There are dual meters but they're expensive. A TDS meter is durable, while a pH meter's electrode will wear out. I think it's better to have'm separate. cndoes the TDS meter do both PPM and pH? I would like in all in one if possible.
I once cared about my local economy, then I remembered everyone in business is in it for the $$I about asked you about your local economy, then I saw your avatar. lol
i dont have the bluelab truncheon i use hm digital but i second spending a little more and get quality gear. i bought cheap a few times and they constantly failed leaving me with a my pants down a few times with a bucket full of solution and no idea what my ph or tds was. since spending a little more i have had the same testers for a long time now and with the occasional calibration all is well. i now have brand new spares and new batteries on hand at all times too thoughFor this kind of equipment, "low cost" and "quality" do not go hand in hand. For your ppm meter, I will say that the BlueLab truncheon is hands down the best tool on the market.
They dont need calibration and they carry a 5 year warranty. It's a probe thats coated in resin with a waterproof plastic covering. You can drop it into your reservoir and it'll be fine. You can drop it on the floor and it wont break. We actually had a bluelab sales rep come in and he was just tossing the things on the ground. They're indestructible. This is one part of growing where you should try not to skimp. Pay 110 for the bluelab, instead paying 30 to 40 time and time again for low quality meters