trayvan martin

I suffer from ADD/ADHD. This is THE REASON why I know my street names, account numbers, when my oil change is due, why my plants are constantly watered, Etc. ADD makes your mind run too fast. He should have known the street by heart, but rather stumbled to say it because his mind was done recalling it already! MMM-MM-maple. Not, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, duno.

So true, while some of us suffer from add. For many of us it enhances our lives.
Everything you don't agree with is liberal. can you even define the word? or do you just toss it around cause you like the way it sounds when rush uses it that way.
Yeah that story is total pile of horse-shit, saw it on the news last night.

Do people not have "locked" holsters btw? You know, so people don't try take your pistol off you and use it on you?!

Security holsters are invariably slower and more difficult on the draw than speed ones. cn
Security holsters are invariably slower and more difficult on the draw than speed ones. cn
True, but you can thumb out the restraint when entering a situation. A security holster will only inhibit draws if your taken completely by surprise. Not the case here. Zimm could have released his security strap when he felt threatened. For what it's worth. Running around and dropping your gun is kinda embarrassing. Having said that, people who use security holsters do so OC. CC are usually tension, or speed holsters.
True, but you can thumb out the restraint when entering a situation. A security holster will only inhibit draws if your taken completely by surprise. Not the case here. Zimm could have released his security strap when he felt threatened. For what it's worth. Running around and dropping your gun is kinda embarrassing. Having said that, people who use security holsters do so OC. CC are usually tension, or speed holsters.

Somewhere on the web is a post that contains all the pictures taken after the incident. There is a picture of the holster. I did not look very closely at that picture, but the holster was one of those black nylon types. I don't recall if it had a thumb strap.
Somewhere on the web is a post that contains all the pictures taken after the incident. There is a picture of the holster. I did not look very closely at that picture, but the holster was one of those black nylon types. I don't recall if it had a thumb strap.
My guess would be a speed holster. Only folks comfortable with OC would sport a secured holster. Most citizens CC when doing routine errands and such. Personally, I would OC if I were neighborhood watch. But a HD camera is just as fine. They can stream live too! Smile, your on the internet!
I drive very well. I even walk very well. Why would I bother to memorize street names? Do you know the names of your neighbors, their kids' names? Do you know your driver's license number? Do you know the license plate number of the car you drive? Do you know the account number on your electricity bill?

everything but the account number on my electric bill.

i've lived where i do for about a year and a half. know all the street names around me.
I am suprised that the da brought the case at all, going to make them look like idiots. I have always said they knew where he was exactly when they told him to stop following and the fact he was shot on the way back to the truck is the key. He did what the cops told him to do. Shame that kid did not go home, I have kids and it is just a damm shame he lost his life.

he wasn't on the way back to his truck. the interrogator even asked "so you were going back behind..." and zimm said yes.

that means he went looking for martin back behind the houses. he wouldn't have been south of the T otherwise.
You listened to the call Z made to the (non emergency number, by the way) police that night. Did clearly call out to the dispatcher street names, addresses, locations, etc while the stuff was going on? Do you think it is reasonable to expect a guy who just went through the most traumatic event of his life to be thinking completely clearly? Do you think it is reasonable for a guy who just a few minutes before was screaming for help to think clearly?

on the call zimmbot made to dispatch, he names the address of the clubhouse without hesitation.

yet he can't remember what the street 100 feet over is.

and i am marie of romania.
I know all the streets in 90% of every city. it goes like this...1st st, 2nd st, 3rd st, 4th st, 5th st; 1st Ave, 2nd Ave, 3rd Ave, 4th Ave...........
My old neighborhood Aske Britton Case Denman Elbertson Forley Gleane Hampton Ithaca Judge Ketcham Lamont.

Desert Dude you're a shitbag, a liar, and a sellout.