Super Lemon Haze, not sure if dead and should start again!

Hello all!

This is my first post on my first grow, for the past few months i have learnt SO MUCH on mj growing.
i am very glad that i am part of a brilliant cultivating community!

Well first i just let the pictures do the talking:

This plant is dying right?

I am using the DWC system with ph tap water and cfls for lighting.
I did use rain water at first, that might the the problem...
i havnt used any nutes and everything else is just DWC standard (aka the rockwool and the hydroton, air pump and air stone . .)
Maybe the lights are too close?

Im not sure what the problem is i just want to know what is is so i dont do it again.

Could it be a nutrient deficiency?

thanks much love guys!!!!!

no clue

Well-Known Member
not a nutrient deficiency..plant that old needs no nutes yet. CFLs are not too much light. Read and learn more before you try again..that one looks poisoned


Well-Known Member
Um Those lights are way to freaken close man, back the fuck off of the poor little thing, nature didnt want that haha
thanks for the help guys!

i think it was a combination of having the lights too close and using unsterilized rainwater (seriously the water was leaving slimy shit on the sides, and no there was zero light reaching though to the water).

ah and you guys reckon this is long gone? or still growable?


Well-Known Member
Yeah you burned the shit out of them with the lights being so close. YOu can start feeding them when the second set of leaves show but you have to feed them like a baby. Start 1/4 strength like 100-150 PPM of nutes .. Figure it out.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help guys!

i think it was a combination of having the lights too close and using unsterilized rainwater (seriously the water was leaving slimy shit on the sides, and no there was zero light reaching though to the water).

ah and you guys reckon this is long gone? or still growable?
SHe should still grow especially in DWC give it a couple of days and look for new growth. Get some humidity in there.. Seedlings/ cuttings need humidity and not a whole lot of light.