trayvan martin

Yeah dude, it's just getting fishier...

he has such a bad memory that he can't remember the three street names in the neighborhood that he lives in and patrols for three years, and then 3 minutes later he recites the dispatcher's EXACT words, 'we don't need you to do that'.

shittiest. liar. ever.
he says he did not identify himself to martin or ask what he was doing because he was in fear of martin, followed immediately by him getting out of the truck and following martin.


this is fucking pure comic gold.

more updates to come, i'm only about halfway through the first tape.
serino: have you ever worked security before?

zimmbot: no sir.

serino: you worked at a party one time...

zimmbot: oh, yeah
part 3 is awesome so far. playing his call to dispatch and asking him questions about where he was at and whatnot, all he has is "i don't know" "i don't remember".

yet he remembers the exact words of the dispatcher earlier in the interview.


what. a. shitty. liar.
zimmerman: "i wasn't following him, i was just going in the same direction as him"

dispatch tape: "are you following him?" ... "yes"

lies, lies, and more lies. what a fucking douche. what won't he lie about?
the female interviewing him along with serino is grilling him for lying to her a few days back, and all zimmerman says is "sorry".

have fun in jail, georgy boy!
female interrogator asks why did you want them to call you for your location?

zimm: "i was frustrated that i couldn't remember the street name"

female interrogator: "but you were going to be back in your car"

yeah, i always go back to my truck to get my flashlight and tell the cops to call me for my location out of frustration that i can't remember a street name :lol:

oh, zimmy zimm zimmsalot. you fucking dumbass. shoulda lawyered up, dipshit. now you'll be sitting for 5-15.
serino: at what point did he smother you? was it right before you shot him?

zimmdouche: yes sir.

then he plays the 911 tape, where you hear yelling right before the gunshot.

because you can yell AND be smothered all at once.

serino: do you think he may have saw you had a gun before the fight?

zimmerman: no sir.

serino: no way no how?

zimmerman: no sir.

so this confirms the "trayvon martin has x-ray vision eyeballs in the back of his head" theory.

jesus fucking christ. zimm is going to sit in jail for a long time. right twice a day. Zimm's testimony is bound to be contaminated with truth. cn

<edit> slower than the guy who nunchucks with motherfux.
the best we can hope for is that these laws are overturned (SYG, MMD, etc..) and we'll be able to remember Trayvon Martins death as the turning point.
In Florida there has been a seperation between the Native "Renters" and those that buy into the "Gated Communities."
I know because I spent 4 years as a youth in Felsmere and saw the growth of the Gated Communities..

As far as anyone from Native Florida or Native Georgia is concerned.. Never be worth anything dead..

That includes doing someone wrong.

I know that most of you readers will not get the "Old-Boy" wisdom in what I just Wrote but know that The Zimmerman left rather quick and is hiding..

Enough Said..

Hey a shout out to anyone in the Fellsmere~Vero-Beach~West Melbourne area!!!

I have rode my bike many a time on the 512...

To the rest of you get out and see America... Geeeze