Man! That HPS bulb is huge! Very space-age cutting edge technology you got there LJ. Can't wait to see it in action
Goddessand yes your bong looks ace between her legs, my dirty mind seems to have her humping it
such little delicate hands, they look like they could use some lube
those are some fake titties. I think they look better in lingerie. But that's me.......and i don't know about the imprints from the tight bra either......sorry i just like big real juicy boobies.
but thanks for the free titty shot, usually mostly appreciated
Edit: and these boobs you see on the left here
<------------ REAL
I can't help myself i'm in there every hour or so, pullin off the fan leavesgotta make it easier for me when that time comes!!! after all it is tomorrow........ off they come. daaaaaaamn sooooo many, i really neglected a few colas down the back, but they look fine!!! hangin down the back upside down and all!
ahh i see i've been away too long lol! Jin when the hell are you going to start growing again?? and btw the new pics are looking amazing! more please..more...
tips?? basic really, snip the main leaves off before you chopflowa, are you saying you 'pre-trim' while the plants are growing? I would like to do this because it seems like it would be way easier. any tips?
i use a samsung wb150f 14.2 mp camera, no macro lens, just standard telephoto lens $250 6 months ago very good value cam, i wasn't expecting it to be this good.Im not sure about flow but i like to trim up a bit during flower to open things up and allow light to get to the
lower portion of the plant, helps better the quality of the lower buds
lol Jin how is it i always see the craziest shit on your thread? lol. I can't help it, i just love naked women. anyway we could turn the lights down a bit though?? more women and less trolling. what people have nothing better to do than talk shit to jin?? lol wtf man?? I really like the guy that sais you spend all day on here yet he has like 5k posts lol. I think you're doing great jin, just need more growing and more women!
Fuckin' hell, dude. A voice of reason at last. Your comment is a welcome sight.
I know. It does seems like I'm in the middle of a flame war every time you poke your head in here! Lol. It's just a bad coincidence, I assure you.
I know all this internet hating is dumb, and I realize that it's just an expression of frustration for people who are dissatisfied with their lives. I'm not one of those people, so I have no business flaming. You're right. And again, I extend my apology and will stick to the growing and the girling.
It's sad when people have nothing to do then to hate. I get you don't like something, cool but to start typing your hate out. That is the definition of hater. And just remember "IF people are trying to bring you down, it only means that you are above them" peace
but its like watching "wipeout",you just know the contestants are gonna get hurt,but get back up.