the "we don't have to clean up after ourselves" crowd are the most dangerous, by far. They are the ones who hold that the earth is just so beeeeg that we can screw with it all we want and nothing is gonna happen, cause, after all it is soooo beeeeg. Of course they ignore the fact that we find ddt and mercury and lead at the poles, we have medical waste wash up on pretty much every sea shore on earth, we have plastic sargasso seas the size of texas floating in the middle of the oceans, oh but it is so beeeeg. Never mind that we are releasing carbon that was collected and sequestered over millions of years over just a few hundred. The crowd that is sure that we don't have to be responsible for our mess is the same crowd that seems to claim that actions have consequences and that we are all supposed to practice self responsibility - but not when it comes to where we live no sir, we can shit in our cave and the fairies will just come and clean it all up for us, no problem.