Costa Rica Garden Show!

nice garden, just wondering were in the carolinas you fish i live out here in north carolina and never catch sht

hey chicanoido, sorry i missed your question. we fish 2 tournaments out of the carolinas every summer. one out of georgetown s.c., another in manteo n.c. i also fish out of wanchese n.c. with some friends every year.

what kind of fishing do you do? sportfishing/billfishing, bottom fishing, inshore? i'm strictly offshore sportfishing/billfishing.
Well, this thread is derailed! I don't even know which side to take! LOL!

I'm sure the tropics are a cool place to grow tropical fruits! :)

Well, this thread is derailed! I don't even know which side to take! LOL!

I'm sure the tropics are a cool place to grow tropical fruits! :)

thanks for stopping by TexRx. gonna try and get this thread back on track. you know how the forums go though...always someone who just takes it all to seriously.

there is a gardening saying in costa rica that translates something like...cut anything at 45 degrees and stick it in the ground and it will grow. i use to think it was BS but it's pretty much true. down here you take a cutting of any tree of flower and stick it in the ground and it will grow. people use branches here as fence posts on larger properties and after a few years those branches are all trees themselves. people always ask property owners for cuts off their trees or flowers for their own gardens. it's pretty cool. i got 2 of those flowers on the pics by asking people for cuts from their gardens.
^^^ Sharing cuttings so plants can be shared for free is a wonderful thing! It must be cool to live in an area where someone will give you a tree or flower cutting just cuz you like it!
^^^ Sharing cuttings so plants can be shared for free is a wonderful thing! It must be cool to live in an area where someone will give you a tree cutting just cuz you like it!

yea, it's one of the reasons i spend most of my time there. in general, people are just so friendly and there really is a conservationalist attitude. it's probably one of the greenest countries on the planet. everyone recycles everything. 25% of the country is protected forest a wildlife preserve and that's only getting bigger as the government reclaims land. you'd be amazed how friendly someone is when you knock on their door asking about their garden. they will all invite you in, offer you something to drink and gladly let you take cuts of anything you want. really is a very peaceful place.

don't get me has some drawbacks but you learn to deal with them. it might now be for everyone but for me it works.
^^^ Every place has its drawbacks! There's not much Medical Marijuana friendliness here in Texas and I have to pay high prices for dank while cheap, compressed mexican 'corn' covers the state(since we are so close to mexico).....BUT, we are economically shielded here and I am better off economically while some states are struggling with inflation!!

We do have some cool gardening here! I landscape my own property and Texas has some interesting native plants to xeriscape with! Xeriscaping means all the plants I choose are drought and heat tolerant and will survive after the first 2 ys on rainwater alone!

what up scoob i see the haters are here already dont let it bother you, lol he thinks he got your number, lol, he must be on dope, plenty of ways to make a phone calll without using your own #. hay victory im somewhere, not in CA but i can calll you from a CA # if you like....

anyways back to the thread, i hope you making normal ice cream with the fruits and not Jamaican ice-cream(rancid shit if you dont know what im talking about look it it up... made me vomit)
all in all plants are looking awesome, keep it up!
^^^ Every place has its drawbacks! There's not much Medical Marijuana friendliness here in Texas and I have to pay high prices for dank while cheap, compressed mexican 'corn' covers the state(since we are so close to mexico).....BUT, we are economically shielded here and I am better off economically while some states are struggling with inflation!!

We do have some cool gardening here! I landscape my own property and Texas has some interesting native plants to xeriscape with! Xeriscaping means all the plants I choose are drought and heat tolerant and will survive after the first 2 ys on rainwater alone!


haha, that's cool. i never knew that they bred plants like that. i guess it's the same down here too. just the other end of the spectrum. almost all plants and gardens are local species anyway but you need to find plants that can survive a lot of water. at least where i am. up north it's a much drier climate so they have totally different species of plants.

cool stuff bro.
what up scoob i see the haters are here already dont let it bother you, lol he thinks he got your number, lol, he must be on dope, plenty of ways to make a phone calll without using your own #. hay victory im somewhere, not in CA but i can calll you from a CA # if you like....

