How to interact with the Police


Well-Known Member
This is how it would go with most cops:

Cop: Do you know why I pulled you over?

This is how it could go.

Me: Don't know, officer, what was the probable cause of you stopping me?


Well-Known Member
This is how it would go with most cops:

Cop: Do you know why I pulled you over?

This is how it could go.

Me: Don't know, officer, what was the probable cause of you stopping me?

You really have to be careful with that one. Ever been been pulled over by a BAD cop? As in one who would shoot you dead and then later say 'you went for his gun'. Funny how the dash cam was inop at that time, bummer. There are indeed some good cops out there and some really, really bad ones. It's really a crap shoot which one walks up to your car, however.


Well-Known Member
GF and I were headed to OK about a month or so ago, I start out driving and not five miles from the house I am going 50 in a 30. Get pulled over, no beer in the car nothing. Yes sir, no sir etc tells me to have a nice day at the casino and lets me slide. Hour or so later we close to OK and now she is driving. 94 in a 70 get pulled over by State Police, once again no beer, nothing in the car. He comes up to my side and says to her, how fast do you think you were going. She responds, 75 or so??? I immed laugh and say huh, more like 90. He laughs and says 94, checks us for warrants and says slow down and get out of here. You need to be nice to these guys, they want to let you go, you give them the reason and they wont.


Well-Known Member
Most ppl have a lawyer in their family or circle of friends.. It's not a bad play to say something like "I'd like to answer, but my daughter never shuts up about how innocent ppl often get burned for saying harmless seeming things, and if that happened to me she'd be all 'I told you so!!! Yap yap yap.." until the day I die.."


Well-Known Member
ya right a state trooper arrested me I was walking down the road with my pit by the house I had an ounce of bud they told me I have a warrent so I asked to put my dog away I stashed my weed and went back out they frisk me and the cop grabed my cock and balls I look back with a dirty look like what the fuck really I was just in the house you dumbass his partner had a stupid look on his face like wow he really grabbed your cock guy must have been quer
i am curious if serious studies have been done on what kinds of people are drawn to being police officers? theres some homo erotic power control issues going on i believe, something waaaaaaaaaay gay about wanting to cuff another man and take him downtown....just my thought..


Well-Known Member
basically you need to be nice but not to nice their not your buddy they want to fuck you over. just keep your mouth shut there just trying to bust your balls. I don't tell them shit and tell them to get a warrant all the time. they don't like me but they never see me. they can't get a rat even though they tried before and they don't even know my buisness they know old shit but thats it I rarely have anything in the car. but I still demand a warrant and I don't answer questions no small talk nothing I'm polite but I don't give them an inch. they come to my door I step out and shut the door plus I have dogs so they aint going to fuck around and push their way in. I don't keep guns also cause nobody knows my buisness and its a bigger charge having fire arms. plus dogs are better big dogs scare people and they'll get you when you least expect it before you can draw a gun. but a good dog will be on them like flys on shit.


Well-Known Member
basically you need to be nice but not to nice their not your buddy they want to fuck you over. just keep your mouth shut there just trying to bust your balls. I don't tell them shit and tell them to get a warrant all the time. they don't like me but they never see me. they can't get a rat even though they tried before and they don't even know my buisness they know old shit but thats it I rarely have anything in the car. but I still demand a warrant and I don't answer questions no small talk nothing I'm polite but I don't give them an inch. they come to my door I step out and shut the door plus I have dogs so they aint going to fuck around and push their way in. I don't keep guns also cause nobody knows my buisness and its a bigger charge having fire arms. plus dogs are better big dogs scare people and they'll get you when you least expect it before you can draw a gun. but a good dog will be on them like flys on shit.
my car was completely clean.. got pulled over he wanted to search it... i was like nahh, then he went through all the hassle to search the car.. when he did he was upset he didnt find anything.. i said i told you i didnt have anything :bigjoint: sorry about rambling;-)


