Northern Lights X BB auto & Speed Devil auto


Well-Known Member
Yea he still post regularly, but it's not in the grow sections. More like the MMJ state forums and politics. Maybe that was UncleBuck though, not sure. You can always check out his profile and see the last thing he posted.

Yea, I feel like it's a race to finish the grow before all the leaves yellow and die lol.


Well-Known Member
Yea he still post regularly, but it's not in the grow sections. More like the MMJ state forums and politics. Maybe that was UncleBuck though, not sure. You can always check out his profile and see the last thing he posted.

Yea, I feel like it's a race to finish the grow before all the leaves yellow and die lol.
lol yea I'm pretty sure that's uncle buck.

And're exactly right! I didn't understand that before. Talk about pressure lol. Going to give my girls some ferts today too, getting more yellow leaves :wall:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Hey cloudz,

Is that tin foil in your pics? I read tin foil can caus hot spots and burn the plant. Just thought I'd mention that. Hope you figure out the problem. =)


Well-Known Member
Yep :) Although I think they had other types of e-blankets that were some sort of foil so I would make sure you grab the right one. Yea has a different brand that what I saw in the store. Those are aluminum(not foil) covered plastic. Mine had the pic of a woman on it, not sure about the brand name.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I'm still not sure where I am going to grow. I first thought the basement, but I don't want to have to buy a heater. Then I thought closet upstairs.. but then I won't have as much space.. So now I'm gonna go get a thermometer and find out how cold it is down there.

I figure if it is 71+ I should be ok with an enclosed area..



Well-Known Member
It depends on what lighting you're going to use and how many. 71F ambient temp should be fine for CFLs, but if you're using HPS you'll want to look into ventilation. Assume the temp will increase 5-10 degrees with the lights. With the lights off my temp decreases about 7-10. 71F with the lights is way too cold though. Coldest you want usually is 75F. During vegging you may be able to get away with it, but not during flowering. Why not just do what I'm doing and Lady J did and just get 2 sterlite bins?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
It depends on what lighting you're going to use and how many. 71F ambient temp should be fine for CFLs, but if you're using HPS you'll want to look into ventilation. Assume the temp will increase 5-10 degrees with the lights. With the lights off my temp decreases about 7-10. 71F with the lights is way too cold though. Coldest you want usually is 75F. During vegging you may be able to get away with it, but not during flowering. Why not just do what I'm doing and Lady J did and just get 2 sterlite bins?
I guess I just wanted to build a box. lol

Lady J said her temp went up like 15 degrees with all her cfl. she has 280w in her closet. I don't want 90 degrees lol. That is bad for young plants (hers are older). Dont want to cook my young seedlings.


Well-Known Member
I think she's talking about her closet grow. She wasn't using 280w when she had the bin. Just 252. Also she was only using 1 fan I think? I'm using 200w and my temp is only 5 degrees higher than the ambient. I guess building a proper grow box would be better in the long run, but I wouldn't go overboard on your first grow.


Well-Known Member
I guess I just wanted to build a box. lol

Lady J said her temp went up like 15 degrees with all her cfl. she has 280w in her closet. I don't want 90 degrees lol. That is bad for young plants (hers are older). Dont want to cook my young seedlings.
Cloudz is right...had the temp issues in the closet, not the grow box.

Also, the temps only went up when I added supplemental lighting (which you wouldn't need with young plants). The 200w was decent temp for the plants (82 degrees), but I pushed it because I wanted the spectrum to favor 2700k versus half and half with the dual spectrum CFL. Am keeping a lower corner of my duct tape door open and it's been helping the temps.


Well-Known Member
Alright Lady, here's the pics. I think the pic of of the leaf with the burn has been that way for awhile now. It wasn't something within the past week at least.



Well-Known Member
I think you could have a little N and / or possibly magnesium. Upping your nutes should help if it's N...and then if things don't change / get worse, give them a dosing of epsom for the mag. They still look good though. My skunk is light in color almost everywhere, is pissin' me off!


Well-Known Member
This is across both plants btw. I think I will go and get a ph meter tomorrow or so. Curious what the ph is and when I move I need to test the water anyway.


Well-Known Member
I don't blame you...have heard some people have really high Ph'd tap water...but I think the tap water is pretty decent in the South East? I've decided to start using distilled water and will probably invest in a filter for my faucet....only because of chlorine not being microherd friendly


Well-Known Member
68.5 isn't too bad. No reason for a heater. Does it get cooler than that?
I'd gladly swap your 68.5* for my 90*+ in some cases!
Plus you will be adding the heat from the bulb(s)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
68.5 isn't too bad. No reason for a heater. Does it get cooler than that?
I'd gladly swap your 68.5* for my 90*+ in some cases!
Plus you will be adding the heat from the bulb(s)
Well it is night time and the temp outside is only like 90 something.. high humidity. So now would be the coldest temperature.