anyways back to the thread, i hope you making normal ice cream with the fruits and not Jamaican ice-cream(rancid shit if you dont know what im talking about look it it up... made me vomit)
all in all plants are looking awesome, keep it up!

i've been to jamaica a lot and their ice cream is some funky shit. most of it's made with alcohol. they also like putting lime juice in their ice cream. crazy. you ever try jamaican "bami" bread. i think i'm spelling it right. that stuff is delicious.

we make traditional ice creams. we use a lot of the fruits from the gardens and the coconuts too. i got one of those cuisinart ice cream makers a few years back as a gift. love the thing.

see ya around poly.
what up scoob i see the haters are here already dont let it bother you, lol he thinks he got your number, lol, he must be on dope, plenty of ways to make a phone calll without using your own #. hay victory im somewhere, not in CA but i can calll you from a CA # if you like....

anyways back to the thread, i hope you making normal ice cream with the fruits and not Jamaican ice-cream(rancid shit if you dont know what im talking about look it it up... made me vomit)
all in all plants are looking awesome, keep it up!
He isn't smart enough to use another # or a fake Name, His first account phillipchristian is his real name, I found his one page website, his linkedin profile and i have his phone #. The admin asked me not to threaten posting it anymore, so i'm gonna have some fun with my new found info.
Scooby sure does have some suckers that believe all his lies and you always seem to be right there to fall for it. one born every minute, have a nice day. TEEHEE!!!
Thanks for posting those pics Scooby. My grandmother was born in Puerto Limon. I have relatives all over the place there and those pics bring me back to all the times I have visited there. Your girls are looking great by the way.
all my lies...that's why i used my real name? :bigjoint: i guess all the pics of me are actually someone else too..right? :eyesmoke:

talk about being butthurt.
I think you just finally figured out how stupid it was to use your real name and that's why you changed it. and that's your parents place. they sent you as far away as possible huh?
Thanks for posting those pics Scooby. My grandmother was born in Puerto Limon. I have relatives all over the place there and those pics bring me back to all the times I have visited there. Your girls are looking great by the way.

hey free, thanks for stopping by. any plans to visit in the future? i've been over to Limon a few times. i prefer the pacific side of the country though. spend most of my time in between Playa Herradura, Manuel Antonio, and Golfito. also have some property up in the mountains around San Isidro.

girls do look good. thanks for the comments.
Wow.. very nice pics. I'm really digging the relaxing, low-stress atmosphere you've got going on down there. Plus, I'm guessing you can get amazing coffee beans for cheap in that area?
Wow.. very nice pics. I'm really digging the relaxing, low-stress atmosphere you've got going on down there. Plus, I'm guessing you can get amazing coffee beans for cheap in that area?

hey kronika, thanks for stopping by. that's funny...most people don't know that costa rica produces what many consider the best coffee in the world. costa ricans were the ones that gave colombians the beans and taught them how to grow it. there are some great local brands down here. most of the real high esnd stuff is exported though. you can still get it if you visit the farms. all the old school family farms always have gift shops and tours for people. even the cheap coffee sold in the grocery stores is better than most anything you can find in the U.S. i can't tell you how much coffee i send to friends and family. lol. the crazy thing is i've never had a cup of coffee in my life. don't know why. never liked the taste of it. i love the smell though...especially fresh ground coffee. weird...haha. i like the smell of gas too but i'm not gonna drink it either.

He isn't smart enough to use another # or a fake Name, His first account phillipchristian is his real name, I found his one page website, his linkedin profile and i have his phone #. The admin asked me not to threaten posting it anymore, so i'm gonna have some fun with my new found info.
Scooby sure does have some suckers that believe all his lies and you always seem to be right there to fall for it. one born every minute, have a nice day. TEEHEE!!!
whether hes telling the truth or not i will stick around, why? you ask. simply put because who knows wheter or not people are posting the truth or not. he hasnt done shit to me and neither have you victorygarden so therefore i dont judge no one. the way i look at it "fuck it" theres no need to get mad at anyone or hate anyone for that matter and specially when it comes to the internet.

im still subd. i really love the pics scooby. and im glad the "girls" came out for a shoot.... keep em coming scoob...........