The UK Growers Thread!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
whos doing that promo? sounds good tho if you got it right
i just had a look on sea of seeds and i dont think you can choose what you get. i think they'll just give you 5 more white russian. but it does say you got to order a 10 pack and the fems only come in a 6 pack
SOS mate, that's why I was asking, I was thinking 2 fem packs equals 12 seeds so should really be the same as ordering 1 10pack, and I wouldn't want 3 packs of the WR I was spoilt for choice with the last packs I grew out all bar 1 would have qualified ass keepers and a couple in particular were monsters when it came to yielding, I grew out 2 packs and really was spoiled for choice some plants produced so well that mould was unavoidable in the conditions I was in proper baseball bat colas, I have never grown out the AK47 but have smoked it and would love to give it a run probably only a seed or 2 at a time due to having plenty to focus on, was thinking if that is the offer I'll hold off on the WR order for a few days and order the extra pack so as to get the AK47 free, I'm only going to order 1 pack of the WR otherwise as I fancy my odds with them but would deffo order the other pack just for the sake of it.
I know I could just order a pack of each but the AK's will just be thrown in here and there to mix things up a little as I want to focus on the WR and having the clone onlys I don't want to be pheno hunting in the AK's that's why I was thinking that if there free I can just run them like most people do there normal freebies, I throw my freebies in the bin but would gamble the space with quality here and there with the AK's, If I were to pay for them I wouldn't be able to help myself and would prob end up over run with clones lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
lol I've never had anything other than random shite, I think there's some floating around here somewhere at the mo but can't bring myself to grow out a load of plants that are going to be completely different.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Well curiosity got the better of me and I just went and hunted down the freebies I hadn't bothered to bin 4 fems 1x kannabia seeds power skunk, 1x Dinafem blue widow, 1x Dinafem shark attack, 1x dinafem critical jack.
@MRT yours if you want to take the gamble on them mate? Dinafem is supposed to be a decent company wit good genetics wass just thinking as a filler until you sort your next seed order out after having probs with your barneys bollax farm mate.


Well-Known Member
Well curiosity got the better of me and I just went and hunted down the freebies I hadn't bothered to bin 4 fems 1x kannabia seeds power skunk, 1x Dinafem blue widow, 1x Dinafem shark attack, 1x dinafem critical jack.
@MRT yours if you want to take the gamble on them mate? Dinafem is supposed to be a decent company wit good genetics wass just thinking as a filler until you sort your next seed order out after having probs with your barneys bollax farm mate.
cheers for the offer mate but i wouldnt be able to finish them before i went on hols. i put a few of my freebies in this time tho. i put 1 of those blue widows in and its looking quite good too. heres a pic of it

my white widows are looking the best tho heres a few pics of them
how do my internet slut monkeys?
mr t or as i shall now call u MR T BAG how r ya? did them plants turn out to b males in end?
not bad mate cheers. hows you? yeah mate 2 males and 1 thats a bit confused lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
No worries mate, looking good also looks like a nice mix up between them, shame the barney's went balls up pardon the pun mate.
Bigbuddha do a nice bc that stinks and is tastey without needing a cure aswell just incase your gonna run the bc again.


Well-Known Member
this was a attitude freebie from a while back now tho, had a few more like that and they werent grown in the greatest conditions and pretty shore it was 6 under a 400hps, it stank too off oranges was covered in thc and that pic was at 8wks on the dot, stupid fucking m8 lost the clones tho after a run or 2 and i couldnt remember what it was called lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
this was a attitude freebie from a while back now tho, had a few more like that and they werent grown in the greatest conditions and pretty shore it was 6 under a 400hps, it stank too off oranges was covered in thc and that pic was at 8wks on the dot, stupid fucking m8 lost the clones tho after a run or 2 and i couldnt remember what it was called lol
Is that the one we were on about the other night mate?


Well-Known Member
Is that the one we were on about the other night mate?
yeah m8, was a real nice smoke and real tough easy plant to grow that was in soil in 6.5ltr pots too with a very short veg and like i say was just a freebie from the tude that i have no idea what is called lol


Well-Known Member
No worries mate, looking good also looks like a nice mix up between them, shame the barney's went balls up pardon the pun mate.
Bigbuddha do a nice bc that stinks and is tastey without needing a cure aswell just incase your gonna run the bc again.
i was 50/50 on bb or barneys farm and asked my sister randomly barneys or big budda and she said barneys lol. i wouldnt mind a good cheese strain for the strength. im not a big fan of the taste but it knocks you out i got to say and my invester like cheese. the other freebies i put in where g13s og13 and sour jack. the thing that pissed me off more than losing plants was i lost 2 of the ones i had in air pots and coco, the ones i thought i'd be throwing i put in soil and normal pots but they seam ok at the mo.
this was a attitude freebie from a while back now tho, had a few more like that and they werent grown in the greatest conditions and pretty shore it was 6 under a 400hps, it stank too off oranges was covered in thc and that pic was at 8wks on the dot, stupid fucking m8 lost the clones tho after a run or 2 and i couldnt remember what it was called lol
that looks like a good plant. gutting when you lose it tho. i gave my psycho cutting to a mate to veg up for me so i can keep it as a mother. i just hope he doesnt fuck it up cos i put that in coco and hes used to growing in soil


Active Member
I only opened my laptop because I actually missed you kids. I think I'm very near the bottom of that slippery slope my parents warned me about. Have spent past week... 3 days? Mebbe a fortnight, not sure. Anyway, have spent past few whatevers in a state that medical practitioners refer to as Holy Shit. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I only opened my laptop because I actually missed you kids. I think I'm very near the bottom of that slippery slope my parents warned me about. Have spent past week... 3 days? Mebbe a fortnight, not sure. Anyway, have spent past few whatevers in a state that medical practitioners refer to as Holy Shit. bongsmilie
holy shit.......... lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
So tired. Spent the past few days exploring london with forum member in a big cloud of thai smoke :) so much walking though, legs need a rest! Camden town is amazing, although the food is pretty expensive. A coconut and a piece of nougat ended up costing £8 :/ but then i got really really high and clean forgot about the price :)


Well-Known Member
i cant believe my misses just broke the curtain pole holding up the curtains in the room that i got my tent in. the light was on too so anyone could have seen it


Well-Known Member
So tired. Spent the past few days exploring london with forum member in a big cloud of thai smoke :) so much walking though, legs need a rest! Camden town is amazing, although the food is pretty expensive. A coconut and a piece of nougat ended up costing £8 :/ but then i got really really high and clean forgot about the price :)
did you need that coconut and nougat or just want it? lol