Like dude, seriously, i was gonna say something yesterday, You averaged 10 posts an hour from 10 on the morning till 11 at night. are you disabled and stuck with a computer in your lap all day? you have been here 1 year less then me and have almost over 10,000 more posts then me.

True, but they're Quality posts. cn
Nearly 4 weeks! Going to see Iceland for a couple days and see the Dam again. Really looking forward to Silverstone, I'm gonna try to go to practice. Never seen an F1 car in person. Really cool I'll be there for the Euro final. Would have been amazing if england was there. We take off right before the madness of the olympics. I can't even imagine what going through customs is going to be like for those poor souls trying to get in for the games.

Sounds like a pretty good time to me! I live on a shoestring budget so when i visit london we have to stick with the free attractions :D While i don't follow F1 i do enjoy watching it, would be pretty cool going to a race. I think London is indeed going to turn absolutely crazy. The government is trying to persuade people to just work from home during the olympics, take their kids to work, take alternative transport route etc. Gonna be a bit hot and stuffy.
You're striking me as slightly defective, repeatedly hoping for some kind of alternative outcome to this.. bollocks.

Have your fight thread an we can watch/referee/back up either side, away from the rest of the forum.

I do believe you are slightly in love. Let's face it, if one of you stopped 'taking the bait' now, you'd both miss it. It's like the fight before angry, passionate sex or something. That's fine, I love bromance. And besides, when I argue with trolls on here we end up friends or special friends most of the time..

Sad these grown men are behaving beneath teenage girl level. But it's kind of cute. I'm not saying that to be a smartass or condescending, It's simultaneously annoying and endearing, which is why I suspect the same mutual feeling between you two. Lol

Are you going to post more pictures of yourselves or what?

And as for the question of who is a legitimate female here, April has already offereed her inspection services and my inbox is an open door, 'ladies'.

If a cock ends up in there I shall detach the deceitful thing.

*trots back to dog basket, curls up and falls asleep again*

Not to get on your bad side, but I disagree with you. Their arguing isn't really annoying. I mean how hard is it to scroll down a little bit? Well maybe it's annoying to somebody that has 5 posts per page, but I have 40 posts per page so it's not too hard to ignore people.
It' a bit annoying to me, i'm stoned and just started scrolling and missing posts and having to scroll back up lol partly my own lazy fault though i won't deny :D Plus it breaks up the conversation. I stopped viewing certain threads because it just ended up being Unlucky having huge arguments with people for page after page even with 40 per page :D
It' a bit annoying to me, i'm stoned and just started scrolling and missing posts and having to scroll back up lol partly my own lazy fault though i won't deny :D Plus it breaks up the conversation. I stopped viewing certain threads because it just ended up being Unlucky having huge arguments with people for page after page even with 40 per page :D
Is he/she still around? I miss calling her a dude.
Whoa, looks like I missed a good one...damn sleep and full time job...at least I'm caught up(for now) so I'll be freshly updated when I get home in a few hours.