tip top toker
Well-Known Member
Lol, yup, london we were looking at 0.7 for £10. A friend was all chuffed that they had some brick weed that they were selling at 1.0g £10, i smiled and nodded but thgouht fuck you you cheaky cunt. Even here we'll get pissy and agressive if someone tries eve 1.1g for £10. I have sold bits and pieces in the past to cover this or that when absolutely required, if it is to friends then it is whatever they like the look of for however much they feel is a reasonable price, if they take 7g and give me £20, fine. With strangers exo is £10 1.75, £20 is 3.5, an ounce is £160. It is a plant that requires next to ZERO effort to grow, costs mere pounds per ounce to grow, i cannot justify being a greedy piece of shit. All you'll here is "well if they're willing to pay then why not". People make me fucking sick. Since when did we stop being friendly compassionate human beings and just turn into greed ridden cunts?
Guess we have to thank the government policies for this kind of thing, everything about cannabis is just a sham these days, seeds being one of the biggest scams of all.