When do you get a soul??


Well-Known Member
I have not seen you make one single statement that others did not have to think through for you. At some point in your life you missed the basic lesson most of us learn, which is to think about things before you say them. All of your opinions depend on the absence of thought, which makes them not opinions at all, but prejudices. Have you ever stopped to wonder why you take the bigoted position on everything? I don't see how you manage to even wipe your ass without giving yourself a lobotomy.
I havent seen you make one statement that wasnt boosting your pretentious ego. Do you think you are incapable of being wrong? Do you think you have all the answers to the world? It seems like the only joy you get out of life is attempting to belittle other people.


Well-Known Member
That's a pretty rough test to place on anybody in my opinion.

Honestly answer my next question. Do you think you can just be an atheist tomorrow when you wake up?

You said I can just believe. But you need to realize that it's a long hard process. If you have beliefs stuck in your head it's hard to change them. Not that I wish to change my current beliefs.

I didn't just wake up and drop my religion. It was a horrible and hard process. It may have seemed easy to you since I made a sudden thread saying I lost my faith. But there's alot more to it than that.


Well-Known Member
That's a pretty rough test to place on anybody in my opinion.

Honestly answer my next question. Do you think you can just be an atheist tomorrow when you wake up?

You said I can just believe. But you need to realize that it's a long hard process. If you have beliefs stuck in your head it's hard to change them. Not that I wish to change my current beliefs.

I didn't just wake up and drop my religion. It was a horrible and hard process. It may have seemed easy to you since I made a sudden thread saying I lost my faith. But there's alot more to it than that.

Thread idea!


Well-Known Member
That's a pretty rough test to place on anybody in my opinion.

Honestly answer my next question. Do you think you can just be an atheist tomorrow when you wake up?

You said I can just believe. But you need to realize that it's a long hard process. If you have beliefs stuck in your head it's hard to change them. Not that I wish to change my current beliefs.

I didn't just wake up and drop my religion. It was a horrible and hard process. It may have seemed easy to you since I made a sudden thread saying I lost my faith. But there's alot more to it than that.
No I couldnt.. theres no way in hell that I would be able to deny what I know. I get wat u mean about it being a hard process but im sure that its reversible. God doesnt want anybody to deny him. He will give you signs and opportunities to accept his love, it will be up to you to react on them.


Well-Known Member
I havent seen you make one statement that wasnt boosting your pretentious ego. Do you think you are incapable of being wrong? Do you think you have all the answers to the world? It seems like the only joy you get out of life is attempting to belittle other people.
You are little, you need no help from me. I am simply responding appropriately to the asinine hate you spew from your sewer of a mind.

You appear to be able to spend all day judging others but can't handle judgment yourself. What you see as a massive ego is simply the ability to think things through. I understand that to you that probably does cause feelings of belittlement. I do think I am capable of being wrong, but you have yet to demonstrate it, in fact the only one you prove wrong is yourself with your contradictions and inconsistencies. I do not have all the answers, but I have far more than you, I have integrity. You find joy in hate and intolerance, which in addition to belittling others, is the only way you can make yourself look bigger. It only makes sense that the fault you find in others are the things you despise about yourself.

You say stupid things for stupid reasons and defend them in stupid ways, is it any surprise that others look bigger standing next to you?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Even the late pope John Paul announced publicly in 99 at the Vatican that hell was made up, and he apologized on the behalf of christianity for making up hell. Im not making this up, he really said this. I dont know the exact quote but the massage he was trying to pass is that you make your own hell. If you are depressed, angry, any horrible emotion that you feel for a length of time then you are in hell. Hell is being cut off from happiness, hell is being cut off from god.


Well-Known Member
Even the late pope John Paul announced publicly in 99 at the Vatican that hell was made up, and he apologized on the behalf of christianity for making up hell. Im not making this up, he really said this. I dont know the exact quote but the massage he was trying to pass is that you make your own hell. If you are depressed, angry, any horrible emotion that you feel for a length of time then you are in hell. Hell is being cut off from happiness, hell is being cut off from god.
I don't think the religious got the memo..


