Having kids?


Well-Known Member
LOL, I`m not stalking ya. Its charface because when I was young a gas tank exploded in my face.
Charmander is a pussy!!


Well-Known Member
I am at that age now where I am thinking about having kids.

My girl and I are almost ready, but I wanted to ask you guys something first.

To the people that have kids, how many did you have and are they worth it?

To the people that are older and dont have kids and probably never will, do you regret not having them? And if not, what were you able to do without having to worry about kids all the time?

Thanks guys.

Oh No... don't do it!

Rent a kid for a week...see how you like it....lol

serious, , there is nothing really that can prepare you for parenthood.

i had 2 kids...now i have 2 adults and still can't get rid of them..lol

would i do it again....70% no, 25% maybe and 5% yesbongsmilie

good luck... you'll need it.


Well-Known Member
I don't have any children. I'm fairly young though (24). I imagine at some point down the line I'll want to have them, but right now they don't sound all that appealing. I guess that's the whole "trying to make something of my life" part of my personality making me feel that way. Don't get me wrong though; I don't mean to say that having kids isn't anything to be proud of. Quite the opposite. I'm admittedly kind of a lazy person, so work and school is enough for me at the moment. Adding a kid to my life right now just sounds too fucking exhausting.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I'm 26 and kinda want kids... But I'm happy enough just helping with my nephews...

I'm not in a position where I could really raise children of my own... no female in my life for a start and even tho if I could I would adopt a child, I can't see myself raising the child of an other man with the mother of the child, and that covers about 90% of the single women in my area...