The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
seeing them its making me want to try them on the next grow but im deffinatley running white russian. ive been wanting to run it since my first go but kept putting it off lol


Well-Known Member
seeing them its making me want to try them on the next grow but im deffinatley running white russian. ive been wanting to run it since my first go but kept putting it off lol
i wanna do sum bubblegum haze,,,,,,cant explain it its just summet about the look and potential flaour is making it deffinately on my next to do list.

looks liek this el be last grow for a bit,., til the xmas grow anyways,,cant be wanting a exchange with shit setup lol sillyness :)

sn 5 of axmen here we come,,jsut watched generation kill was ok lil boring but ok]

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What is this exchange you're on about IM? Know what you mean though, when i'm house hunting come august september the sole requirement will be a suitable cupboard or whatnot.


Well-Known Member
What is this exchange you're on about IM? Know what you mean though, when i'm house hunting come august september the sole requirement will be a suitable cupboard or whatnot.
mutual exchange matey,,,,wer council so can exchange house with sum1 who wants to move,,,totaly freee just gotta cover removal costs but u can get a grant for that of the DSS

u can do it if your in private too,,,look on gumtree in your local area under home swap

we are basically going home,,lived here for like 5-6 yrs now so ready to get bak wer we wer born and raised :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ah right sounds good, if a bit of a hassle to organise as you say. Only exchanges i know of is a holiday house exchange which are always a bit weird but fun none the less.


Well-Known Member
i wanna do sum bubblegum haze,,,,,,cant explain it its just summet about the look and potential flaour is making it deffinately on my next to do list.

looks liek this el be last grow for a bit,., til the xmas grow anyways,,cant be wanting a exchange with shit setup lol sillyness :)

sn 5 of axmen here we come,,jsut watched generation kill was ok lil boring but ok]
i grew ss bubblegum last grow. it was ok but nothing special. i didnt cure it but i didnt cure the white widow or pineapple chunk i done on my first grow and they where better imo. they where quite easy to grow, i had a little cal def but it was nothing to worry about. these blue cheese plants still havent shown bud yet. its just over 2 weeks so i dont know if they start a bit later but all the ww got bud starting

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Alright slag bags,
@MRT if you want an idea of how the russian looks, look at docs NLXBB and you also have to bare in mind that the russian is more on the commercial side aswell mate, big production, very potent but needs a cure for that sweet taste people talk about. Straight from dry it's a decent smoke mate but certainly not the tastiest, still nice enough imo otherwise I wouldn't be getting ready to run them again.
Also I've smoked a bit of serious bubblegum from different places and don't really rate it, I've had just dried that taste nice had a sweet hashy taste to it but no real potency and then I've had it from other places where it's potent but lacks the flavour, I think it would be an awesome strain for percy with a good cure time and a decent pheno, I'm sure there's a good middle ground somewhere in there but I haven't had it yet and the only person I know personally that has said it had about a 6wk cure, fuck waiting all that time!


Well-Known Member
that good? im kicking myself now for not running it the first time lol. i had the type that was strong enough but the taste wasnt the best. i cant wait that long, i dont mind not having the best taste as long as i get a good buzz im laughing. only once i had stuff that tasted so bad i couldnt smoke it. i should have taken it back but it was only a £20 deal so i just gave it away


Well-Known Member
the white russain is a top strain and i have seen with me own eyes the monster colas its produces, but 100% needs a cure or u just got another flavourless heavy hitting indica, also with monster colas comes molds worries especially if your grow conditions are far from ideal, but for a stable, uniform cash cropping seed strain you wont find many better although could add that nemisis from seedsman is a nice heavy hitting indica that yields very well and takes all kind of abuse but cost a 3rd of the price of the white russian.

personally i think any1 who has access to pyschosis,livers and fucking exo too is a sandwich short of a picnic n all that malarky to be growing white russian.


