Stealth growing tips

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Everyone contribute to this thread since I couldn't find one. Just add ideas or past experience's to help everyone have a stealthier time growing. :leaf::leaf:

Rules to live by...

1. Tell NO ONE

2. Make sure that you follow rule number one

3. Make sure your stealth box/growing facility is light proof. Caulk, sealant, and paint work wonders. For the cracks in the door you can try weather stripping or you can go to the fabric store and get a material called 'blackout'.

4. Smell proof. Look it up on here, plenty of posts about it.

5. Make sure it looks like something you already should have. Don't disguise it like a huge speaker if you arn't into sound equipment. don't disguise it as a guitar case if you don't play, ect. Preferably disguise it as something electronical, that way you don't have to worry about the power cord coming out the back.

6. For exhaust, us the S&P TD Mixvent fans. Do a search on it, you'll find them. Crazy quiet, moves alot of air too. Some what small as well. Computer fans suck. Use insulated duct work too. Works wonders.

7. For noise reduction, use sound dampening material. Dynamat works great, Fat Mat works well too. Coat everyting in it. All the walls of your cab. You can paint it, so it's good to go. Cuts down on alot of noise and vibrations.

8. If security is an issue, go to Lowes or Home Depo and look for 'Tot Locks'. They are like magnet locks that go on the inside of cabinets. So the cabinet locks, but you can't see the lock, and you have no idea it's there. Just place the magnet key over where the lock would be and it opens.

9. Lastly, take up growing as a hobby, if you don't already. Grow some peppers and tomatoes, or some regular herbs or something. If you grow your pot hydroponically, grow some hydro tomatoes. This way you don't need to explain some left over nutes lying around to your friends. Looks kinda suspicious if you have a bottle of GH Grow but you don't have any plants around or any hydro system.

10. One thing to keep in mind when designing a stealth grow box/room for maximum security is to design it so its made to be raided? So even if someone becomes suspicious they could investigate a little bit and still not find anything.

11. If you made a little box to go in your closet and your going to run say an extension chord into it for the lights power, why not put something else electric near it?

For example I may have had a box in my closet and I would put a guitar amp next to it and run the extension cord to the amp and then have a adapter so I could run the light aswell.

12. Folded pillow cases help control the vibrations of a fan.

13. If you buy large bags of soil or fertilizer or grow lights, make sure you buy with cash (duh) or prepaid reloadable credit cards. Never credit cards in your name, never checks. If asked for your name (most places wont ask you), give a fake one and tell them you left your ID at home.

14. When in doubt consult rule number one

Special thanks to the following: specialkayme, babylonburn, BadBeach420



Well-Known Member
Tell No 1,2 Or Light Leaks,folded Pillow Cases Help Control Fan Vibrations 4 Mi,make Ure Box Blend Not Stick Out,smell Control..............


Well-Known Member
My wardrobe vents out the top. So what I did was place an air cleaner on top. Gives me an excuse to run a power cord to the closet and to the casual person walking by, the air noises that you hear just sound like a noisy air filter.



Well-Known Member
If you are renting, try to rent from a managment company. They are much less likely to make "Maintenance Inspections".


Active Member
grow it in ur attic,it's hott,light cant be seen,and the smell stays up there!
and dont tell the world!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
1. One thing to keep in mind when designing a stealth grow box/room for maximum security is to design it so its made to be raided? So even if someone becomes suspicious they could investigate a little bit and still not find anything.
I hate to argue with this, but it is damn near impossible. I don't know about anyone else, but the only reason the cops would be in my house is if they have a search warrant. I wouldn't let them in for any other reason. Period. If they have a search warrant, it will be specific to the location of the house they believe something is in, and it will be specific to the item that they believe that they are looking for. For example, the warrant will be for pot in the upstairs bedrooms, not in the basement. Once the cops have this, they can do anything they want. Find a cabinet buzzing a bit, they rip it appart. Best advice I can give you is try to hide it from passers by, friends, relatives, you can't hide from people doing 'a little bit of investigation' and there is no way you can hide it from being raided.

If you are renting, try to rent from a managment company. They are much less likely to make "Maintenance Inspections".
Regardless of whoever you rent from, a company or an individual, have it stated in the rental agreement that you need 24 hours notice before someone stops by. This isn't an odd request, most people have it in their rental agreements. I used to do it with every appartment I had, even before I grew. 24 hours gives you plenty of time to either trash the grow, or stash it.

