First Grow : 3 - 5 plants closet grow...


Well-Known Member
put it in the tub and run about 8 gallons of phd water throough it and the last gallon add the calmag, and be patient after a few days you should notice a health change for the better


Active Member
put it in the tub and run about 8 gallons of phd water throough it and the last gallon add the calmag, and be patient after a few days you should notice a health change for the better
Ok, dude... Just did what you told me, and I must tell you it was a big fight and very careful one, the top, head, the cola is so heavy that whole body is falling on one side, so I was walking with it so carefully that it took me 2min to get to bathroom... :D than I did what you told me and than again back to wardrobe... but I think I did it and I just pray for healthy grow till the end, cause without fan leaves, well most of them, I don't know how much more bigger can buds actually get... :( but thank you very much for this step by stop guide. I hope it'll help...

Seriously guys do you think I can expect some fatten up, some growth even after loosing most of the fan leaves?


Active Member
Well it's 2 days later and my problem is still here, and yellowing continues... :( I did flush her, and I gave her Magnesium and Calcium and I'm starting to worry if I'm going to loose my plant and it's flower... :(

I'm posting more pictures, for anyone who may have any idea what this might be...



Well-Known Member
the calmag shouldve worked other than that is there any bugs in the soil when you water? they would come up right after you water and are small little fuckers, cus root aphids will do what your symptoms are also and sometimes worse, thats what my shit looked like with aphids


Well-Known Member
Same thing, my leaves looked like that with aphids as well. Do3sha, do you think that could be a phosphorus deficiency if not aphids?


Active Member
Well I just smoked first time properly dried weed from my bag seed plant, and it taste horrible... It got me nice and high, very smooth mellow head high, but god it taste horrible... I think next time I need to water just with clean water more than one week... :( works like a charm, but the taste is horrifying... I guess best would be make butter from all those buds...


Active Member
Little fatten up and color of pistils changing slowly. Because of unfortunate change of my plans, I have to take it down in exactly 2 weeks, I hope till then it'll mature.

Day 91 , flowering 40:


Well-Known Member
Hey I think I might have an answer for you..looks it could be Potassium deficiency. My girls are actually going through it right now. Mistook it for phosphorus at first, but I believe a lack of postash can lead to sulfur and phosphorus deficiency too.


Active Member
Hey I think I might have an answer for you..looks it could be Potassium deficiency. My girls are actually going through it right now. Mistook it for phosphorus at first, but I believe a lack of postash can lead to sulfur and phosphorus deficiency too.
Thank you but it was actually cal and mag. It stopped. No more leaves are getting affected so I think that was it. It took a little longer than i expected and I lost probably all the main fan leaves, but I think for now everything is ok. And As I said I'm chopping it down in 2 weeks... I wanted 3 weeks more but because of my backpacking trip I have to chop it week sooner... Hopefully it'll be still smokable and tasty... :)


Well-Known Member
thank you, anyway what do you think from the pictures, will my harvest be good even if I chop it down in 2 weeks?
It should be ok...but you'll be missing out some you know? I have heard of people cutting back their light cycle further in order to increase the rate at which the bud giving the plants only 8 hours of light instead of 12. Maybe you could try that for the last couple weeks?


Active Member
It should be ok...but you'll be missing out some you know? I have heard of people cutting back their light cycle further in order to increase the rate at which the bud giving the plants only 8 hours of light instead of 12. Maybe you could try that for the last couple weeks?
This is great idea, I was reading about it too, actually I was even asking about it in this threat before, so I'm going to switch from today for next two weeks to 8/16. :) Thx Lady.J :)


Active Member
Just little update on that bag seed harvest, after drying and curing overall weight is 13,5g , well was hoping for more, but it was a first grow so I'm not that much disappointed... After first few days curing taste got little better but still it's incomparable to proper weed with it's odd smell and taste...


Well-Known Member
Well at least you have some to smoke while you wait for your baby to finish :). I'm glad that I could suggest something to help you, curious to see how well it works out. I think she's going to be a good smoke no matter what though :weed:


Well-Known Member
make some BHO with it would prollly give you around 2.5 grams give or take depending on the quality, i mean it doesnt taste or smell good, thats pperfect BHO bud that you can just put a little on top of a bowl and be blitzed son