Not bad at all IM, none of the passing out as you found, but weed doesn't do that to me, i sleep when it's sleepy time and not ebfore, always been like that. Little harsh on my throat though but no doubt a propper cure would help that out a bit
No weed for me for a while, not unless I see Kuroi. Any money i now have is prioritised for my move out, so gotta start being a little frugal heaven help me. He sais as he eyes up a pair of racks of ribs in the fridge and starts defrosting a bag of king prawns and cracks open a Leffe blonde

Really beginning to consider the notion of a mobile food palace called "Baked". Inspired by man vs food, not in terms of portions, but just meaty kickass goodness. Sure burger vans are all well and good, but now imagine that is a gourmet burger with all the bells and whistles, or a huge roast pork and gravy baguette etc. NOM. Fuck vegetables. I subsidize my vegetables with more meat!
With regard to buying what people know, well i think that is a very hit and miss way of looking at things. I mean take my city for an example, there's not one cunt in the place who has the slightest clue what they are selling and not a cunt who gives two damns what they're buying. So long as it is dry then that is ALL that they care about. You ask a dealer or anyone for that matter what the weed from X is like, the quality is based on how dry it is, not what the actual weed is like. Utter madness. London though, mad place, those strains you mention skunkdoc, those are fetching £160 for half an ounce and people are paying. I think once it starts hitting those prices it sells for the simple fact that people can easily turn into weed snobs. Sure it was a nice bit of blue cheese we smoked, or bubblegum etc, but in fairness if i smoked a joint and was then told how much an ounce would cost i'd have laughed my fucking arse off. Weed can only be sooo good, not fucking £160 a half good. Those prices are for IDIOTS