Well-Known Member
best thing about that is the judge will think twice before signing a warrant on you next time. they will need real evidence if they come up empty again they'll never get a warrant again although I had a cop illeagaly search my vehicle if he found anything it would have been thrown out of court unless he got a warrant after he found something and swears he waited for the warrant I hate cops but you got to be nice cause if they really hate you they'll plant drugs on you
my car was completely clean.. got pulled over he wanted to search it... i was like nahh, then he went through all the hassle to search the car.. when he did he was upset he didnt find anything.. i said i told you i didnt have anything :bigjoint: sorry about rambling;-)


Well-Known Member
basically you need to be nice but not to nice their not your buddy they want to fuck you over. just keep your mouth shut there just trying to bust your balls. I don't tell them shit and tell them to get a warrant all the time. they don't like me but they never see me. they can't get a rat even though they tried before and they don't even know my buisness they know old shit but thats it I rarely have anything in the car. but I still demand a warrant and I don't answer questions no small talk nothing I'm polite but I don't give them an inch. they come to my door I step out and shut the door plus I have dogs so they aint going to fuck around and push their way in. I don't keep guns also cause nobody knows my buisness and its a bigger charge having fire arms. plus dogs are better big dogs scare people and they'll get you when you least expect it before you can draw a gun. but a good dog will be on them like flys on shit.
Cops won't hesitate to shoot your dogs if they're a threat to them and they don't have another way out.. Some cops will just shoot them even if they have options.. Unless the dog is a toy breed, good luck proving he didn't have just cause..


Well-Known Member
best thing about that is the judge will think twice before signing a warrant on you next time. they will need real evidence if they come up empty again they'll never get a warrant again although I had a cop illeagaly search my vehicle if he found anything it would have been thrown out of court unless he got a warrant after he found something and swears he waited for the warrant I hate cops but you got to be nice cause if they really hate you they'll plant drugs on you
well sometimes you get lucky.. i was in Reading, PA like 4 in the morning and i got pulled over.. i was in the ghetto too.. hes all like im gonna have to search your car, i was only 18 just learning my rights haha i was like fuck it go ahead.. he found an ounce in my middle compartment and just looked at it and put it back, he goes "we were looking for something bigger.. just get out of here with that" and let me go... my trick is, i dont talk to them.


All of these portrayals of police sound pretty extreme to me, but then again I live in Canada. Police here really couldn't care less about anything ganja-related.


Well-Known Member
Comply like a mofo when it is needed.. mite save ya someday..
Snitching is never good they will always ask you too.. But all in all, the nicer you are, and if legit.. more likely you will get off.

Its the douche bags they wanna lock away, and those greedy ass cash croppers.


I just recently pissed off a cop and needed to know how i could have avoided the incident. A female cop pulled me over every weekend when i was delivering food for work and would ask me the dumbest questions over and over. (Hi how are you today? Whats your favorite color? Where are you going? ect..) I asked her, Is there anything wrong? Did i do something? She replied No. And would be on her way. Well this happened for 3 months and i finally asked for her badge number because she would hold me for 10-30 mins and my boss would get on to me. She gave it to me and i turned her in and two days later NO LIE i was pulled over by 16 different cops and given random tickets. what should i have done?? How should i have reacted??


You don't understand no matter what i told her she just ignored me and asked another question. And she would stare at me. It was really creepy and annoying. Is there a way to turn in a whole station? Now that time has gone by they all seem to be up my butt. I can't even go anywhere with out a cop pulling me over. And they all smile at me when they send me off. Dose all this mean i should move?
yes don't talk to them.. notes they want fuck off as fastest possible too...don't turn back asking for way to market and if they find a crime clue it's necessary for them to embrace.. let them fuck off don't ask name and numbers. they freak out more then you...+ the POLICE is all not ideal thing work it out

old gimp

Well-Known Member
write a letter to the chief of police it really works. I had a problem with pigs after the letter everything got fixed