Auto Northern Light Twins Indoor

Damn girl, those plants are getting huge! Might even have to tie them down're right about them needing more time. I think when the company says 8 weeks, they mean 8 weeks from when the plant first starts showing signs of flowers. Can't even tell that you snapped the stem on one, they both look gorgeous to me.

yup companys descriptions as guide an not something to fully compare grows to. shame though because im craving a smoke an rolling ciggys is an epic fail with a crapola buzz. miss bushy bushy cleavage is covered her repair job.

Monster autos !

not really moster autos as such... but they do become tod am bushy when left untrimmed if i do say so myself.
i did a mixture of folding some fan leafs behind bud sites and trimmed off some foilage underneath to allow the lower buds to get access to the light on both plants an so far it seems to have worked great. but that dr autogrower on youtube does have some pretty good videos uploaded an hes not shy about going into pretty good slow detailing which helps if your unsure about anything he talks about in his videos.

hes almost like subcool on his weed nerd show on youtube. both give advise werevener they can for free an always go into as much detail as possible, and always happy to answer any questions they can when they have the time.

bit of news on runt..

she seems to have about 6-8 different bud sites from top site down to the first nodes alone which i never noticed until my last peek just before lights out. an they are just around the top of her :s so tomorrow im gonna have a better look as i only noticed them 5 mins before lights out so couldnt do a proper look over an around them.

im hoping the top bud sites will have streched abit so then i can try geting clearer close ups of the bud sites

not had much time to check on her or runty but bushys sure perked up as her leafs were standing tall before lights out which is a good sign shes feeling alot better. it maybe because of the recent bloom feed and it may also be connected to the recent trimming spree i did her yesterday and on runt today to help give both plants lower buds some more room to get some light on them.

i also managed to finally hold a few lower B sites in place ith some cotton an useful bits an bobs here an there. so tomorrow im expsecting they both will be looking different since they had a good trim an with my cotton hold ups.

if they both are coping well as they seem i may turn there 2 weekly bloom feeds into weekly feeds as i think they both seem to handle my 2 teaspoons of bloom nutes into water left overnight every 2weeks feeds. but the weekly bloom feeds will be finally decided towards the end of next week when there next feeds due. because im concerntrating alot on trying to keep all bud sites in the open so they have better light acess in the limited grow rooom they are in.

fuck me i just realised ive nearly wrote a dam essay here....longest non piccy related post i have wrtoe on thc lol

hurry up twinnys mumma needs to get her fingers wrapped around ur goodness for a relaxing smokey :rolleye:
well i decided to do a some clips of the twins since mr idiot i mean me bro has left his camera here an since i no his passwords ive kinda taken over his youtube account to upload some clips for everyone to see the twins abit.

long clip no audio


there is 2 clips added but others alot shorter than this one an its all on a youtube playlist
just finished 2 NL autos. great yield but the smoke after a three week cure is awesome. can't wait for the cure to get to 6 weeks! your plants look great. i'll be checking in. GL
just finished 2 NL autos. great yield but the smoke after a three week cure is awesome. can't wait for the cure to get to 6 weeks! your plants look great. i'll be checking in. GL

im about half way threw my grow i think so i cant be enjoying curing for roughtly another month i think but i am looking forward to the end results when it finally gets there.
i say bud sites will be ready in about 2 weeks as my own guess cause they look like they

migth be close to being develpoed since theres enough of them on top.

an if imageshack hurrys up i may add some bud site pics since its day 40

the twins heights are as followed

miss runt is now 21 inches tall because shes out grown me ruler LOL

miss bushy is now 16 inches tall so shes the slow ass at the moment

on an since its day 40 heres some close up pics of there bud sites

miss bushys day 40 close ups




as your see miss bushys become the slower grower of the 2 which is understandable as she

has been threw more adventures than the runt but shes always showing signs that shes

still going strong so all is good.

miss runts day 40 close ups








well what can ya say about the runt of the little... i sure didnt light the fire under

her ass, but whoever did shes in her own little world up there

its gotta be the trimming i did under neath both which has make them both more perky as

i read somewhere removing the lowest fan leaves will cause the fluids an energy to be

sent up to concerntrate there energy towards the top of the plants. an well runts proven

shes a fan of something i did recently thats for sure. either way its all down tot he

wait feed wait an feeding games until them bud sites are developed an ready to begin

growing them sweet buds an stinking out me flat.
i decided to switch runt around with bushy to see if the new positioning helps bushys bud sites perk quicker, because runts top bud site is nice a hard or top cola to sound more expertises lol

runts still about 2 inches taller than bushy but the runts always been the surprising grower of the 2 during this grow.
week 7
runts about 23 inches tall
bushys around 20 inches tall
had a temp spider lodger somehow sneak into the grow room but soon left when it realised im a spider murderer.

