whos gotta carbon filter with duct fan

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i have come across people saying that they use a carbon filter with a duct fan. and i am interested in which carbon filters you guys use to be effective with a duct fan.


Well-Known Member
hmm i wouldnt skimo on the fan/filter, 120$ will get you a fan and filter to handle a small grow(2x4x4 and under) easy for years. not that big of an investment if you ask me.

duct fans are useless for other than spot cooling or cooling a light with no ducting.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i know you need a fan for a filter. i have a duct fan as an exaust fan right now and am interested in connecting a carbon filter to it for flowering. ether bought or DIY. my tent is pretty small. smallest i could find. 1.5'x2'x3' my duct fan is rated at 188cfm.

duct fans are useless for other than spot cooling or cooling a light with no ducting.
i have gotten mixed responses about this. ive herd some use a diy filter with a duct fan and like it. or even a bought filter and like it. maybe its just not right for your space and set up but it could be for mine.


Well-Known Member
duct fans just dont have the power to pull enough air through a carbon filter to be useful. Thats why they call them duct booster fans, because they sit in the middle of a long ducting run and boost airflow. Use them on a carbon filter and you will have little air filtration and a dead duct fan within a month or so.

if you are using your duct fan with a carbon filter the cfm rating means nothing. That rating only applies if you are using it to boost airflow. 188cfm attached to a carbon filter might be luck enough to pull say 70-80 cfm.


Well-Known Member
if you are using your duct fan with a carbon filter the cfm rating means nothing. That rating only applies if you are using it to boost airflow. 188cfm attached to a carbon filter might be luck enough to pull say 70-80 cfm.
he wouldnt even pull that because the pressure of the fan(not relevant to how much air it moves IE cfm rating) has to exceed the static pressure created by the filter, you would be lucky to get 20 cfm. a inline/centrifugal fan on the other hand rated at 180cfm witht the proper filter, a 90 cfm filter to be exact, the cfm rating would be cut in half to 90cfm or around there.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
he wouldnt even pull that because the pressure of the fan(not relevant to how much air it moves IE cfm rating) has to exceed the static pressure created by the filter, you would be lucky to get 20 cfm. a inline/centrifugal fan on the other hand rated at 180cfm witht the proper filter, a 90 cfm filter to be exact, the cfm rating would be cut in half to 90cfm or around there.
what is the difference between a inline fan pulling 180cfm and a duct fan pulling 180cfm?


Well-Known Member
I've been using one in conjunction with an 8" cana filter for the past 2 years & havent had a smell or heat issue. I use a cabinet 2X4X4 with 2 150 watt HPS lights. I tried 2-3 set ups before I managed to control the magic scent but I have it working jsut fine now.
duct fans just dont have the power to pull enough air through a carbon filter to be useful. Thats why they call them duct booster fans, because they sit in the middle of a long ducting run and boost airflow. Use them on a carbon filter and you will have little air filtration and a dead duct fan within a month or so.

if you are using your duct fan with a carbon filter the cfm rating means nothing. That rating only applies if you are using it to boost airflow. 188cfm attached to a carbon filter might be luck enough to pull say 70-80 cfm.


Well-Known Member
I also use a duct fan for my filter. Fan is rated 580 cfm filter is around 300 I think. It works quite well.


Well-Known Member
I also use a duct fan for my filter. Fan is rated 580 cfm filter is around 300 I think. It works quite well.

curious if you have a pic? not to hate but i dont think its possible. and if it is working i doubt it will continue to do so for long, why would all these people go buy these expensive fans if what your doing works? im serious tho Duct fan and filter wont work. i wouldnt trust it.


