The UK Growers Thread!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i reckon its where there no carpet and wen kids have bath they spash around like beached whales n there u get the water flowing through floor. soon as flooring in it b all good in the hood.
ive lifted floor boards and cant see any leaks


Well-Known Member
cheese is a easy seller,everyone knows its grade and its name and it does exaktly wat it says on the tin

hey bitchen me not been very well another fucking infections had me on my arse for the past nrly week not fucking happy

so im immersing myself in ice road truckers,ax men,boardwalk empire and that tv series COPS from the start,,i mean wtf else can i do part from get the blades out?>
if you was looking for a keeper of a cheese strain that was strong and had good genetics and yeild was good too what one would you go for. theres too many to try each 1 out lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
give off some fuckin heat too chedz

@ttt you met kurai? she's a cool chick, bit hung up on some dippy kid that's not into her, why i can't understand, girl likes dressing up ;) = win

my QWISO sludge looks fucking mean. i'm checking it hourly just to make sure it hasnt caught light and set the tent ablaze but so far so good lol
Yeah, been spending a bit of time with her of late. Cool chick as you say and enjoys lots of joints which i can hardly complain about. The dressing up is indeed rather fun, but only upto a certain point, she is insisting that i accompany her to Comicon in October, like hell i'm dressing up as some comic book character and doing the caramelle dance :lol: I'm just gonna be a right party pooper :D


Well-Known Member
@MDB what sort of floor is this ur puttin down m8, a good m8 of mine is a floor layer, he nabbed a load of stuff of jobs that was extra, eventually he's now got his whole house done in stuff called carandean, I think that's how it's spelt anyway, but it's is some stuff, he's always had dogs and quite a few kids running riot in the house and once the stuffs washed it looks like new again and lasts for years, he just done my bathroom in it for me, all free of charge, paid for nothing.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
memory damaged to much smoking to remember the name the stuff. but will ask weekend wen see him again. yeah it ment so u can buff it up again n looks brand new. sounds very simular indeedy.
gotta love carpet fitters as mates. they win alot stuff from work haha


Well-Known Member
The stuff the m8 has is like a really hard vinyl tile, u can do good designs with it like Borders and designs in the middle etc, my m8s kitchen floor would cost about a grand and if u wer to lift it there's another £1000 floor underneath, wasn't happy first time round lol, def well worth the money, theres a few similar types of floor as carandean, there's amtico, which is well good stuff to. Aye a friend as a floor layers always a good thing, I'm a joiner so I'll always do him favours too tho

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Yeah, been spending a bit of time with her of late. Cool chick as you say and enjoys lots of joints which i can hardly complain about. The dressing up is indeed rather fun, but only upto a certain point, she is insisting that i accompany her to Comicon in October, like hell i'm dressing up as some comic book character and doing the caramelle dance :lol: I'm just gonna be a right party pooper :D

i get what you mean she's into the whole japanese dressy up thing something fruit or other they call it, not strange fruit! fuck whats it called, anyway. as for the dressing up for comicon, i'll tell you a tale,

bout 5-7 years back i went to italy to a psy trance rave, having never heard psy trance, just thought rave up a montainfor a week in italan weather sounds a belter. the others had plans for dressing up. the theme, UV cowboys and indians. I was a bit concerned at first but told it'd be ok. man i'm not kidding it was so much fun. off your nut going for it with a tomahawk painted like up like a day glow ziggy stardust meets last of the mohicans.

point is it's ok everyone else will be just as daft looking.


Well-Known Member
If there's one thing I'm skilled at m8 it's smoking, not a bad old joiner either, hoping to branch into a new trade tho.....cultivating herb, only part time at the min tho lol


Well-Known Member
If there's one thing I'm skilled at m8 it's smoking, not a bad old joiner either, hoping to branch into a new trade tho.....cultivating herb, only part time at the min tho lol
Fuck that id make it full time of it wernt for fam lmao

just reckoned up my yearly yeild allowence for last yr not bad at 42k and a salary of 35k a yr and thats with work nearly foldin in half haha;-)

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
wot a fuck a round. all exo and ak gone in area. cant get hold reg man so i just had buy an 8th some wank. damp and looks some low grade shite.
orange bud any1? haha


Well-Known Member
if you was looking for a keeper of a cheese strain that was strong and had good genetics and yeild was good too what one would you go for. theres too many to try each 1 out lol
go for blue cheese or exodus cheese good seller nice yeilder and you get top doller,,,clone onlys then exo or physco

nowadays u gotta buy what people have heard off,, or mname watever youve grown to summet they have heard of lol

chedz u pik them up,,all ok yeh?

