I'm talking to you Uncle Buck

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Except for one thing... I'm not a troll.

It is true that I do have an old account but I don't use it... How did duke put it? This site would fall apart without my account lol

And As I remember it

The entire RIU database crashed when dukeanthony was banned

Look it up

It happened within 2 hours of the banning
Why do people make other accounts anyway...I mean I understand that the on the internet you can be anyone you want to be, but do you really need to be multiple people and confuse everyone?
Because they think agreeing with themselves somehow adds credence to their drivel. I called him on this a week ago.
Haha. Uncle Buck is always getting threads started about him. But the treadmill always gets em.


Well if I dont get the Banhammer

I promise to behave myself.

Otherwise its been nice knowing most of you

Stay thirsty my freinds
One red flag that this may not be buck is the spelling error. Although he is probably typing so fast because he is replying to himself.. UB will cut himself as a punishment for his lack of spelling integrity

I think this proves that it is Buck. If it were anyone but him he would be all over that mistake. He will obviously forgive himself...
i'm honest beyond all else.

if i share details about me shitting and pissing myself, why wouldn't i tell you guys if i had a sock?

i encourage you all to ask the admin. i am done pestering rolli/pr for the time being.
You people are so fucking dumb, Chesus is Dukeanthony not Buck.

So Duke, one of the "helpers" at the special needs home must have left the reception computer logged in again, hence your return.

"Shut the McFuck up" ;)
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