runts still supporting a tight hard either bud site or bug growing on her top cola, just like gently taping the other smaller multiple bud sites on runt seem to show the same kinda tough tops so maybe the sites are beginning to work on bud growth.

bushys still shorter but begining to grow at her own speed. both seem happy with tthe recent haircut an the weekly bloom nute feeds i given them so im sticking to weekly nute feeds from now on.

day 38


day 39

day 40

day 41

day 42

day 43

day 44
fed twins 15mls of plant magic organic bloom and added 5 mls of ace of buds nute to see how they like it an to see if its as crap as i been told.
They look amazing!! your doing a great job with out your big bro! i cant wait to see what buds look like in 2weeks.

keep up the good work! :bigjoint:
a mid week collection of bud/bud site pics i took over the last .

couple of things i noticed this week both lanky an shorty enjoy the occasional sweat as i have sometimes found clear moisture on the tops of the leaves like they need watered by some known force :\

an lanky seems to be drinking up water alot faster than shorty because lankys nearly light as a feather while shortys soils still pretty moist to touch..

shorty aka bushy




an no lankys not covered in frosty stuff yet lol its the camera picture an lighting on the tops. but there are baby leafs growing fromt he top which stink to touch just like the base of the stem so the smelly season is soon to .

lanky aka the runt

oh autos are alot of fun to grow since they are faster growers overall. the downside is less bud at the end of the grows
week 8

nothing really much to reveal in week 8 other than i swithced the plants back around so give shorty more light since shes still looking a little behint lanky in the bud site growing.

lanky on the other hand still has alot of bud sites on show all over her, and they are all still hard to the touch so they might just be real buds slowly growing there. since they do look bigger than shortys bud sites so i think shorty is around 1-2 weeks behind lanky overall.

lankys newest mini leafs which have been growing on an around her top cola are as stinky to the rub as her stem which is also why i think lankys sites are not still developing but they are buds growing in there instead.

gave both a weekly feed of 15 mls PM bloom and 10mls ace of buds. they both seem more than content with weekly nute feedings which is good as im hoping the ace of buds nutes will help towards the bud growth overall.

day 45


day 46

day 47

day 48

day 49

day 50

day 51

ive noticed there are a few bud sites right downt he bottom of both plants which cant seem to get any light no matter where i move the plants around. if they dont get proper lighting soon they gonna be the worlds tinyest bud sites which nothing on top due to them being unable to get any light at all. but if i class them as foilage i could trim them all off to leave the energy going into the stems which are getting regular light on them.
Wow they look incredible...have grown so much. They looking like proper bushes now. You're going to be full of buds...
just feed the twins 15ml PM bloom and 10-15mls of the remaining Aces Of Buds solution i had int he carboard. and also gave them another defoiling session few dasy ago for more better light to bud exposure.

lanky the lefty is beginning to get crystally starting with her main top cola/bud an slowly working down to the other bud sites. i think lanky will be finished alot sooner than her sister.

shorty on the right, well shes still going strong, she also had a defoiling along side lanky an her bud sites seem nice an rip so im expecting her to begin turning them nice bud sites into cyrstally buds like lankys beginning to do.
I stand corrected...after looking over your plants once more, I have decided that they are indeed trees and not bushes lol. They look amazing...your bro is missing out. Can't believe this is your first grow!
i did help with a grow a few years ago but that failed as it was not thought threw proberly. so yes this is my first grow realistically.

they aint trees no more though, they got there second defoilation trim few days ago an now there skinny stems with minal foilage an more space for lights to reach the bud sites.

for now heres some pretty good close ups of miss lanky an shortys bud sites.

first off the bat is lanky whos clearly ahead of miss shorty as your clearly see from the pics below.

miss lanky aka the runt.




an miss shorty




lanky is now getting a nice frosty look to her as the pictures clearly show so i think

shortys about a week maybe 2 behind her in the growing overal. which helps as a few of

lankys sites lower down need abit more time to fatten out an begin turning into

something which frosty the snowman grew in the north pole of weeden

as for aromas lanky turely stinks but oddly the aroma is now as bad as i though it would

be since shes gives off a delightful strong smell even from rubbing her frosty leaves.
