PH help. PLEASE!!!


Well-Known Member
Have read many threads on this and can't find one that really pertains to my problem. My plants are about 6 weeks old from seed And still in veg. Soil is fox farm ocean with added perlite. I put some Pelletized lime in it I got from lowes. Said it was garden lime. Have only feed once so far with fox farm nutes. water ph was 6.5. My run off is below 5 accordin to my color chart ( its orange) I flushed my 5 gal pots with close to 5 gals of ph 7 water and it's still the same color (5ph). Am I doing something wrong or dose it take more than one flush to bring the ph up fromthat low.


New Member
dont worry about your runoff just ph your water. you want the water to be 6.5 to 6.8 dont add anymore lime.ffof shouldn't need it


Well-Known Member
So you don't need to worry about correcting the run off ph? Almost everything I've read says that the run off ph should be no lower than 6. Mine has to be close to 5. I really don't know. I'm new to this and my last few grows could use improvement and this is one thing I didn't take notice of the Last grows. So just want to make sure I am covering all the basis I know of. Still got a lot of learning to do. Lol. Thanks for the input.


New Member
why correct something that's leaving the plant? what happens is fertilizer salts can change the ph. i never water a plant till the water runs out of the bottom that's way too much water it takes the plant too long to dry out and causes root rot or mold. I think ffof has fertilizer in it already. i would just ph the water your giving it, or after you add the nutrients. Ill give you an example of what im doing. I use a promix no soil at all. my water out of the tap is 7.5ish if I decide to just use plain water or if im adding mg 20 20 20 fertilizer i would have to add 40 drops of acid or damn near half teaspoon. if im using flower nutrients they will drop my ph so I only need 20 drops of acid to change my water sample to the same color. you will have salt build up in your soil and will cause a ph change but before you flower you will transplant rite? if thats case you don't need to flush the plant.the only time i have to flush until i have runoff is a week before harvest or if I really messed something up.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya. Since I am new at this I try and read as much as I can and this seems to be something a lot of people say needs to be monitored. I feel if your going to do something it needs to be done right. Is there ever a time you check you run off? If so what do you find it normally is? Thanks for your help and advice.


Well-Known Member
why correct something that's leaving the plant?
Because that is the measurement of what is really going on inside the pot (where the plant actually is!). For God sakes, check the run-off!

Anything you add to the soil only tells half the story. The Ph of the water can change as soon as it hits the soil. Then the plant is left to deal with whatever Ph that the combination of soil and water result in.

The whole purpose of adjusting the Ph is for the benefit of the plant. Don't you think you should be more concerned about the Ph where the plant actually meets the medium? The water, nutes and soil are seperate ingredients with seperate Ph's; when they combine together they produce the actual Ph that effects the plant - I'll call it the "Combined Ph". That's what the run-off is, it's a combination of everything the plant is actually exposed to and it reflects the "Combined Ph".

The Ph of the water (before it's added) is only relivent to the point of how it effects the "Combined Run-off". That's why cooks taste the food they're cooking - not the individual ingredients!


Well-Known Member
TH. please see my first post and see if it makes since. Ph of water going in is 6.8-7. Run off is close to or under 5. 5 gal pots and I ran 5 gal oh ph 7 water thru them and ph didn't change a bit still at about 5. Hell I even put the plant in the shower and just let the water run through them for a good min or so and still no change. I'm so confused. Ha ha


Well-Known Member
Too much flushing will tend to wash away at your Ocean Forest soil until it's just compost, so be careful.

I have no experience with "Pelletized" lime; but if it is garden lime it shouldn't make much difference. I don't know how much you mixed in to the soil (my guess is, not enough). You might want to try adding more lime, maybe twice the amount, next time. You could also try adding lime directly to the soil surface and scratching it in. The "right amount" of lime is a slippery slope because every soil Ph is different, even the same brand can differ from one run to the next.

If additional lime doesn't bring the run-off Ph into your "target zone", you can still jack up the Ph of your incomming water/nutes. In your case, I would say to about 7.5 or 8 for starters; then see what you get from the run-off and adjust accordingly until you get the Ph you're looking for. Some people have a real knack for maintaining a "perfect" Ph (not me), maybe someone can chime in that knows a few tricks for adjusting Ph.


New Member

  • Too much flushing will tend to wash away at your Ocean Forest soil until it's just compost, so be careful.

there you go your six weeks in vedge he even said dont flush you will be transplanting soon. just like I said don't worry about the runoff. im a medical mj caregiver and I would say ive grown 1000s of plants in my life time.
  • I have no experience with "Pelletized" lime;

there you go again lime acts as a base and will raise you ph back up over time so again like I said dont worry about your runoff.
  • If additional lime doesn't bring the run-off Ph into your "target zone", you can still jack up the Ph of your incomming water/nutes.

what did I tell you dude.
  • Some people have a real knack for maintaining a "perfect" Ph (not me), maybe someone can chime in that knows a few tricks for adjusting Ph.

dont listen to him first of all your soil probably has a buffer in it to begin with second the runoff is concentrated fertilizer salt witch has a low ph. your plant will die if it stays too wet. just ph the water nutrient solution like I said.


