Well-Known Member
I am opposed to the death penalty, but I'm with you on this one.Man, I hate to portray devils advocate, because 99% of the time, I'm right there with you. But for some reason, this case has me in that 1% group..
I feel like the appropriate course of action to take is to torture this guy, inflict as much physical pain as humanly possible on him, give him blood transfusions, organ transplants, skin grafts, anything to keep him alive as long as possible. I feel like this makes me a terrible human being because I know, deep down, it's completely contrary to the concept of justice.
What the fucking fuck?
There are certain people that break the mold, and guys like this certainly do. I think we should take people like this and use them for the betterment of humanity. Fuck letting him rot in a jail cell. What does that give back to society, considering he took so much? I say we use people like him as lab rats. Lets test new cancer drugs, and other experimental stuff that we typically use lab rats for on people like him. Chop an arm off, and then use stem cell technology to see if we can grow one back. If it doesn't work, oh well. We could simultaneously have him do his time, while giving back to humanity as well.
A real win-win if I've ever seen one.