First grow setup [Tips/Suggestions Appreciated]


This is gonna be my first grow and would like to know what you guys think of my setup before i blow 1700$ on this.

I will be growing 4 plants under 400W MH/HPS and LST them.

I did a lot of researches and I am always happy to receive any kinds of tips or suggestions to get better.


Grow tent/Equipment :

Dark Room 48x48x78 inch Hydroponic Grow Tent :

Duct Fan Speed Adjuster :
6" Fan & Filter Set 400 CFM :
2X Insulated Flexible 6in Vent 16.5ft Black Aluminum Duct :
Wall Mount Fan 16" :
Grow Tent Ventilation 2 x 6 in Flange

In-Line Booster Fan, 6"
400 Watt HPS/MH Lamps Electronic Ballast Cool Tube :

Pots/Soil :

Coco Coir 30KG
4X 1Gallon Pot
4X 3Gallon Pot

Nutrients/PH Balance/Pest Control :

CNS17 Coco Bloom 1 gal :
CNS17 Ripe 2.5 gal :
Cal-Mag Plus, 1 gal :
CNS17 Coco Grow x2 QT :
Superthrive, 4 oz :

pH Down, 1 lt :
pH Up, 1 lt :
Buffer 7.00 pH 500 ml :
Buffer 4.01 pH 500ml :

Einstein Oil, 4 oz :

Dishwashing soap (I'm not sure about this, does it helps the water penetrate soil only or coco coir too?)

Misc :

PH/EC/TDS/C/PPM Tester :
0cc Syringe for EC/pH tests :

Active Eye Microscope, 100X :

Hand Pump Pressure Bottle 1.5L :

Black Lightning Gloves, Medium, pack of 100 :

ActiveAir Hygro-Thermometer :
Eva-dry Electric Petite Dehumidifier :
5,000 BTU Window A/C outside the tent
Digital Thermostat
Zip ties x250
Scissors Pruning
lots of stuff there!
makes me have a good chuckle
Yeah and it's only the essential part.

If i decided to buy all i want my bill could easily go up to 4,000$/5,000$.

I will probably do it once i get tired of smoking the same strain over and over, having a dozen different strains to choose from would be so awesome.


Well-Known Member
if you are only growing 1 plant then why are you getting a 600w light and a 4x4 tent? planning on doing more in the future? why not do 4 medium sized plants?

why are you buying gallons of nutrients for 1 plant? you could get by on free samples. why 30kg of soil for a 5 gallon pot?

don't put neem oil in your soil. follow instuction on the bottle for foliar spray. just mist the top of the soil and the tops and bottoms of all the leaves once every 2 weeks until the 2nd week of flower. that will keep any bugs or pests away. you don't wanna be dumping it in your soil or spraying it on buds when they form.

i'm probably missing like 15 other things but that's a pretty good start right there.
if you are only growing 1 plant then why are you getting a 600w light and a 4x4 tent? planning on doing more in the future? why not do 4 medium sized plants?

why are you buying gallons of nutrients for 1 plant? you could get by on free samples. why 30kg of soil for a 5 gallon pot?
1. Because apparently, you end up with much more buds with 1 big plant.
2. I'm buying gallons of nutrients because where i live the closest grow shop is at 3 hours in car and I'm getting completely raped by UPS borders fee from the US to Canada so i might as well buy big with the more you buy the more you save logic.
3. I'm buying a 4x4 tent to make sure i have enough space for all my things, smaller models looks too small.

don't put neem oil in your soil. follow instuction on the bottle for foliar spray. just mist the top of the soil and the tops and bottoms of all the leaves once every 2 weeks until the 2nd week of flower. that will keep any bugs or pests away. you don't wanna be dumping it in your soil or spraying it on buds when they form.

Good advice, I'll put it on my list.
I'm kind of lost on the whole passive intake thing so if someone could help me out on this it would be really appreciated.

If i understand correctly, right now I'm sending the hot air outside my tent but the cool air from my A/C stays outside the tent.

So how could i send fresh air inside?


Well-Known Member
Put a smaller cfm rated fan @ ur intake hole @ the bottom..attach ducting to direct the cool air wherever u want/need it. I'm sure a duct booster fan will b sufficient. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
1. Because apparently, you end up with much more buds with 1 big plant.
2. I'm buying gallons of nutrients because where i live the closest grow shop is at 3 hours in car and I'm getting completely raped by UPS borders fee from the US to Canada so i might as well buy big with the more you buy the more you save logic.
3. I'm buying a 4x4 tent to make sure i have enough space for all my things, smaller models looks too small.