Well-Known Member
Could have swore blind you said wednesday haha silly sod............was thinkin couldnt you blag a lift mate....what previous you got geezer?
none at all really m8 it was the 1st time id ever been in a police cell, been in a few padded ones tho lmao have had 3 of them 80pound fines over the last 10yrs this will be me first time in court lol

no not last weds but i did get the 1st one adjourned said i was having a crazy day and no way i could handle london underground rush hour tubes.

the police downgraded it to a public order offence aswel m8 solicitor says it shouldn't even really be going to court and all i will get is a fine, fingers fucking crossed lol


Well-Known Member
none at all really m8 it was the 1st time id ever been in a police cell, been in a few padded ones tho lmao have had 3 of them 80pound fines over the last 10yrs this will be me first time in court lol

no not last weds but i did get the 1st one adjourned said i was having a crazy day and no way i could handle london underground rush hour tubes.

the police downgraded it to a public order offence aswel m8 solicitor says it shouldn't even really be going to court and all i will get is a fine, fingers fucking crossed lol
You'l be sound mate dont sweat lol i thought you was gunna real of a list as long as me arm you'l get a slapped hand at most, you a good boy or always got away? lol.......cant imagine you as much of a runner geezer lol
i can remember you sayin now mate soz me minds shockin be sound with a lift is it ya mate?....nice day out for ya after?


Well-Known Member
You'l be sound mate dont sweat lol i thought you was gunna real of a list as long as me arm you'l get a slapped hand at most, you a good boy or always got away? lol.......cant imagine you as much of a runner geezer lol
i can remember you sayin now mate soz me minds shockin be sound with a lift is it ya mate?....nice day out for ya after?
your memory is shit m8 we have spoke loads ive told ya loads of times i never been in a police cell until after that flight back lolol

my only vice has always been drugs pukka never been into violence or stealing just the drugs although i have stole a few drugs lol just prescription shit im not robbing growhouse's lol

me 80pound fines where for sillyness done 90quids worth of shopping but ate a samosa on the way round and threw the wrapper without paying went to walk out with me shopping n was pounced on lol its was too embarrassing to be funny but even the copper was laughing at the tescos security about my great samosa robbery, another 1 bout 6-7yrs ago i was wrecked out me nut on benzos proper smashed was travelling to canada the next day so was out shoppig but mashed like i say, i brought a hoodie in 1 part of london got to another even more wrecked and thought i dont like the fit its too big so went into the same shop i dunno jd or something like that and just took me x large off changed into a large and walked out lolol that was a lucky 1 tho cause i had a large flick knife in my pocket not that i ever carry knifes but i was going to canada nxt day and wanted to give it to me cuzon luckily wasnt searched.


Well-Known Member
Sorry mate i can remember us talkin now an me tellin you i have a few times, an you sayin you havent. my mind is mush sometimes need to sort it lol

Hahahah that jd story is quality mate, an you with the samosa lol i do that some times too at morro's gunna stop now bet you felt a right cunt lol an ya lucky twat not gettin searched.

you watchin the footy?


Well-Known Member
the white russain is a top strain and i have seen with me own eyes the monster colas its produces, but 100% needs a cure or u just got another flavourless heavy hitting indica, also with monster colas comes molds worries especially if your grow conditions are far from ideal, but for a stable, uniform cash cropping seed strain you wont find many better although could add that nemisis from seedsman is a nice heavy hitting indica that yields very well and takes all kind of abuse but cost a 3rd of the price of the white russian.

personally i think any1 who has access to pyschosis,livers and fucking exo too is a sandwich short of a picnic n all that malarky to be growing white russian.
im hoping to run a psycho and white russian side by side on my next grow mate. taste is 3rd in my deciding factor with what weed to grow. strength is first and yeild is second for me, easiness of growing is about 4th. ill probably get to try the livers and exo down the line and keep a cutting of each in a mother tent


Well-Known Member
Sorry mate i can remember us talkin now an me tellin you i have a few times, an you sayin you havent. my mind is mush sometimes need to sort it lol

Hahahah that jd story is quality mate, an you with the samosa lol i do that some times too at morro's gunna stop now bet you felt a right cunt lol an ya lucky twat not gettin searched.

you watchin the footy?
2-0 italy!!! sweet!