LOL well it all you talk about is what I do in everyone of your post to counter me, so I thought I would post a good day. Granted days like this don't happen all the time, but when they do its a damn good day. As I told you earlier, half my crew was down waiting on the greasetrap to be delivered so I had a little time to post, all you could so was make direct insults so I make you a little picture of real work. As for hours I am the first to show up and the last to turn the lights off in my office, not do I only have to order the supplies, I have to bid jobs, keep constant communication with my journeyman and masters, do count list off blue prints etc. Also we run 24 hour emergency service and my guys call me when they are sick and can't show up so I am never off. Today I was running the backhoe on this job because my operator had to take off early. This shit takes up almost all my time but I can squeeze out 30 minutes here and there to troll the forums. I am sorry that it pisses you off I can accomplish that, but I am here to stay.