I love how everyone is yelling to repeal the law, yet provide no replacement plan. I am all ears for what you think we should fix the system. Of course the first few years will be some pain, we are over hauling a system which has needed it for at least a century. Does anyone one really think it is going to be easy? If this is the job killing bill that you talk about how is it that my family which actually does own restaurants, it will now be easier for us to give our employees health care, it was far to expensive before this bill. Some people believe that giving their employees health care is not their concern. It is the way they run their business, but many merchants will be thrilled since they know happy employees also lead to happy customers from better service. When you take into account all the aspects of the bill, is it a net positive or negative with people not being able to get dropped, premiums leveling, people have insurance, care getting better ( health care is still a PRIVATE industry). Now that their are insurance trades people can buy their coverage on the open market, was that not what people wanted. Now you complaining that about one aspect so I guess we should throw away the other part. Yes lets stop letting people get primary care, since we all know it so much cheaper to let them live with what ever illness then treat it when it just starts to prevent for serious expensive procedures. I can go on all day about the net positives this bill creates, but you guys are to hung up on small aspects you ignore the majority of the bill.
Either give people a replacement which also has net positives OR this is what we have. And to clarify I do not like everything in the bill, such as abstidence only education to prevent teen pregnacy, but I realise that it is a process. This is how government works, you try something out and down the road to change. Sorry the government is complicated, and making it work is hard. You can not just yell for something since you believe it is wrong without providing any facts. Just because ONE business owner is going to start firing and cutting hours does not mean everyone will. Some businesses will start providing coverage knowing premiums are not going up 30 percent a year. When the data come in on how it affects them, then change can be made again.