Well-Known Member
curious if you have a pic? not to hate but i dont think its possible. and if it is working i doubt it will continue to do so for long, why would all these people go buy these expensive fans if what your doing works? im serious tho Duct fan and filter wont work. i wouldnt trust it.
I dont have a pic, but will take one tonight. I forgot to mention the room is sealed, the filter just runs constantly and scrubs air in the room


Well-Known Member
it really scrubs the room?!!? like no smell in there? you said sealed so smell is less of an issue i bet if you tried to exhaust off with that setup youd be in trouble.

you have to have your nose directly to a plants flower to smell anything in my room, is your comparable?(i gro bluecheese so.... i have the dankest bud in this thread probably)


Well-Known Member
HEre are some pics I had on the server. NOt sure if you can see the fan or not. YOU can see my light set up though. THey are 150 watt HPS security lights. & I have 8 t-8 bulbs above that I use for veg.

THE second last picture shows the previous vilter I had on. Its a transport truck air filter. It didnt work at removing the smell. BUt the fan certailny kept the temps down. All I did it remove the truck filter & attached a 6" CANAfilter. WIll post pics of current set up. Its much neater now.

curious if you have a pic? not to hate but i dont think its possible. and if it is working i doubt it will continue to do so for long, why would all these people go buy these expensive fans if what your doing works? im serious tho Duct fan and filter wont work. i wouldnt trust it.



Well-Known Member
HEre are some pics I had on the server. NOt sure if you can see the fan or not. YOU can see my light set up though. THey are 150 watt HPS security lights. & I have 8 t-8 bulbs above that I use for veg.
curious if you have a pic? not to hate but i dont think its possible. and if it is working i doubt it will continue to do so for long, why would all these people go buy these expensive fans if what your doing works? im serious tho Duct fan and filter wont work. i wouldnt trust it.


Well-Known Member
thats a pretty nice DIY setup you got there. 150w HPS x3 what kind of temps in there? hell i imagine with that kind of heat you have to be getting some airflow from that fan. i seed why your filter works though its a DIY one and very small at that. and i doubt you carbon is packed like the real filter, but on the othe rhand i can see that it works and well at that, and the smell reduction is probably pretty good with that setup.

but im thinking, you know like Can filter with a duct fan.... the way those filters are designed they would never work in conjunction with a duct fan. hell even the smallest size one i dont think would worth a duct but props man +rep


Well-Known Member
you have to have your nose directly to a plants flower to smell anything in my room, is your comparable?(i gro bluecheese so.... i have the dankest bud in this thread probably)
I bet you also have the biggest cock and the newest sports car here too huh? :lol:


Well-Known Member
I have a filter and duct fan...they were sold as a set, I didn't know any better, the duct fan has like 160 Cfm, and the filter says not to use less than 250, but everything is still not stinky, so it is working well enough for me...those numbers are estimates of what I think I remember reading...I know the duct fn is 160, but can't remember exactly the amount the filter says it needs...if nothing else it might last a little longer, with less air being pushed through it...
I also don't live in an apartment or anything, and the smell isn't strong enough to make it outside, but before the filter parts of the house smelled too weedy for my liking...but nothing serious... I mean if your freedom depends on smell control then get a good filter with a good fan...but if you live in the middle of nowhere and have no friends that come over, then I wouldn't worry too much if the cfms for the filter are a little low...but you should always make sure you don't have a smell just leaking out.
Hmm...that sounds too careless... Watch out for smells, but I feel safe skimping, as I am in the middle of nowhere with no friends, and no smell outside, and now no smell anywhere using a less powerful fan...If i lived in close quarters to anyone else then I would probably make the fan and filter the number one priority...


Well-Known Member
and I bought my filter...I can't remember what the name or whatever...I got it from HTG online, or on ebay whichever had the better deal, as they have different prices depending on which you use, but the actual online site had something when I used it nabbing card numbers and racking up intl charges, so maybe just stick with ebay if using HTG...anyway---they sell the mismatched set together as a unit, even though the filter says it needs a much higher cfm rating, but it does in fact work with the 6 in duct fan they sent with it...I grow catnip not in the filter and nothing can overpower the smell of catnip...