Club 600


Well-Known Member
Just went for a run with my daughter and we are both out of shape lol. @nd day so far of running. I havent run in 3 yrs but its time to try again for my health and to set a good example for the family.


New Member
Just went for a run with my daughter and we are both out of shape lol. @nd day so far of running. I havent run in 3 yrs but its time to try again for my health and to set a good example for the family.
I hate running, I rather go to the gym lift weights or something. I know running is awesome cardio and will tone you up fast, but damn I hate it.

Good luck, ironically since I started to medicate i lost 50 lbs, instead of munching it away. Weird. I still munch the @#)&!)@ outta some oreos, jellybeans etc.. but thankfully I drop weight.
I have been exercising more in the garden, lugging crap up and down, water etc.. I think that's more the factors then anything. I enjoy the hobby and am always tinkering, adjusting making it better thus working in it.


Well-Known Member
Green planet, blue planet nute.. Im gonna start red planet nutes.. It's crazy Eveyeone cashing in what's new crowd.
It has nothing to do with the in-crowd?but has to do with quality nutes at a great price.
I care not to troll him back.
So you make a sarcastic comment, 209 makes a rather bland comment back addressing your sarcastic comment, and then you say he's trolling you... and that you are the one taking the high ground of not trolling him back?

It seems sometimes you use words that would intentionally start fights.

I use Dutch Master nutrients, am I a sheep? Or do sheep only use certain products. Do you have a specific list of these products so that we can be saved from being sheep? I'd hate to have the wool pulled over my eyes and obviously you know what's best. Please be specific for us to save us from our mistakes. Really appreciated!


Well-Known Member
So you make a sarcastic comment, 209 makes a rather bland comment back addressing your sarcastic comment, and then you say he's trolling you... and that you are the one taking the high ground of not trolling him back?

It seems sometimes you use words that would intentionally start fights.

I use Dutch Master nutrients, am I a sheep? Or do sheep only use certain products. Do you have a specific list of these products so that we can be saved from being sheep? I'd hate to have the wool pulled over my eyes and obviously you know what's best. Please be specific for us to save us from our mistakes. Really appreciated!


Oh Jig I'm pissin me pants.... Funny Fuker you are!!!


Well-Known Member
You got me. Blue Planet employee. LOL. Sorry for actually reading what you write and paying attention. Go on and keep calling people in this thread trolls and sheep. Definitely adding to the vibe and really helping things along.

Seriously, what's with all the name calling with you?


Active Member
it would seem to me that there are more companies and expensice lines of nutes are coming from the dutch and canadians...but just another cali boy that uses oregon nutes lmao:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Seriously guy... the conspiracy theories are laughable. The more you talk, the more it's clear you don't know what's going on. So save yourself and stop with the nutrients thing.

There's nothing going on. 209 has a friend... that's it. I don't like you calling people names. I don't know 209 other than he's a 600 member who is cool. Same with Hemlock... we don't know eachother from a hole in the ground. But we do chill on the 600 quite often.

We all kinda like each other around here and will stick up for each other when someone comes in talking a little shit. We get that you don't like people wasting their money on the 'new best thing'. That sucks for you because people will continue to do it till money doesn't exist.

Am I an idiot for bringing all this up and making a big deal about? I'm sure I am... but I don't care.

I don't like people calling people names on the 600.


Well-Known Member
Yawn "jiggy"cant see shit troll dude, seriously are you that obsessed with trying to save face? How bout we share a bucket of chicken and a sample of your 'tweed' you bring the grape drink?
wtf? Are you being racist now?

EDIT: never thought I'd be complemented being compared to fdd.


Active Member
dude...shut it and go away....this isnt "big buddah call every1 trolls" thread....its the the club 600 positive and contribute or dont and leave


Active Member
i did read it...and u kept calling ppl trolls...we're not wolves, u just wont shut up

"sorry for trying to steer the sheep" what makes you any better than the companies making the nutes steering folks as to what to buy....u just cant leave well enuf alone...

so again i didnt call u name but that how u retaliate...

shut it and go away
contribute and be positive or dont and go away


Well-Known Member
I don't care its a forum its kind of sad he puts this much effort in for NOT caring or what ever he claims now.
This is why I think you don't belong here. I do care a lot about this forum. Spend a lot of my time here. Have made a lot of friends here. I think that's beautiful. You think I'm 'kind of sad' for caring that much.

I will always care about this thread, and I will always get upset when peeps come in talking shit. And you think that's sad?

Seriously, why are you here? Who's opinions do you respect in here? And if you don't respect anyones, then again, why even talk to us?

And what's with the bucket of chicken/ grape drink comment huh?

EDIT: And we're trolls.... wow man. just wow


Well-Known Member
I hate running, I rather go to the gym lift weights or something. I know running is awesome cardio and will tone you up fast, but damn I hate it.

Good luck, ironically since I started to medicate i lost 50 lbs, instead of munching it away. Weird. I still munch the @#)&!)@ outta some oreos, jellybeans etc.. but thankfully I drop weight.
I have been exercising more in the garden, lugging crap up and down, water etc.. I think that's more the factors then anything. I enjoy the hobby and am always tinkering, adjusting making it better thus working in it.
Believe me I hate running as well. I lift weights and never get as big as when I am also running for some reason. I think I have more stamina for more reps from the running?


Active Member
how do u know i you know i make remarks on your intelligence...all im saying is none of us want to hear you yet you keep prodding...of course ur gonna keep getting responses if u keep calling ppl names and telling them they're stupid...oh and by the way i can guarantee that im not a stupid individual...thanks for the insults that were undeserved


New Member
Believe me I hate running as well. I lift weights and never get as big as when I am also running for some reason. I think I have more stamina for more reps from the running?

True I would rather be tone muscular then tone skinny, you know? I mean either is fine, I just like some definition. Good luck in any exercise you try, I know doing anything is a good step for me.


New Member
how do u know i you know i make remarks on your intelligence...all im saying is none of us want to hear you yet you keep prodding...of course ur gonna keep getting responses if u keep calling ppl names and telling them they're stupid...oh and by the way i can guarantee that im not a stupid individual...thanks for the insults that were undeserved
I am sure you are not, but I can only judge on the basis of you not reading/understand the situation. You jumped in because you seen some reputable posters chastising me, as well for not reading the posts. For that apologize I guess, but you still are not correct.


Active Member
thats not why i jumped in..thats call an assumption..know what that makes you
i started posting cuz thats when i got online...

i did read it all...and u are trolling this thread
YOU are the only person throwing out insults and turning the whole vibe hostile
no-one but YOU has been calling ppl sheep, and dumb/stupid, wolves(like we're attacking)
seems ur the antagonist playing the victim

so i reiterate
shut it and go away
contribut and be positive OR
dont and go away