The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
I LMAO when I saw that comment....I hope he was just joking...or his grow-esteem has just been crushed multiple times over :lol:


Well-Known Member
I am in hydro and I stop giving my plants any nutes at all at least 2 weeks before harvest. I harvest slow... at least a week I am chopping things down. I leave the light on the first few days, then turn it off at some point, to save electricity. I don't do it for increased resin or anything. And usually around the time I turn off the light I turn off the water (recirculating) and the girls start drying out a little. Again, I just do this because it seems a waste to keep it going for fewer and fewer plants that are going to come down in the next day or two anyways.

EDIT: And if it were possible I would love to pit one of my plants against yours. Not sure what a plant fight looks like, but it would be fun to watch, lol.


Hi everyone,

Here's my Cream Caramel (Sweet Seeds) 12/12 from seed. It was grown in DWC under 400w HPS, topped when it was 20 days old and took 85 days since germination to give me this:


It was chopped yesterday and wet weight was 300 grams (10,6 oz), so should be around 80-90 grams (3 oz) dry. In the last photo is missing a cola similar to the smallest one which was harvested two weeks earlier.

One love!


Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
Quick Question, for the last few weeks i have PK 13/14, Overdrive and ripen. Ive only ever used the PK before so my ? is when would you add these nutes and would you use all 3 of them together??


Active Member
Hello people, complete Newbie here.

I discovered this thread back in Jan and it convinced me to give 12/12 from seed a go.

Converted the shed, insulation, electricity etc built a cabinet thats around 1.2m x 1m x 2m, running a 400w hps, a 5" exhaust and a 4" intake fans. Using HESI nutes

Here are my babies, they broke through the coco on 12/6



Well-Known Member

Where you guys buy your ripen. It always seems so expensive. Is it really worth it?

looking good...

Hello people, complete Newbie here.

I discovered this thread back in Jan and it convinced me to give 12/12 from seed a go.

Converted the shed, insulation, electricity etc built a cabinet thats around 1.2m x 1m x 2m, running a 400w hps, a 5" exhaust and a 4" intake fans. Using HESI nutes

Here are my babies, they broke through the coco on 12/6