Strange smell and drooping buds


I figure im about a week away from harvest but all of the sudden my plant has a bad smell and some of the buds are drooping way down. ive been trimming some fan leaves recently. im wondering if i should just harvest now because of the bad smell or wait and see what happens. plant looks fine exept for a few leaves with holes in them. please help. thanks.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
whats your humidity and temps in the room? a high humidity near the end can lead to budrot that starts in the middle of the bud. by the time you see it, its too late. the bud will start to turn to mush inside.

last year i had to chop a week early when i caught it just starting to happen.

just because the buds are drooping doesnt mean something is wrong. they could just be fattening up and need to be supported.


Well-Known Member
What do u mean exactly by bad smell? Can u take a picture of the plant? Is the soil soggy? Have u taken a plant out of the pot to look at the roots?

We need more info to help.


my humidity is usually around 40 sometimes 50. thought about bud rot but everything looks pretty good. im using a hydroponic system ive been changing the water every week and im using the soul sythetics line of nutes which are staining the roots i believe so i cant tell if i have root rot or not.


the smell i kinda just almost poopy or something hard to explain almost smells like moth balls. also i am currently flushing the whole system with filtered water.


whats your humidity and temps in the room? a high humidity near the end can lead to budrot that starts in the middle of the bud. by the time you see it, its too late. the bud will start to turn to mush inside.

last year i had to chop a week early when i caught it just starting to happen.

just because the buds are drooping doesnt mean something is wrong. they could just be fattening up and need to be supported.
what would you recomend for supporting the buds.

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
what would you recomend for supporting the buds.
You can tie your buds up using some hemp or string. just make sure that there is plenty of slack around the stem. tie the string from the bud to one of your rods in your tent, or if you're using just a regular room use some push pins or something.


Well-Known Member
I believe... Dirty Diaper/Poop/Ammonia/Basement sort of smell = mold is forming.

Maybe the flushing has been a little too much?

Had a batch of Government Mule do that.

Don't think it's too late, but that smell will stick with it through the curing process. It's sort of rank.

Maybe ease off on the flushing?


Well-Known Member
You can tie your buds up using some hemp or string. just make sure that there is plenty of slack around the stem. tie the string from the bud to one of your rods in your tent, or if you're using just a regular room use some push pins or something.

dont just tie it with string and a regular knot. make a bowline, or some other knot that leaves a LOOP with the stem inside, that way, when the stem grows, the loop wont damage it.

youtube link on bowline knot. i do this for all my tying needs, its easy to do and undo.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
check the buds closely & carefully - use a magnifying glass and look as deep into the buds as u can. nothing worse than bud rot. what sucks is it happens toward the end of the grow after all the work. wtf! GL


Well-Known Member
Hate to tell anyone to harvest early.

literally know nothing about your grow other than it started smelling bad and you are 1 week from harvest.

Open up a large bud or two. Look for brown/mush/odor. Also look for white fibrous mold.

I know it sucks to rip through buds, but if "dirty diaper" or "rank basement mildew" is the kind of smell you are smelling, you will want to check.

Google some pics of bud rot to get an idea of what you are looking for.

If you want to give a run down of your setup, media, etc, could help more.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you are running drain to waste and the waste bucket has not been cleaned in ages?

Did you use any pesticides applied to the root zone?

Azadirachtin? has a TERRIBLE smell when left in water for weeks.


Well-Known Member
its your soil it has gone anaerobic, use TAP water fresh out the tap next watering add a week or 2 for them to recover and swell/ripen up like normal.


Perhaps you are running drain to waste and the waste bucket has not been cleaned in ages?

Did you use any pesticides applied to the root zone?

Azadirachtin? has a TERRIBLE smell when left in water for weeks.
I checked pretty deep for mold it all looks fine. im just using a 5 gallon bucket and a pump with the plant on top no watse bucket. i clean it once a week.


Well-Known Member
So. It sounds like the smell is definitely coming from the plant. Not something else.

So, either it is a genetic thing, or you have some sort of mildew, mold, or rot.

That's my educated guess.

seed to flower

Well-Known Member
A bucket system with clay (hydroton) balls for medium & venturi (air pump & tubbing)
for drip feeding. Are the Clay balls turning green...if they are, that's algae which will
turn your nutrient solution sour (acidic) quicker; what happens then is nute lock out.
Does the root system look white/cream & alive? Dark brown, black patches not good
root rot......swap tree(s) to a clean bucket (disinfect smelly apparatus with a lil bleach).
Also, warm nutrient solution will go bad quicker (allot more attention required with hydro).