Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

Test firing the Fresca Sol cord set to make sure it works with my ballast.

It's kinda' pretty, isn't it? I think I was drawn to the visual appeal as well as the cooling appeal. Edit: You ever look directly at the sun? Never stare directly into a 1000w light. It isn't as bad as the sun, but it's close. I can still see the spot a little. Oh wait, yeah, there it is again. Better smoke more weed before it goes away completely.

Goodbye, old friend. How many pounds of dank did you produce for me over the years? Out of commission, but not forgotten.

As with any major system implementation, I'm taking careful steps to avoid future disaster. I did a stress test and I do NOT trust this heavy dual Pyrex tube hanging on holes through sheet metal supported by just two tiny bolts and a small washer. No way. And that was without the water. So I'm gonna install wood support beams on the roof of the metal box. Taking no chances. I'm running into all these little details that are continually delaying the grow, but I don't take any chances when it comes to structural integrity.
looks real nice there jin , are ya thinking of switching to vertical growing? seen some people do some amazing things with vert either way man cool rig for sure :D
looks real nice there jin , are ya thinking of switching to vertical growing? seen some people do some amazing things with vert either way man cool rig for sure :D

Vertical? Yeah, I wish. There's a completely different installation procedure and additional hardware required for that I think.

I like it already. Let me clean up the grow corner so I can clear away space for a live water flow / chiller test.
Jin up until now ive been a lurker i just wanted to say ive been following yours and flowamasta journals since both your last journal and ive learned so much more than i have anywhere elses so fuck the haters keep doing what u obviously do great at n keep grwing man .
Ps this journal is a great read tho great buds,hot ass women and a little drama its got everything!
Jin up until now ive been a lurker i just wanted to say ive been following yours and flowamasta journals since both your last journal and ive learned so much more than i have anywhere elses so fuck the haters keep doing what u obviously do great at n keep grwing man .
Ps this journal is a great read tho great buds,hot ass women and a little drama its got everything!

Yeah? You want me to keep posting here? Help me get rid of this 323cheezy. Everything is cool here, man. I enjoy posting, and comments like yours are all the thanks I need. But this 323cheezy guy has been stalking me for a long time.
unsubbing. jin you can grow excellently, you're also a grade A bellend.

Well then it's a good thing this site is about cannabis growing and not cock-sucking, isn't it? They all say unsubbing, but continue to lurk every day. I didn't even know you were subbed in the first place.

Why are you here, Don? This has nothing to do with you. But since you're here insulting me, I would like to ask what this person you've never met means to you? And have you nothing to say about this cunt flaming me over and over and over again? Nothing to say about the fact that this was all in self-defense?

No! Please come back! What am I going to do? Don Gin and Ton unsubbed me... Oh, despair.

I think all you people with a million posts need to take a breather and remember that there's a real world out there with real people in it. I mean, come on... go out and get SOME exercise. That's why you're all pasty and flabby.

So you've exchanged inane banter with another user in another part of the world on a message board. Is this person really your friend? Do you really know this person? No. You've warped your sense of reality by spending too much time on message boards. So get a grip.

Let me put it to you this way. If the two of you were in a room together, it would be awkward silence between strangers who are friends only in the land of keyboards and monitors, where you're safe from the real world. That's reality.
dude its common knowledge you never share a pm...and putting his pic, if that is him is jeopardizing his security...which makes me think you are very unstable Jin. Why you do this shit i have no idea.. Even if i don't like someone i will not jeopardize his security or that of his family.. I'm out.....
Okay, here's the deal. As I said previously, I'll leave it to the discretion of the moderators. If they feel a user's security has been wrongly jeopardized, they're more than welcome to delete away.

Now can we get past this bullshit so I can concentrate on my shoot with Carly this Friday? Or would you all rather keep discussing this nonsense?
Thank you.

See? Y'all are getting your panties in a bind over nothing. User security. What a laugh. Like anyone gives two shits about his scrawny dirt farm.
So between typing ridiculously elaborate flames, I was actually running an extensive test on this thing yesterday.

I tried different pump/line flow combinations, I tried a whopping 28 gallon reservoir, and guess what? The Fresca Sol doesn't work for shit. It says it's rated for 1000w hps, and the manufacturer directs a minimum reservoir size of 50 gallons without chiller, 25 gallons with chiller. Total lie. I tested it with 28 gallons of water, and my 1/10hp chiller was struggling and had no chance against the 81 degree water the bulb was making. And this was an open air test outside my cab enclosure.

Maybe this thing would work for a 400w light, but 1000w? It's a joke.

Thankfully I ordered it from a good dealer with good service. They're gonna refund me on the return.

Anyone reading this: AVOID THIS PRODUCT. Sorry to do a Mythbusters on you, Fresca Sol. But you fucking suck ass.

I'm growing air-cooled again. At least now I know.

Welcome back, old friend.