Well-Known Member

  • Too much flushing will tend to wash away at your Ocean Forest soil until it's just compost, so be careful.
he even said dont flush you will be transplanting soon.
What are you rambling about? The OP said that he flushed a lot!

just like I said don't worry about the runoff. im a medical mj caregiver and I would say ive grown 1000s of plants in my life time.
With all that eperience under your belt; surely you must realize that your suggestions are bit unconventional (to say the least!)

there you go again lime acts as a base and will raise you ph back up over time so again like I said dont worry about your runoff.
Of course lime will raise the Ph, that's precisely why I suggested it! After all, that is what the OP wants to do, dispite your rediculous theory.
  • If additional lime doesn't bring the run-off Ph into your "target zone", you can still jack up the Ph of your incomming water/nutes.
what did I tell you dude.
Well, you told me about your rediculous theory.
  • Some people have a real knack for maintaining a "perfect" Ph (not me), maybe someone can chime in that knows a few tricks for adjusting Ph.

dont listen to him first of all your soil probably has a buffer in it to begin with
Apperantly not enough, that's the whole point of adding more! Wah - wah - wah!

second the runoff is concentrated fertilizer salt witch has a low ph.
Well, we finaly agree on something! The crux of the matter is just that. That concentration of fertilizer salts with the low PH is what a plants root system is exposed to and spends a long time soaking in (that's probably a bad thing!). With all your experience; I'm sure you must be aware that a low Ph in the vacinity of the root system hinders the uptake of certain vital nutrients (you must beaware of "Nute Lock" even though you choose to ignore it). The purpose for "Jacking up" the Ph of the watering and/or adding additional lime; is to counteract this dangerousely low Ph condition. I don't expect you to go along with any of this because after all, it's conventional wisdom and you have your own rediculous theory.

your plant will die if it stays too wet.
Again, we agree on something.

just ph the water nutrient solution like I said.
Here's what I think would be an interesting exercise. You could start a new thread and introduce your theory about "How Ph should be adjusted". You could go into detail about how eveyone should ignore thier run-off and only need be concerned with Ph-ing thier water/nutrient solution. Maybe you could even through in that bit about how adding more lime to the soil is a waste of time. I think that about sums it up. It would be very interesting to see how others might respond to your theory!


New Member
Look dude why dont you do a google search and then judge me. 1 his plant is six weeks in vedge he will be flowering soon 2 most soils have a buffer in it, 3 he never said he had lockout issues. I never said anything about ignoring runoff you only need to to check runoff once a month . you were contradicting yourself you said you don't know anything about pelletized lime. lime takes a bit of time to work your not going to see results rite away adding more will hurt you. this will be my last post I dont need some snot nose shit face trying to be troll.


Well-Known Member
Look dude why dont you do a google search and then judge me.
Oh, you mean like this one , or the several others that say the same damn thing - "CHECK THE RUN-OFF!"

1 his plant is six weeks in vedge he will be flowering soon
That has nothing to do with checking the run-off to get an accurate Ph reading on the soil. And correcting the buffering, by adding lime, could only be helpful in flowering as well. What's your point? You don't ever seem to make one.

2 most soils have a buffer in it,
But the OP's plant is suffering in a low Ph of 5, so the "standard" amount of buffering isn't working too well. That's why the OP wants to raise the soil Ph level in the first place.

3 he never said he had lockout issues.
That comment hasn't directed at the OP, it was directed at you!

I never said anything about ignoring runoff
Your whole theory seems to be based on your statement (I paraphrase here) "Why check anything that is leaving the plant?"

you only need to to check runoff once a month .
Sure, once you have the Ph problem adjusted properly.

you were contradicting yourself you said you don't know anything about pelletized lime.
I indicated that whether, or not, it was "pelletized" shouldn't make much difference. That might be wrong, but how is it contradictive?

lime takes a bit of time to work your not going to see results rite away
Don't you think that 6 weeks in the OP's pot is long enough to establish an insufficient amount of buffering?

adding more will hurt you.
Adding too much will raise the Ph above the "Target Zone". How much is too much? Like I said earlier, that's a slipperry slope.

this will be my last post I dont need some snot nose shit face trying to be troll.
I'm not trying to be a Troll, I'm just trying to get some answers out of you. But all I get is this "I'm a MMJ caregiver - 1,000's of plants - blah, blah, blah". So fuckin' what? Do you really expect anyone to accept your "self-appointed" authority and just "Do it because I said so"? You come off as surprised that anyone would have the tumerity to question your bogus theory, but the interesting thing is that you can't back it up with anything that makes sense, except "Dude, what did I tell you?". Even the OP (as befuddled as he was) remarked that your ideas ran against the grain of conventioal wisdom. Of course you say you're not comming back - what better way to dodge the issue?

I say your theory is full of shit and so are you. Conventional wisdom and all the sites I accessed though Google tend to back up my statement - what have you got? Oh yeah, you have that "Do as I say attitude"! You'll be back, your ego demands it, otherwise you really are just full of shit!


Well-Known Member
Didn't mean to start a war. Lol. I do appreciate all of your advice. Some times disagreeing can be a good thing and force us to look at something a different way and maybe even learn something new. Then again maybe not. Oh well. The


Well-Known Member
The plants look fine as far as that goes. Just want them to be able to take in all the nutes they can. Also I couldnt figure out y I was flushing and the ph was not coming up. Anyways I will try some off you apps advice and hope for the best. Ha ha.


Well-Known Member
Didn't mean to start a war. Lol. I do appreciate all of your advice. Some times disagreeing can be a good thing and force us to look at something a different way and maybe even learn something new. Then again maybe not. Oh well. The
I'm all about learning new things. But from reliable (3rd hand) sources, not just someone's arogant opinion. But I should appologize to you for "Muddying the water"!

So, how do the plants look?


Well-Known Member
They appear to be nice and healthy. A few of the bottom leaves have some brown spots of the but leaves at the top are nice and green. The plants are about foot and a half tall.