3 weeks flowering


Well-Known Member
i have been flowering for like 3 weeks and i am just wondering should the plants be covered in crystals already and have a very strong smell to them.
and all i am using are some bag seeds i got from some nuggets.

and i just transplanted them in to 2 gallon pots because they stopped growing because the roots ran out of room, roots of my plants where coming out of the bottom of the pots. are the 2 gallon pots good for the rest of the flowering stage.

and the very tips of some of my fan leaves are turning yellowish brown what could this be. i was thinking it was because the roots ran out of room i might be wrong.



Well-Known Member
seeing crystals and strong odor is not unexpected 3 weeks into flowering but it varies with the strain and conditions.

my leaf tips are also yellowing and looking a little burnt which i plan on ignoring unless it gets worse.

those temps are a little high (unless you are using CO2 then it is perfect). not using CO2 a little lower (like 70-75) would be better.

One thing i read from Ed Rosenthal regarding temperature - if you can keep the roots zone around 68-72 and the canopy around 75 your plants love it! but if you have higher canopy temperatures then a lower root zone temp may "even it out" and vice-versa.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help man. i will try and post some pics. but i broke my web cam so i can t take pics.

only other thing i am wondering is how long is your average flowering period.


Well-Known Member
usually no less than 8 weeks for indicas and about a month more for sativas. So somewhere between 8 and 12 weeks.

not sure if you already know this but here are my favorite links regarding when and how to harvest, dry and cure...



Well-Known Member
my temp is now staying right around 74-75 F.
and my humidity is at 55-60 is this good or should i try and lower the humidity.


Well-Known Member
how i i lower it, i took my humidifier out a long time ago and it stays to high what can i do.

like what is ideal humidity % for flowering.


Well-Known Member
one more thing when plants are in flowering they still get taller right. i herd they will get 3 times bigger then what they where in the vegg stage is this right.


Well-Known Member
your temp and humidity are fine - though as stunned points out - you want to watch excessive humidity - especially toward the end of flowering when mold loves to form and conditions are perfect.

I think most FAQs and books recommend a humidity between 40-60%

Indica and indica-heavy hybrid can double or triple in size and Sativas and sativa-heavy hybrids grow even more so after switching to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
i have the saaaame question...
mine are in a greenhouse pretty much sealed so no one goes in or out.


Well-Known Member
a dehumidifier would be the best bet. Air conditioners can also remove a lot moisture from the air (depending on the unit).


Well-Known Member
how could you check for that in a unit?
any unit that exchanges air rather than recirculating it will be more effective at reducing humidity. So any window/casement mounted AC unit will do the trick. Even portable ACs (while just recirculating air) will reduce humidity though not as effectively as window units.

the catch is (of course there is a catch) - high humidity makes an air conditioner less effective - but this is a minor quibble.


Well-Known Member
helps a lot.
seems its kinda hard to breath in there... and you can tell the humidity difference from outside.


Well-Known Member
helps a lot.
seems its kinda hard to breath in there... and you can tell the humidity difference from outside.
is it hot too? then an AC might do the trick - i know i just put an AC in my unit and the humidity seemed to go up! but my meter wasn't working correctly so i'm hoping that was a fluke.


Well-Known Member
is there any other way to lower humidity because when my temp was around 80 my humidity was only like 45 and when i lowered the temp to 74-75 the humidity went up to like 65-70%.

and i dont want to up my temp because it is like perfect right now.


Well-Known Member
lowering humidity without lowering temperature would require a dehumidifier.
lowering humidity while lowering temperature would require an air conditioner.