Now that I commented on other's posts, here are my rules:

1. Tell NO ONE

2. Make sure that you follow rule number one

3. Make sure it is light proof. Caulk, sealant, and pait work wonders. For the cracks in the door you can try weather stripping. Personally I havn't had much luck with this, so I go to the fabric store and get a material called 'blackout'. It's a fabric they use to make curtains out of. I just take about a six inch deep section, the length of the door, roll it up, put it on the edge of the door and staple it to it. Pait it the color of the cab and you are good to go. Works great for me.

4. Smell proof. Look it up on here, plenty of posts about it.

5. Make sure it looks like something you already should have. Don't disguise it like a huge speaker if you arn't into sound equipment. don't disguise it as a guitar case if you don't play, ect. Preferably disguise it as something electronical, that way you don't have to worry about the power cord coming out the back.

6. For exhaust, us the S&P TD Mixvent fans. Do a search on it, you'll find them. Crazy quiet, moves alot of air too. Some what small as well. Computer fans suck. Use insulated duct work too. Works wonders.

7. For noise reduction, use sound dampening material. Dynamat works great, Fat Mat works well too. Coat everyting in it. All the walls of your cab. You can paint it, so it's good to go. Cuts down on alot of noise and vibrations.

8. If security is an issue, go to Lowes or Home Depo and look for 'Tot Locks'. They are like magnet locks that go on the inside of cabinets. So the cabinet locks, but you can't see the lock, and you have no idea it's there. Just place the magnet key over where the lock would be and it opens. I use three of them, but that's just me.

9. Lastly, take up growing as a hobby, if you don't already. Grow some peppers and tomatoes, or some regular herbs or something. If you grow your pot hydroponically, grow some hydro tomatoes. This way you don't need to explain some left over nutes lying around to your friends. Looks kinda suspicious if you have a bottle of GH Grow but you don't have any plants around or any hydro system.

10. When in doubt, consult rule number one.

That's all I think I have for now, I know there is more, but I can't think of it right now.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
I hate to argue with this, but it is damn near impossible. I don't know about anyone else, but the only reason the cops would be in my house is if they have a search warrant. I wouldn't let them in for any other reason. Period. If they have a search warrant, it will be specific to the location of the house they believe something is in, and it will be specific to the item that they believe that they are looking for. For example, the warrant will be for pot in the upstairs bedrooms, not in the basement. Once the cops have this, they can do anything they want. Find a cabinet buzzing a bit, they rip it appart. Best advice I can give you is try to hide it from passers by, friends, relatives, you can't hide from people doing 'a little bit of investigation' and there is no way you can hide it from being raided.
That was worded badly, i wasn't talking about police raids. More raids by your roommates, moms for some, and other types of nosy personal


Active Member
1.) If you're married, make sure you and your spouse agree on the tell no one rule. Last year, before leaving my ex, he told all his stupid friends about our plants and everyone knew. One pot ended up getting stolen and it's a miracle the police weren't knocking on the door. Now, the man I'm married to knows about the tell no one rule and he agrees. If you MUST involve someone else, make sure they have just as much to lose as you.

2.) Odor control. I have walked into someone's house before and knew they had plants because the smell was so strong. The more plants you have, the harder it is to control. Invest in a good air scrubber type of filter for not only your grow room, but also "common" areas of the house, such as the living room, just to be safe. Look at it this way, the cost of the odor control devices vs the cost of getting busted.
Keep a can of oust or other high quality odor eliminator for emergencies.

3.) If you buy large bags of soil or fertilizer or grow lights, make sure you buy with cash (duh) or prepaid reloadable credit cards. Never credit cards in your name, never checks. If asked for your name (most places wont ask you), give a fake one and tell them you left your ID at home.


Well-Known Member
That was worded badly, i wasn't talking about police raids. More raids by your roommates, moms for some, and other types of nosy personal
I get what you mean now, but in all honesty I still think this mentality is a road to disaster. If you have a mother that lives with you, or a nosey roomate or some such thing, I think it would be wise not to grow at all. Stealth will help, but it won't solve all of your problems. Enough poking around and any stealth grow setup will get found out. If you must grow with a nosey 'neighbor', kick that in the ass right here and now. Let your roomates know to stay the hell out of your shit. They shouldn't be in your business anyway. Having them sneaking around and you covering it up, sooner or later you'll lose. Like I said, stealth helps, but doesn't solve problems.

Get a bunch of these and hang them from your plant:

It will make it look like a tomato plant and you will be in the clear.
Haha, or a christmas tree, depending on if you are growing a sativa or an indica.