Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

And yet you uncritically embrace and post some of the most hateful, divisive garbage to come out of the most virulent Evangelical denominations. You are a plague carrier. cn
Like what? I believe that every human being is created equal and gets an equal chance. I believe that anybody deserves the opportunity to repent and recieve forgiveness, from a common thief to a murderer. I believe in rehabilitation, not punishment.
Like what? I believe that every human being is created equal and gets an equal chance. I believe that anybody deserves the opportunity to repent and [receive] forgiveness, from a common thief to a murderer. I believe in rehabilitation, not punishment.

That's still steaming from where the bull dropped it. Sadly, some will actually take your word for it. cn
Now your going in circles.
Is the bible infallible or not? Was it a regional flood or global deluge?

Let me urge you to read carefully Genesis 6-9—chapters dealing with the Flood. If God was really trying to describe a local flood, He surely could have written a little more clearly, for over and over again the wording demands a global flood. In fact, I have counted more than 100 times when the wording implies a global flood. It is true that some of the individual words could be understood in a local sense, but in the context, no other position than that of a global flood is defensible. Consider these few quotes of the many: ‘the face of the earth (i.e. planet)’ (6:1); ‘end of all flesh. . . the earth is filled with violence . . . I will destroy them with the earth’ (6:13); ‘destroy all flesh wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven, and everything that is in the earth shall die’ (6:17). If God had intended to describe a global world-destroying flood, He couldn’t have said it any more clearly.
Furthermore, God promised never to send another flood like Noah’s Flood (9:11,15), but there have been many local floods, even regional floods, since Noah’s time. If Noah’s Flood was only local, then God lied to us. Likewise, there was no need for Noah to build an ark for his survival. He had up to 120 years’ warning (6:3), long enough to walk anywhere on the earth, certainly out of the region of the coming local flood.
Quoted from Answers In Genesis.

  • If the Flood was local, why did Noah have to build an Ark? He could have walked to the other side of the mountains and missed it.
  • If the Flood was local, why did God send the animals to the Ark so they would escape death? There would have been other animals to reproduce that kind if these particular ones had died.
  • If the Flood was local, why was the Ark big enough to hold all kinds of land vertebrate animals that have ever existed? If only Mesopotamian animals were aboard, the Ark could have been much smaller.[SUP]1[/SUP]
  • If the Flood was local, why would birds have been sent on board? These could simply have winged across to a nearby mountain range.
  • If the Flood was local, how could the waters rise to 15 cubits (8 meters) above the mountains (Genesis 7:20)? Water seeks its own level. It couldn’t rise to cover the local mountains while leaving the rest of the world untouched.[SUP]2[/SUP]
  • If the Flood was local, people who did not happen to be living in the vicinity would not be affected by it. They would have escaped God’s judgment on sin.[SUP]3[/SUP] If this happened, what did Christ mean when He likened the coming judgment of all men to the judgment of “all” men (Matthew 24:37–39) in the days of Noah? A partial judgment in Noah’s day means a partial judgment to come.
  • If the Flood was local, God would have repeatedly broken His promise never to send such a flood again.
I imagine the waves from a couple of comet strikes, (two nice craters on the sea floor off Australia) could slosh a boat of any size up onto those mountains. Lucky to have lived.

We saw a train of comets hit Jupiter. Jupiter breaks comets into trains which emerge together, in a somewhat random orbit vector. If they don't hit Jupiter on the re-bound, they can hit something else. The luck of the draw says, comets could rain down and cause global rain. This is even before the earth spins under a big one at the same spot some days later.

To me it's not if this or that in the bible is true about this. There are close to a ccouple of hundred culture myths doumented about this event. This event does not make the Bible true as whole cloth, however. But, like the Garden of Eden tale, the Flood story could have some vague historical significance.
Is the bible infallible or not? Was it a regional flood or global deluge?

Quoted from Answers In Genesis.

Let me answer some of those questions.
1. The flood wasnt local, it was regional. Its like the entire US being flooded but not all of North America. Beyond walking distance.
2. Im sure the animals were local varieties.
3. Birds were used for food and communication. Note the dove that brought back the olive branch.
4. There were alot less people in the world, they hadnt migrated to other places yet.
Let me answer some of those questions.
1. The flood wasnt local, it was regional. Its like the entire US being flooded but not all of North America. Beyond walking distance.

Oh right, so kind of like the floods we encounter on this planet all of the time then?

I guess God was really really angry with the Japanese. That'll teach them for their worship of Hello Kitty. Them and their false idols, i guess god showed them..
??? Who are you to judge what I believe? Are you insinuating that im lying or something?