TT wat ya reckon too that?me i thought was kinda heavy,halfa joint down and id pass out for a hr then waik up rite as ran lol

nd no weed ATT ALL round my area and what ther is is sprayed bunk wat dont even get u hi,,, fuking nasty shit


Well-Known Member
i wood go exo cheese being a uker wood only b right. get a clone and mother it and run exos reg then. very very smelly tho
i wouldnt mind getting a clone of exo on the go. i dont mind the smell now that i got a tidy filter. that bug clear thing came back today, ive tried it on the 1 plant like it said on the bottle to make sure its ok for the plants.

go for blue cheese or exodus cheese good seller nice yeilder and you get top doller,,,clone onlys then exo or physco

nowadays u gotta buy what people have heard off,, or mname watever youve grown to summet they have heard of lol
is psycho a cheese strain? a dealer i bother with was selling some stuff he called blue cheese back about xmas time but a boy he sold it to took it back and said it wasnt bc


Well-Known Member
nowadays u gotta buy what people have heard off,, or mname watever youve grown to summet they have heard of lol

lol m8 too true .. the average guy buying weed is clueless anyway, it would only confuse them even more to give them correct strain lineage
rename your weed to the one it most closely matches below to avoid confusing clueless punters LOL

lemon haze, blue cheese, cheese, ak47 amnesia haze


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Not bad at all IM, none of the passing out as you found, but weed doesn't do that to me, i sleep when it's sleepy time and not ebfore, always been like that. Little harsh on my throat though but no doubt a propper cure would help that out a bit :)

No weed for me for a while, not unless I see Kuroi. Any money i now have is prioritised for my move out, so gotta start being a little frugal heaven help me. He sais as he eyes up a pair of racks of ribs in the fridge and starts defrosting a bag of king prawns and cracks open a Leffe blonde :D Really beginning to consider the notion of a mobile food palace called "Baked". Inspired by man vs food, not in terms of portions, but just meaty kickass goodness. Sure burger vans are all well and good, but now imagine that is a gourmet burger with all the bells and whistles, or a huge roast pork and gravy baguette etc. NOM. Fuck vegetables. I subsidize my vegetables with more meat!

With regard to buying what people know, well i think that is a very hit and miss way of looking at things. I mean take my city for an example, there's not one cunt in the place who has the slightest clue what they are selling and not a cunt who gives two damns what they're buying. So long as it is dry then that is ALL that they care about. You ask a dealer or anyone for that matter what the weed from X is like, the quality is based on how dry it is, not what the actual weed is like. Utter madness. London though, mad place, those strains you mention skunkdoc, those are fetching £160 for half an ounce and people are paying. I think once it starts hitting those prices it sells for the simple fact that people can easily turn into weed snobs. Sure it was a nice bit of blue cheese we smoked, or bubblegum etc, but in fairness if i smoked a joint and was then told how much an ounce would cost i'd have laughed my fucking arse off. Weed can only be sooo good, not fucking £160 a half good. Those prices are for IDIOTS


Well-Known Member
Not bad at all IM, none of the passing out as you found, but weed doesn't do that to me, i sleep when it's sleepy time and not ebfore, always been like that. Little harsh on my throat though but no doubt a propper cure would help that out a bit :)

No weed for me for a while, not unless I see Kuroi. Any money i now have is prioritised for my move out, so gotta start being a little frugal heaven help me. He sais as he eyes up a pair of racks of ribs in the fridge and starts defrosting a bag of king prawns and cracks open a Leffe blonde :D Really beginning to consider the notion of a mobile food palace called "Baked". Inspired by man vs food, not in terms of portions, but just meaty kickass goodness. Sure burger vans are all well and good, but now imagine that is a gourmet burger with all the bells and whistles, or a huge roast pork and gravy baguette etc. NOM. Fuck vegetables. I subsidize my vegetables with more meat!

With regard to buying what people know, well i think that is a very hit and miss way of looking at things. I mean take my city for an example, there's not one cunt in the place who has the slightest clue what they are selling and not a cunt who gives two damns what they're buying. So long as it is dry then that is ALL that they care about. You ask a dealer or anyone for that matter what the weed from X is like, the quality is based on how dry it is, not what the actual weed is like. Utter madness. London though, mad place, those strains you mention skunkdoc, those are fetching £160 for half an ounce and people are paying. I think once it starts hitting those prices it sells for the simple fact that people can easily turn into weed snobs. Sure it was a nice bit of blue cheese we smoked, or bubblegum etc, but in fairness if i smoked a joint and was then told how much an ounce would cost i'd have laughed my fucking arse off. Weed can only be sooo good, not fucking £160 a half good. Those prices are for IDIOTS
£350-450 in some parts of london mate