Photoshopped/cropped pic you posted and re-cropped and re-posted, and re-re-cropped and re-re-posted below) and assuming the best, there's maybe 1/3lb of weed total that could have been produced by your hand over the course of 6 months-2 years, depending on which of your multiple claims is to be believed ... or not. Given your never-ending expenditures, how do you justify such astonishing lack of cultivation ability in your own mind?

Hey Simon 6 weeks in flower.Used a little molasses last run not really sure if it helped. 3 weeks left wondering if I should give them a blast in the next few days. Thanks Dozer


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Hey Simon 6 weeks in flower.Used a little mollasses last run not really sure if it helped. 3 weeks left wondering if I should give them a blast in the next few days. Thanks Dozer

Hey Dozer. I've never used molasses, so I really don't know. In my garden, I feed full-strength until about week 7, depending, and then decrease the fertilizer concentration to 1/2 in the following week and 1/4 strength for the last week of bloom.

Looking at all the pics you posted (including the "experimental SOG" in a kitchen cabinet. I included the Photoshopped/cropped pic you posted and re-cropped and re-posted, and re-re-cropped and re-re-posted below) and assuming the best, there's maybe 1/3lb of weed total that could have been produced by your hand over the course of 6 months-2 years, depending on which of your multiple claims is to be believed ... or not. Given your never-ending expenditures, how do you justify such astonishing lack of cultivation ability in your own mind?

Simon first run with sour chiesel. she was a beauty! i'm not quite getting how you come up with a third of a pound though. that's 2 plants alone in that pic and probably yielded a third by themselves. i guess you haven't been paying attention to the pics i've posted. those plants, my experimental SOG grow and my current plants sure look like quality to me and quite a few others who have commented as to their yields and appearance. i guess you are the ONLY person here who doesn't think they are nice buds. oh well...opinions are like assholes...everyone's got em.
Hey Dozer. I've never used molasses, so I really don't know. In my garden, I feed full-strength until about week 7, depending, and then decrease the fertilizer concentration to 1/2 in the following week and 1/4 strength for the last week of bloom.


Hey man didn't really want to use it this run anyway. A few rusty leaves going but, still pretty green.
What's up with you and Phillip? I'm an old guy and let shit go! You grow some of the best indoor buds on this site. We are all here to help I think for newbies. Both of you guys need to let this go from my stand point! Phillip nice buds man! Simon keep helping us new guys! Peace Brothers were all about the same thing!! Dozer
What's up with you and Phillip?

Since you ask ... :)

I can't possibly tell you the whole story with the span of a few paragraphs; it's simply too involved with all of Phil's ghost accounts and endless lies. In essence, Phil is a fraud. He was no 18K room, as he claimed, and most obviously cannot grow for shit to begin with. You should have seen the posts where he had employees - employees - working his op. There are entire threads where he talks to himself using one account after another. Look around; it's one lie after another. Just click on any of his current posts and read the threads. Really. Here is an example from today where he was confronted with posting fake pics: Link--->

Here's what I can tell you from ~10 years on canna boards. There's a certain sort of individual who accomplished nothing and comes on, finds the expert in a given field, and begins to engage him in endless debates. Phil is a little different, as he launches multiple ghost accounts to help him argue endlessly, making the whole thing far more involved. Then he starts inventing lies about the folks he engages, trolling them in further, disrupting the forum at its core. Boards like IC ban these folks almost immediately. For reason I cannot fathom, he's still allowed to post here and derail fruitful threads.

For a few cheap laughs, here's a fantastic thread with Phil as Nuglets (his first-grow ghost account where he asked actual cultivation questions to help him grow 4 nodes in 5 weeks) wondering where his rep went. Link:

Once in a while Phil likes to stop by and show himself to me, like he did here. Mostly, he does it with his latest ghost accounts as if to say, "Fooled you!" He's a disturbed man, but truly entertaining. He's probably my biggest fan.

Wow enough said! Guess I'll stick with your advice. Your reveg tips certainly working for me! Now i"m growing 4 plants instead of 8.
Why can't you guys just play fair and stay OFF one anothers threads? Pretty simple really. There are plenty of topics on RIU so you can both give your input. Peace Bro's
Why can't you guys just play fair and stay OFF one anothers threads? Pretty simple really.

Can't say that I disagree. For whatever reason, Phil needs my validation and then gets frustrated when it's denied. Then he begins inventing lies in hopes of a reprieve. And it just keeps on going. Take a look at the link'd thread from Support where the admin outs his multiple names, but he still on keeps lying. Hell, he even posted a Photoshopped note from the admin supposedly exonerating him, then deleted its trail after folks laughed. I can't possibly recite everything the guy's done. Every day is something new. Sad, really.

Haven't gotten any bad advice from you Simon. I said what I had to say about bickering back and forth. You and a couple other members have given me great advice on my indoor deal. Pretty much a mr ganja when it comes to outdoor. 30 years plus outdoors. Guys like you keep this site worth looking into for newbies! Don't let stupid shit get you down. Folks like you make it work!
Save the drama for yo mama guys. It's just getting annoying for everyone. Simon, be the bigger man and just walk away.
Frauds will always be frauds. Everyone knows that, and sees shaggy for who he is. It's no different than "unlucky", that bizzo is a he. Lol
I've had enough of this.

Can we keep it on topic here guys?
This bickering has been going on for way too long.
simon d does give good advice

and has giving me lots to think about and help,

i can grow big yields in soil but enjoy learning new way of growing, to improve my skills and to help others growers

^^^ Just saw your plant; I'm still exploring the site's features. Very nice! How long did it flower?
