
which wouldn't exist without the california aqueduct, brought to you by a massive government infrastructure project.

low IQ republican types call that spending, us higher IQ liberals call that investing.

California's greatest economic boom happened years before the aqueduct was built, moron.
Besides, during that time, California had a republican led state assembly, you know, the guys that write the bills that the governor signs!
California's greatest economic boom happened years before the aqueduct was built, moron.
Besides, during that time, California had a republican led state assembly, you know, the guys that write the bills that the governor signs!

how did your economy rank before that aqueduct with respect to other economies?
Greece produces 65% of the worlds pickled olives. California produces 37% of the total population of pickled olives in the world.

Greece produces 86% of all of the feta cheese in the world. California makes 4.6% of the worlds feta.

Greece is the #1 producer of Greek artifacts in the world. California is only 35th.

I think these facts clearly illustrate that the nation of Greece is in the Mediterranean and California is not.

The Greek population of California is .3% of the total. 98% of the population of Greece is Greek.

Additionally the population of Greece is 1.76 million people and California is home to over 189 million people. Now, if you add these numbers up you end up with:

California...225.13 million

Greece....5.25 million

This clearly means that California is much bigger than Greece and these numbers make it quite obvious that Greece is not a state in America and Califonia is much, much farther away from Turkey than is commonly believed. I'll be back in few minute with more interesting fact as soon as I can make them up.
California is what is known as a donor state, that is, it pays more in the agrigate to the Fed then it receives from them. Most Blue states are that way btw.
greece produces 65% of the worlds pickled olives. California produces 37% of the total population of pickled olives in the world.

Greece produces 86% of all of the feta cheese in the world. California makes 4.6% of the worlds feta.

Greece is the #1 producer of greek artifacts in the world. California is only 35th.

I think these facts clearly illustrate that the nation of greece is in the mediterranean and california is not.

The greek population of california is .3% of the total. 98% of the population of greece is greek.

Additionally the population of greece is 1.76 million people and california is home to over 189 million people. Now, if you add these numbers up you end up with:

California...225.13 million

greece....5.25 million

this clearly means that california is much bigger than greece and these numbers make it quite obvious that greece is not a state in america and califonia is much, much farther away from turkey than is commonly believed. I'll be back in few minute with more interesting fact as soon as i can make them up.

awesome!!! Brilliant!!
Not quite sure, but it used to be one of the most business friendly states in the US, now they rank dead last in business climate among all the state.

It costs a bunch to pay a retired fireman $200,000 a year for the next 30 years. Plus the Medical costs are insane too, especially as the person ages.
California is what is known as a donor state, that is, it pays more in the agrigate to the Fed then it receives from them. Most Blue states are that way btw.

Not true anymore California was at break even in 2011, Arkansas contributed more than California lol. Its on the downward spiral
Cali, like other states, needs giant gov employee benifit reduction. In additon the hand outs must stop or the rest of us will have a Cali tax added to our current tax payments.

God forbid a giant earthquake were to show up. FEMA is broke, the gov is broke, at least some states have a rainy day fund.

If that Giant earthquake sinks Cali completely into the sea, the U.S. might be saved.
Nice try, I guess it's just hard to digest the fact liberalism has proven to be an utter failure in California.
Public unions, over regulation, high taxes and a state full of entitled lazy dolts= FAIL.

Nice try? nice try? I am asking what orgainzation performed this ranking. Liberalism is not what is the root cause of California's problems, it is as much if not more attributable to term limits and popular propositions. Both have ill informed or ill qualified people making governmental decisions. Even if California has gone down to 8th, it is still 8th in the world, ahead of most countries.
And if you could it would fall even faster. Any idiot knows that democracy is the beginning of the end for a nation. It was long ago that I realized i could just vote myself a piece of the pie without ever lifting a finger to make that pie. Who doesn't like pie?


I like pie. Can I get one made of government cheese? I hear they taste better.
Nice try, I guess it's just hard to digest the fact liberalism has proven to be an utter failure in California.
Public unions, over regulation, high taxes and a state full of entitled lazy dolts= FAIL.

One more thing, before you pat yourself on the back as to how sucessful conservatively run states are on the basis of how California is flagging, how about pointing to where those conservatively run states are doing all so well.
One more thing, before you pat yourself on the back as to how sucessful conservatively run states are on the basis of how California is flagging, how about pointing to where those conservatively run states are doing all so well.

Texas and king right now, its 3rd in the nation at 220billion, and as I said even Arkansas paid in more than California in 2011 lol