out here in colorado (where it's not legal , even medical really) all this card that ANYONE that has ANY condition (or if they can just lie about it) does is provide a means for defense in court, if you're a medical grower and get popped you'll still be going to court but with this card as long as you're within limits or have a doctor say you actually need more than the state limit allows the average "patient" you have a defense, if you have fuckloads of overage then you're fucked. The pigs have no way of knowing if you're carded or not before a bust, a "friend" recently got busted out here,the reason, someone smelled weed and that's all it took to make wheels turn, they then checked his power bill and said his usage was triple or some shit the average in the hood, now my bill is more than his by far and I live like two blocks away. back to the medical, as I always say, they flashbang first and ask questions later. Now about rentals, you can find plenty of people around here that rent houses that are MMJ friendly but the owners use this and make the rent extremely high.I don't even remember wtf the original topic was but most importantly I don't care, have a nice day/nite.