Good advice, I'll put it on my list.
You'll get a bigger yield off several smaller plants than you will off one large plant. Plus you can't grow tall plants in a tent so you might as well grow a few.
You'll get a bigger yield off several smaller plants than you will off one large plant. Plus you can't grow tall plants in a tent so you might as well grow a few.
I'm not sure about that but still, at least i can have 4 different strains going on at once.

Put a smaller cfm rated fan @ ur intake hole @ the bottom..attach ducting to direct the cool air wherever u want/need it. I'm sure a duct booster fan will b sufficient. Hope this helps
Thanks, I'm currently fixing my setup accordingly.

Edit : I added a 185CFM in-line booster fan with a fan speed adjuster and switched from 600w to 400w with a cool tube so i can connect the fan to the light.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about that but still, at least i can have 4 different strains going on at once.

Thanks, I'm currently fixing my setup accordingly.

Edit : I added a 185CFM in-line booster fan with a fan speed adjuster and switched from 600w to 400w with a cool tube so i can connect the fan to the light.
a 600w light has a 4x4 footprint. grow 4 plants inside that space and they will be perfect. veg them to 18" tall roughly and then flower them. trust me, more plants will give you a larger yield over 1 large plant. your tent is a little over 6' tall. with a 600w light hanging in a hood, the distance you'll need to keep the plant from the hood, and the 5 gallon won't be able to grow the plant much taller than 4' tall. might as well grow a few in that space. more smaller plants equals higher yields this is why SOG and SCROG are the highest yielding horizontal light techniques.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about that but still, at least i can have 4 different strains going on at once.
Believe it or not he's right! 1 plant wont even begin to utilize the entire 4x4 footprint of a 600 watter, unless you want to do a HUGE 4x4 ScrOG and veg for months and months... This I would not recommend! Just do 4 medium sized plants, you'll get roughly 2-6oz per plant depending on how good/lucky you are at growing, off of 1 large plant with your space you'll get roughly 5-10 oz again depending on how good/lucky you are...

So more plants is better plus you get a quicker turn-around as you veg less.

Other than that your setup sounds good on paper!
Believe it or not he's right! 1 plant wont even begin to utilize the entire 4x4 footprint of a 600 watter, unless you want to do a HUGE 4x4 ScrOG and veg for months and months... This I would not recommend! Just do 4 medium sized plants, you'll get roughly 2-6oz per plant depending on how good/lucky you are at growing, off of 1 large plant with your space you'll get roughly 5-10 oz again depending on how good/lucky you are...

So more plants is better plus you get a quicker turn-around as you veg less.

Other than that your setup sounds good on paper!
2-6oz per plants sounds good, with the tester i have i can definitely pull 2 oz off each.

I wasn't sure because i got this advice from someone who pulled off 15 ounces and a quarter pound of swag off 1 plant under 600w on his second grow in the exact same tent i have.

a 600w light has a 4x4 footprint. grow 4 plants inside that space and they will be perfect. veg them to 18" tall roughly and then flower them.
Thanks, i didn't know exactly when to start flowering.

You can't really tell how tall it's gonna get after vegetating and it would be unfortunate if i had to harvest it before all the trichomes are fully grown.


Well-Known Member
You can't really tell how tall it's gonna get after vegetating and it would be unfortunate if i had to harvest it before all the trichomes are fully grown.
Rule of thumb is to assume they'll double(if not triple depending on strain chars.) in height so make sure to take that into consideration when planning a 12/12 switch.. 18" is bout avg. id assume for indoors.
Do you guys think i could get away with temps if i decided not to buy the additional 165CFM fan blowing cool air inside from the room?

400CFM for a 4x4 space and a 400w light already sounds like complete overkill.


Well-Known Member
Probably, you don't need a fan in-taking air really, just have some vents in the sides of the tent and the exhaust sucks cool air through them. That's what passive intake is, and it's the way I always roll! XD
Ever considered aeroponics?

Aeroflo 20s under 600w lights will yield 20oz from seedlings that are veg'd for 2 weeks. That's 0.94g/watt. Thought I'd put it forward as a more efficient set-up.
Ever considered aeroponics?

Aeroflo 20s under 600w lights will yield 20oz from seedlings that are veg'd for 2 weeks. That's 0.94g/watt. Thought I'd put it forward as a more efficient set-up.
I would if i had tools + i wouldn't be wasting my time with a 270$ tent if i could build something similar using wood for 50$.