Well-Known Member
Even the late pope John Paul announced publicly in 99 at the Vatican that hell was made up, and he apologized on the behalf of christianity for making up hell. Im not making this up, he really said this. I dont know the exact quote but the massage he was trying to pass is that you make your own hell. If you are depressed, angry, any horrible emotion that you feel for a length of time then you are in hell. Hell is being cut off from happiness, hell is being cut off from god.
Hasn't he told you? Catholics aren't christians :roll:


Well-Known Member
Because ive seen to much to deny it. There is alot of evil on this world, but if you understand why, it will make sense. The time we have on this earth is only a second compared to the eternity our souls live. And to answer your question, the sight of god is too overwhelming for a human.. any man that looks at god will die.

But," he said, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live."-Exodus 33:20.
Except for Moses, right?
Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.

Deuteronomy 34:10
And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.


Well-Known Member
Even the late pope John Paul announced publicly in 99 at the Vatican that hell was made up, and he apologized on the behalf of christianity for making up hell. Im not making this up, he really said this. I dont know the exact quote but the massage he was trying to pass is that you make your own hell. If you are depressed, angry, any horrible emotion that you feel for a length of time then you are in hell. Hell is being cut off from happiness, hell is being cut off from god.
The Catholic church and the Vatican do not serve god. I dont care what the pope has to say. The fact that people worship him and consider him divine as well as their host of saints makes them idolatrists.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
The Catholic church and the Vatican do not serve god. I dont care what the pope has to say. The fact that people worship him and consider him divine as well as their host of saints makes them idolatrists.
No one serves god. God does not need religion, serving, or worshiping. I wouldnt doubt that even if you reject god, he'd still accept you, because god views us as his equals and not inferior.


Well-Known Member
Im sure Moses was an exception.
Right, because the bible is never wrong.
Oh, I guess your god 'forgot' about Moses... John 1:18. "No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him."


Well-Known Member
Right, because the bible is never wrong.
Oh, I guess your god 'forgot' about Moses... John 1:18. "No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him."
Its not meant to be taken literally at all times


Well-Known Member
No one serves god. God does not need religion, serving, or worshiping. I wouldnt doubt that even if you reject god, he'd still accept you, because god views us as his equals and not inferior.
True. Those who reject him are still given an equal chance at forgiveness..


Well-Known Member
... I dont give a damn what you have to say. I know crackheads with more integrity than you. Learn to have some humility.
Speculating about my school years and comparing me to a crackhead only serves for you to distance yourself from your own failings. The fact that I can out-think you on just about every subject does not make me a pretentious douche bag, it makes you a lazy, irresponsible thinker. Plenty here have corrected me and pointed our errors in my words, just not you. You confuse the act of you demonstrating that your worse than me with me claiming that I am better than you. If putting you in your place incidentally points out that I am a better person, so be it. You want to spread hate and tout unjustified perversions of answers and when they are opposed you seek to quite the criticism by either playing the hurt card or attacking motives, when that doesn't work you pretend not to give a damn. This has been my point all along, you think what you want and expect others to respect it, yet you don't give a damn. Don't give a damn about feelings, don't give a damn about accuracy, and don't give a damn about justifying your opinions to yourself. You respect nothing but your shallow hate of people better than you, which is everyone you encounter. You are simply interested in indulging your prejudices and resent it when you meet resistance. In the end, you are still using non-arguments and backward thinking to support hate rhetoric, and you will continue to be called out on it, every time.


Well-Known Member
Its not meant to be taken literally at all times
Exactly. The first rule of apologetics is that the bible never contradicts itself so you must weave some other explanation as to what those passages really mean. This of course begs the question of how we know which parts of the bible are supposed to be literal and which ones are not. The truth is most people just make up explanations, which is why people of the exact same sect often disagree about how to read and interpret this literary work devised by such a perfect being. You would think that a perfect being wouldn't make it so complicated that men fight and have wars over it.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. The first rule of apologetics is that the bible never contradicts itself so you must weave some other explanation as to what those passages really mean. This of course begs the question of how we know which parts of the bible are supposed to be literal and which ones are not. The truth is most people just make up explanations, which is why people of the exact same sect often disagree about how to read and interpret this literary work devised by such a perfect being. You would think that a perfect being wouldn't make it so complicated that men fight and have wars over it.
Well, the rational would think... irrational... they didn't get there by thinking very much...