I am stating outright that your online persona is that of a pathological liar and a dishonest, hypocritical interlocutor. I, unlike you, have the courage to say so plainly and stand fast. cn
Let me answer some of those questions.
1. The flood wasnt local, it was regional. Its like the entire US being flooded but not all of North America. Beyond walking distance.
2. Im sure the animals were local varieties.
3. Birds were used for food and communication. Note the dove that brought back the olive branch.
4. There were alot less people in the world, they hadnt migrated to other places yet.
Yet you have no scriptual support for any of this, meaning you interpret the bible in a way that is consistent with knowledge you already believe to be true. There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to acknowledge that this is what you are doing and therefore it is not wrong when someone points out that you are essentially admitting the bible is not inerrant or infallible.
I know some that take their own silly interpretations to extend to a complete lack of oceans worldwide. Farming in the mid-Atlantic sunbelt, etc. Does the bible mention oceans?
All of this was only 8000 years ago. Myths are when grains of truth survive the human twisted mind.
Oh right, so kind of like the floods we encounter on this planet all of the time then?

I guess God was really really angry with the Japanese. That'll teach them for their worship of Hello Kitty. Them and their false idols, i guess god showed them..
No.. I dont really think there have been floods big enough to cover entire countries at that depth since then.
I know some that take their own silly interpretations to extend to a complete lack of oceans worldwide. Farming in the mid-Atlantic sunbelt, etc. Does the bible mention oceans?
All of this was only 8000 years ago. Myths are when grains of truth survive the human twisted mind.
The book of genesis does mention oceans.
The book of genesis does mention oceans.

That's what I thought, thanks. So, a Flood happened. And it was a doooszy. One family, at least, had their shit together, or did they just build their house as a nicely water tight raft? Did they do that on purpose? Or being that the dead tell no tales, did they just thank God, as many of us will? Pretty easy to feel something special about something like that, right?

The stuff of legend. The Myth that can't help but survive. How it got in the bible however is from much earlier stories handed down from before the Kingdom of Jedea.
No.. I dont really think there have been floods big enough to cover entire countries at that depth since then.

Dnd there have not been comet or asteroid strikes big enough to wipe out most of liveig life, or create such large craters as we have either, i guess those must have been gods hand as well :lol: How else could they simply be one off occurrences..

I've still yet to read anything from you that resembles even the foggiest form of proof despite your insistence that all these things are unquestionable items of such proof. But then again you've put yourself in such a corner that i'd be hard pressed to take anything you state as worth reading. You are a complete hypocrite. I'm still utterly entertained by the notion that "miracles" are your proof that god exists and that there is nothing irrational about belief. You are a funny man to say the least :lol: I met small children at christian camp with a better ability to try and debate religion than you do, and these were people trying to argue that the bible must be true because they carbon dated a copy :lol:
Dnd there have not been comet or asteroid strikes big enough to wipe out most of liveig life, or create such large craters as we have either, i guess those must have been gods hand as well :lol: How else could they simply be one off occurrences..

I've still yet to read anything from you that resembles even the foggiest form of proof despite your insistence that all these things are unquestionable items of such proof. But then again you've put yourself in such a corner that i'd be hard pressed to take anything you state as worth reading. You are a complete hypocrite. I'm still utterly entertained by the notion that "miracles" are your proof that god exists and that there is nothing irrational about belief. You are a funny man to say the least :lol: I met small children at christian camp with a better ability to try and debate religion than you do, and these were people trying to argue that the bible must be true because they carbon dated a copy :lol:
Once you can articulate better I will try to accommodate your requests.
And once you try growing up i will try and treat you in a manner other than an imbecile :) It's rather amusing to see you try and do anything to run away from the points made. From readin this thread, this is not the first time you've tried to skirt the issues :lol: Quite pathetic really.

As i say, i have met 13 year olds more proficinet at carrying out a religeous debate than you are :) And they were busy trying to claim the bible must be factual because they carbon dated the paper in one of the copies :lol: My point being that that was a better argument than what you are capable of supplying.
Dnd there have not been comet or asteroid strikes big enough to wipe out most of liveig life, or create such large craters as we have either, i guess those must have been gods hand as well :lol: How else could they simply be one off occurrences..

I've still yet to read anything from you that resembles even the foggiest form of proof despite your insistence that all these things are unquestionable items of such proof. But then again you've put yourself in such a corner that i'd be hard pressed to take anything you state as worth reading. You are a complete hypocrite. I'm still utterly entertained by the notion that "miracles" are your proof that god exists and that there is nothing irrational about belief. You are a funny man to say the least :lol: I met small children at christian camp with a better ability to try and debate religion than you do, and these were people trying to argue that the bible must be true because they carbon dated a copy :lol:

Sarcasm is not that appealing, but you are welcome to it. There are not any social records of ocean comet strikes except perhaps of this one in the dim beginning of recorded history. Are there? I don't think so.

People that litterally interpert these myths in their bible is one thing,and they are welcome, as far as i can see, to have their beliefs challenged. But the people that think they know what folks are supposed to believe and laugh at them about their own mis-conceptions, strikes me as using an improper social form that says more about the respondent than the victim.
Sarcasm is not that appealing, but you are welcome to it. There are not any social records of ocean comet strikes except this one in the dim beginning of recorded history. Are there?
I don't think so.
I believe that one might have wiped out the dinosaurs.