4 plants found on the grand union canal in london 2010


Well-Known Member
If your not growing on your proptery then It's not stealing. Soon as you step on foot on someone else's property it's not yours anymore. Does ownership of property mean nothing at all? So I can come do whatever I want at your place nice.
Do you not know what guerilla growing is? Your an idiot.


Well-Known Member
Do you not know what guerilla growing is? Your an idiot.
Wtf does guerilla growing have to do with property. If I found sombody else's plants on my property I would make them mine or dispose of them because they are legally mine on my property and I don't want somebody I don't know trespassing on my property .


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know what the fuck it is, fucking hypocrites you want to grow on someone elses shit and then get pissed off if the owner finds it and gets rid of it. Hey it's yours and they got rid of it call the cops on the owner they fucked with your shit on THEIR property. You should work for the government they like retards.


Well-Known Member
Plants were on public property?
The only problem i see was you pulled them before they were done.

That said, if the guy caught you and stomped your teeth into a curb... you had it coming. haha.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know what the fuck it is, fucking hypocrites you want to grow on someone elses shit and then get pissed off if the owner finds it and gets rid of it. Hey it's yours and they got rid of it call the cops on the owner they fucked with your shit on THEIR property. You should work for the government they like retards.
Your a little ripper theif that needs his ass kicked. Get off the computer and go suck a dick.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
chimo's and thieves are on the same level. they are thieves of security and respect

rippers deserve to be branded as a thief's so everyone knows these fucks are opportunistic dogs, i hate thieves


Active Member
If your not growing on your proptery then It's not stealing. Soon as you step on foot on someone else's property it's not yours anymore. Does ownership of property mean nothing at all? So I can come do whatever I want at your place nice.
With that way of thinking, growers should be able to boobytrap their grows and when you loose a leg or arm or your life then it's not assault, manslaughter, or murder ...Hey, it's public land like you said, so people can do what ever the hell they please because it's public land right?...Do you see where the problem is with that logic.


a picture of my dog he can sniff out these plants no problem, a tip for you growers stop growing near the canal paths and river paths leaving an old bottle or bucket there for watering, a dead give away, and along the railway lines in town, you are making it too easy for us, but keep using the autos otherwise its a big rush the start of october and the fun is over too quickly. and these are not your plants its not your garden, these are fair game,



Well-Known Member
a picture of my dog he can sniff out these plants no problem, a tip for you growers stop growing near the canal paths and river paths leaving an old bottle or bucket there for watering, a dead give away, and along the railway lines in town, you are making it too easy for us, but keep using the autos otherwise its a big rush the start of october and the fun is over too quickly. and these are not your plants its not your garden, these are fair game,
You are also a pussy ripper