Haha...ok. Whatcha have in mind?

[video=youtube;wdgUda1Nhx4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdgUda1Nhx4&feature=results_video&playnext =1&list=PL550ADE89DCCCE0ED[/video]

Not my video, I just like the song.
What about this one, think this is a ladyboy or tranny? Or just some kinda werid looking chick?

Anyone know about this user "Kronika", joined in May of this year? It has like 200+ posts, and PMed me trying to...I dunno...Start a conversation. Never happened to me on RIU, at least not with someone I've never spoken to in a thread...that strike anyone as strange behavior?

BTW, took me 3 takes to get a good one, hard to hold your phone and take dabs with red hot titanium and blow torches...3 takes, 3 dabs...I'm blitzed.
Anyone know about this user "Kronika", joined in May of this year? It has like 200+ posts, and PMed me trying to...I dunno...Start a conversation. Never happened to me on RIU, at least not with someone I've never spoken to in a thread...that strike anyone as strange behavior?

think it is a chic been on alot of threads i been on why? u smoke to much get paranoid?
Anyone know about this user "Kronika", joined in May of this year? It has like 200+ posts, and PMed me trying to...I dunno...Start a conversation. Never happened to me on RIU, at least not with someone I've never spoken to in a thread...that strike anyone as strange behavior?
Idk her per se. She likes baseball? . . . that's weird actually lol
Anyone know about this user "Kronika", joined in May of this year? It has like 200+ posts, and PMed me trying to...I dunno...Start a conversation. Never happened to me on RIU, at least not with someone I've never spoken to in a thread...that strike anyone as strange behavior?

I was just trying to be friendly. That's all.

Anyone know about this user "Kronika", joined in May of this year? It has like 200+ posts, and PMed me trying to...I dunno...Start a conversation. Never happened to me on RIU, at least not with someone I've never spoken to in a thread...that strike anyone as strange behavior?

probably seen u posting with me and wanted to talk to u to get u to intro her to me
sorry buddy